Midoki: Heightened Scrutiny for Pervasive Rule-breaking by Top 10 Guilds, please

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ashraman, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    As Captain of a guild that seized world rank four last push, I'd like to believe my crew are battling other guilds on a level playing field. But I don't believe that we are.

    Based on numerous convincing accounts, a few guilds at the very top are pervasively exploiting loopholes and glitches to maintain their dominant position. I do not know this firsthand to be true, but the sheer weight of stories I have heard from people I trust (including a guildmate), combined with circumstantial evidence, leads me to conclude that the leadership of certain top guilds is instructing their members to abuse game mechanics and achieve an unfair advantage.

    I therefore call upon Midoki to subject the top 10 guilds, and the number one guild in particular, to heightened scrutiny for any pattern of misconduct. This attention should come with the territory. If most members in a guild commit exploits in order to achieve a result obviously not intended by the developers, or otherwise break rules systematically, I propose that not only should the players in question receive temporary or permanent bans, but the guild itself should be dissolved, its "innocent" members rendered unable to join a new guild for a period of time, and the captain held accountable even if he/she did not personally break any rules.

    The rules I have proposed are draconian in nature, but if implemented and effectively enforced they would create a much fairer playing environment than currently exists. I am not pointing my finger at any specific subgroup of players of a specific nationality; people of all nationalities will attempt to cheat. I wish that people were essentially good, but they are not, and in any competitive endeavor some people will attempt to cheat to obtain an unfair advantage, ESPECIALLY if they believe they can do so with impunity.

    Thanks for listening.

  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    waitttttttt and give midoki time...

    because they are too much busy in fixing their bugs...they have no time for those rules to be implemented!

    the gameplay is so broken that it will take eternity to fix those basic and normal bugs and abusing things that have already raised in other games and they have solved it with caution...but midoki couldn't learn from them..they have jut born from the last rain, its only a three month baby
  3. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    Please be specific on your top 10. There are guilds in your list that are reputable and are not using bug exploits. The bugs that have been exploited existed within the game and quite frankly, I blame Midoki for it. Those offenders are not using 3rd party apps, so in essence, it's a technicality. However, we're all players of the game and for some, it's dishonorable to use these exploits to their advantage. Some know what is fair and unfair and are thereby, reporting these bugs, hence I give them great kudos for discovering and reporting it.:cool:

    Bugs and along with exploits will ALWAYS exist and this game will never be complete until the devs decides otherwise. Just be glad that there are no coveted trophy or incentive other than having the biggest "e-peen" ranking status when your PR is high. For now these are the things that plague the game and it's just the beginning. Good luck to all of us.

    Just be patient, the hamsters are working overtime to resolve the issue. ;)
    Arr and Edward Kenway like this.
  4. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I don't see why the whole guild should be punished just because of a small number of its members decides to cheat. The people who cheats gets a warning or gets banned and thats it, no need to punish the whole guild for it.
    Just a simple message from the devs telling them to re-arenge their base (If its the stacking building cheat you're talking about) should be enough.
    Captain Harlock and Rachael like this.
  5. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    Is it really that important to be number one in a game in a virtual world?
  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Just imagine, back in the day with games that came on cartridges or CD's, you had to live with the bugs forever. *gasp*
  7. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Are these type of remarks typical of what's found on these Plunder Pirates forums? I don't see how it helps the thread. Some forum members are flustered about what's going on in the upper ranks, which is fine since they're venting their frustrations. Some are very sarcastic, which is a shame given how many posts they have put up here. It doesn't help the community and it doesn't help the game.

    I agree with the OP - something needs to be done with the absurd ranking loopholes. I don't know what... but something. Midoki shouldn't punish a whole guild for the actions of a few and disbanding a guild is taking it a bit far. Even if disbanded most of those guilds have outside forums, so they would just regroup under a new banner.

    Anyone have experience in other games where something similar happened? There have been grumblings about a rank reset, though I don't know if Midoki would implement such an action, or even if that's the correct line of action.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
  8. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    There are numerous posts saying the big is known and will be fixed in a future update. I don't see how another thread complaining about the same problem is helpful.
  9. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Agreed, and I'm one of the most vocal in all of these threads. My guild has seen Bad Piggies climb the ladder when they push and we tip our hats to them when they pass. I'm absolutely sure they push rank cleanly, which is the reason Ashraman is frustrated and why he started this thread. He's allowed to have his opinion, as we all are. Address him and his message.
  10. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    I did and you called me sarcastic.

    I'm not saying he has no right to be upset, but from what I've heard others who play in the upper ranks say about these stacked bases is that they're not any harder to beat. That's all I'll say on it as I've never faced one personally. But I don't think scrutinizing the top 10 is going to fix anything. Guilds #11–21 don't know of the bugs? Why not just fix the bugs and restart the leaderboards if you want a level playing field?
    小绿(Green), Rachael and Kelani like this.
  11. Arr

    Arr Captain

    You weren't initially constructive.

    I'm in favor of resetting the leaderboards. The squashing of the recruitment bug is going to make it much harder for these guilds to pull the whole pig-feeder thing. I also think they should widen the attack range in the highest tiers - anyone in the top 200+ can attack each other. That would bring those PR1000s down quickly. Also, the defense rank bias should be changed to promote attacking rather than defending, i.e., rebalance the rank points between winning and losing an attack.
    Kelani likes this.
  12. Widening the attack range - Now that definately gets my vote. I'd absolutley love the chance to attack someone that high. It wont happen though, reason being it contradicts the current game mechanics. i.e. you have to be high to attack high. Sigh! Never mind.
    Rachael likes this.
  13. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

  14. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    I should ask you, "why are you playing this game?" I figured, you're upgrading your base for what purpose? :confused:

    Unless that was sarcasm remark.. then all is well :cool:
    Salty Snack and Arr like this.
  15. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    I play this game for FUN. For a few minutes escape every so often. There's nothing wrong with playing competitively and I'll admit I was pretty pleased with myself when I topped our guild's leaderboard for a while. But until there's a World Series of Plunder, I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about the leaderboards and how they got there.

    And the real driving force behind my upgrades was to upgrade my ship so I could explore the map. That's the bit I like the most about the game.
    Raptelan and Chriscat like this.
  16. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    What I mean was that the premise of this game is to be the best. It is a game after all, we all strive for glory. Don't get me wrong, but I have met great people within the guild that I'm in and also on other guilds. Ultimately, the main reason why this thread started was an unfair advantage of certain individuals who are on the top of the charts. If people cared less about ranking, issues like these wouldn't exist nor would affect them :confused:
    小绿(Green) and Arr like this.
  17. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Wonder if Chris or others from Midoki has said anything regarding this issue. If yes, mind post me a link?
  18. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

  19. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Captain Monkey and Marmaladesix like this.
  20. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    As you can see from my post, I'm not talking about situations where one or several members of a guild cheat. I'm talking about situations where 26+ guild mates use the same exploit. In the latter case, it's clear the problem isn't just one involving certain individuals but rather with the guild and its leadership as a whole. And I'm not talking about the stacking bug, but more serious cheats such as use of immortal armies.

    I have been told by a current guild member who claims to have been a member of one of the top four guilds that their members are encouraged or even directed to cheat using a group social messaging app evey member is required to have and use. And one of our former members is a member of one of those guilds, and I still communicate with him. Their accounts match what I've read from other players on these forums.

    Nonetheless, this is hearsay and I don't know it to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. But Midoki should have the tools to ascertain whether any of the top guilds are pervasively abusing game mechanics in a concerted fashion. And they should have the manpower to monitor the top few guilds from time to time.

    Blizzard banned and even dissolved entire guilds for cheating in World of Warcraft. It's not unheard of. As concerns the policy changes I've suggested, if as Captain I don't realize most of my guild is cheating, I'm asleep at the wheel and deserve to go down with my ship.

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