Ok the Rearm cost is gone completely out of hand

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bl00dBaTh, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    'Endgame' was a poor choice of words. Should've used 'maxed out' instead. I realize many players may never reach that point. In which case, many players should probably not max out the traps and such. Not every player deserves max traps, or max LP's. Such items maxed are intended for the daily/frequent/hardcore players. Let me state, spending money is not a requirement to achieve such things. A gaming friend of mine has never spent a cent of his money on this game, as wife would literally kill him. He has maxed LP's, is very competitive in rumbles and has achieved maxed island. He has devoted a great deal of time to the game and he is a very smart player. Achieving a maxed island should only be for those who work hard to earn it (or those who buy it).

    I sat on full gold reserves for months. Even with rearming costs, I probably still dumped a few hundred million in gold over that time due to full storages. It's a complete non-issue when maxed out. This is where I ruffle some feathers and show my age. The issue seems to be entitlement. People have taken on a mindset that everyone deserves what the next guy (or gal) has, even if they don't work as hard or spend as much. Society as a whole has shifted in mindset that everyone deserves the same, even if they don't work as hard to achieve it. Granted, an argument can be made this is just a game and not real life, and there should be more parity among players with casual players deserving to be competitive too. I'll accept that as an valid argument. But experience and reality has taught me that is just not how things usually work, in the gaming world or real life. That little rant is not about rearming costs as much as overall opinions expressed by some on many different topics on this forum. It was not directed at any one person in this particular thread. Just felt like going off on a little ranting tirade :p

    BTW, really loved @peg-brain bob suggestion about adjustable levels. That idea has been floating around the back channels frequently. Would be a very nice feature for Midoki to add to their 'to do' list....after Guild Wars is completed of course ;)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
    peg-brain bob, WinstonCOV and Skye like this.
  2. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Adjustable levels would be nice :) but it takes away a lot of the strategic fun around the whole concept of rearm costs to begin with.

    High rearm costs are an interesting game design element. They make you choose between "is it worth this cost for this much benefit", which changes at various stages of play. If you have everything else upgraded, the cost isn't important. If walls aren't fully upgraded, but you plan on playing competitively, it still might be worth it, since the increased damage is worth more than finishing your walls quicker, since walls are a very marginal upgrade in comparison. If you're a casual player that struggles to max out walls, it probably won't be worth it to max everything out, maybe one key one, or maybe do flamegates but skip mines or LP traps - an interesting decision to have to make. If you're an barely-active player that struggles to upgrade normal defenses, nevermind walls, then the decision will almost always be "not worth it".

    You don't always have to have everything upgraded, especially if you don't work hard (or pay) for it. You can play competitively without them at max, although they will help they are not a requirement to compete, especially since if you're playing competitively, the focus is going to be on your attacks, and the extra couple defenses you win are going to be a very small difference.

    There are many games where you can only choose so many upgrades, and players accept they can't have everything maxed - usually things like putting a cap on how many talent points you can spend, and making you choose which skills are most useful for your play style. This is a similar choice here - you're capped by your gold supply depending on your play activity, and you have to make the choice of which traps are worth upgrading with how much gold you make. Think of net gold revenue as a soft cap on trap levels - a more active player has a higher net revenue, and can thus upgrade further, but for similar activities, every player will have to make choices within their playstyle constraints. You gain a huge benefit by choosing this upgrade, but it eats much further into your available gold revenue, and you get to choose whether or not its worth it, and which traps you will leave at lower levels and which you will upgrade to optimize use of available gold.

    If you stop seeing it as a requirement to upgrade everything, and see it as a strategic balance of which things are worth upgrading given your limits, it becomes a much more interesting game scenario. You're already doing it with LP if you can't afford chests - choosing which LP are worth upgrading given their costs and how long it takes to farm materials, and deciding what to focus on. Its a similar situation.
  3. Tottok

    Tottok Crew

    Spongee, sooner or later, you will come here complaining the rearm costs, there isnt an end game here,yet, so when new stuff comes out like PH or defenses and you have to spend your gold, the rearm cost of traps will be outrageous.
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    By endgame he means everything current being maxed out.
    When new content comes, we leave our traps unarmed until the new content is completed. (Hell, I even rearm my traps while upgrading until all thats left is walls, since my stores fill up while builders are busy). When doing walls, there is no reason to arm them. You don't need to win defenses while farming to upgrade, and you spend your gold faster than it can build up to a level worth being attacked over, so there is no reason to use traps to protect it anyways. The most someone can steal from you while doing walls is about 425k gold, since your loot will always be under 1.8m gold and they can only get 25% of it, and not many people are going to bother you with that little loot down low, since collectors give you almost as much with a much cheaper army.

    You don't have to worry about protecting loot when you don't have very much. You won't have very much while doing walls.

    Traps are only useful when you actually need to win defenses, which should be after you've finished farming and are competing for rank again.
  5. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    Just rearm the ones best protecting your grog, because it is apparent you have no gold. (ha ha)

    I sometimes do a loot to rearm. It gives me something to do on the long building wait times.

    I really really really used to hate the rearm costs, but I have found my peace by spending all of my loot before it can be stolen.
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Personally, I find Flame Gates and Mystic Mines useful, but apart from that, NO WAY am I upgrading my traps.
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  7. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    @Bl00dBaTh I agree, it is out of hand. But at the same time I haven't even armed anything in a month or so. The cost is too prohibited. I would rather just lose what I have, then lose what I have plus also have a rearm cost. I know I am not alone.

    But, I think a few people have lost sight on what those high rearm costs actually cost the game. It takes large amounts of gold out of the game at a high rate of speed. So when that group of players finally max out everything, they will still be dumping tons of gold overboard. When people at a slower rate still need tons of gold.
  8. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    Love the idea of adjustable level mines!
    Sea Patriot and Tottok like this.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Rearm costs should be a tax, not a hardship.
    Tottok likes this.
  10. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    You are describing only one playing style, the stay online & farm until you have what you need, then who cares if you're hit because all you're losing is the rearm cost. I do that a lot but not ALL the time, there are times I HAVE to log off with a chunk of loot out.
    If the only reason maxed players keep playing after maxing everything is rearming traps then that's pretty sad, then as soon as new content comes out you spend weeks with no traps, just as stupid. The cost is just silly, especially if the attacker is using Juggs, it leaves them the biggest waste of loot EVER.

    Spongee saying that the reason people want them is because of entitlement? Really? I've never heard such nonsense in my life, this is a bloody game, anyone can have anything, you'd think affording a Mine upgrade will cost your life.
    Tottok likes this.
  11. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Thank you Burnz, I had completely forgot to bring that up. 1.7mil constantly being drained from the game every day, many times per day, with the constantly increasing prices of upgrades & huge amount needed to max these new walls we need all the loot we can get. With not much of an increase in loot we can actually get from attacks, it's gone up in the last few updates but not by a huge amount. Hitting people with max storages is great, but with the huge cost of rearming traps there's not going to be a huge amount gotten from these players anymore. As the jump in rearm costs over the last few months has been MASSIVE, the biggest jump in cost in the whole game. It's just loot going nowhere, a huge tax.
    Tottok likes this.
  12. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    At a minimum I only rearm the guns on the PH11, if I can afford it I'll rearm the Flame Gates & Voodoo Gates and (very rarely) then the Mines and Mystic Mines. Mines and Mystic Mines are really expensive and the Legendary Traps are pretty usesless I only like em cause they add more land to my island.
    I suggest the rearmament be a tax like previously stated, say if you want to speed up the recovery then you pay the gold, or just wait a minimal (reasonable) amount of time to rearm.
    Tiger Lilly and Dog Breath like this.
  13. Broadside

    Broadside Crew

    Rearm costs are stupid, especially when they're so effective you don't get a long enough shield to cover you the rest of the night sleeping. If you have loot or are in a heavy rumble, you will get smashed by a big army regardless - lose a mill gold and grog and then have to spend over a mill in rearms. No traps and you're giving free pp to your opponents who turn that 80% into 100%. A full rearm is going to cost 1mill - 1.5mill or about 3 raids worth of loot (depending on rank) so you have to go without shield between raids while the traps are still half armed till you get back on an even keel.
    Tiger Lilly and MorganFlint like this.
  14. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Broadside...I agree that cost for rearming is a bit (how should I put this) ri-dic-u-lous!!! At times I debate with myself, should I upgrade or not upgrade...or should I spend the gold or not spend the gold to rearm? Never an easy answer especially during a rumble, so I usually go with my first thought which differs each time my island is attacked.:eek: Bottom line...I wish Midoki could revisit and possibly tweak the price structure for rearming costs to something a bit easier to chug down as a pirate would say!!:rolleyes:
  15. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Possible a personal preference: I try not to rearm mines, gates or anything else until I have my walls at a (near) max level. Or during a rank push to help me reduce the loss. But I advice all fellow players: do not re-arm until near max and gold has become "useless" other then re-arming.
    Tiger Lilly likes this.
  16. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I 100% agree with this, I have stopped re-arming and won't re-arm my traps (other than ph) until I'm maxed out
    Kamikazemug and Tiger Lilly like this.
  17. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Something that has been suggested time and time again is the ability to downgrade your defenses. For people who maxed out traps and such without thinking of the rearm cost. I think this would be very useful for players who got upgrade happy without adding it up, but then again this is probably another idea that will never happen...
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  18. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    +1 (again) ;) I'd again like to add ability to 'downgrade' stonemason too! :D
  19. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    How about the ability to downgrade your ph or walls because everything costs more the higher in ph Level you go... Or even troops so they recruit quicker.... Lol
  20. Homey DeClown

    Homey DeClown Powder Monkey

    I'll just chime in to add one more voice to the re-arm cost. As a lowly PH9, the cost is mentally retarded. 350k to re-arm ... during rumbles (as I'm upgrading walls), I'll lose 100-200k gold. To have the re-arm cost be 300% of my lost loot is just utterly mind-boggling. I find myself weekly wondering if the developers ever play on *anything* other than maxed out accounts. I don't even re-arm during rumbles. It's not worth it. I just accept that I'm going to get steamrolled every time. I lose less gold.

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