Random wind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ebow, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    So now we can't protect our resources anymore, every attack will be almost 100% right? RANDOM WIND wtf

    We need more decorations...
  2. mlc

    mlc Captain

    It is going to be difficult! Don't have time to change my island just yet either so looks like I'm going to be flattened every hit!
    Ebow likes this.
  3. HolyTRINITY

    HolyTRINITY Powder Monkey

    Depends on how long it takes for the wind ro change, each attack only has 3mins. Only units thst is affected by the win are Sky Raiders. If you have to keep checking the wind while your troops are in action that would not be ideal. Just my humble two cents. Pls dont jump into conclusion. Having wind change makes sky raiders not obsolete. Previously, So many base are "sky raiders proof"... now lets see
    mlc likes this.
  4. mlc

    mlc Captain

    I agree, it gives sky raiders a purpose, doubt the wind will change mid attack tho.
  5. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Finally - my island design has a purpose... :D

    Thank you Midoki! :)
  6. Update hasn't been up not even for a complete day and some are already making negative assumptions? C'mon, first let people rearrange their islands and then examinate the situation! I personally like this feature, previously something as simple as your current base layout could make them mostly useless...now gotta watch out for every corner!
    the Hornet likes this.
  7. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    4 wind directions, omfg... Sky Raiders users will be happy, but I'm not an user so... I'm not happy.
  8. John56

    John56 First Mate

    Hopefully this will render the 2 base layouts that every lazy PH9 and 10 feels they have to copy obsolete. It would be nice to see some unique designs to make attacking interesting.
    Super-Nor, WinstonCOV, Ian and 6 others like this.
  9. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    1 Direction like before was bad idea, but now with 4 I think It's too many. In my opinion ofc.
  10. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    This is awesome, I'm so tired of see the same layout over and over, great job midoki.
  11. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    Someone in my guild reported wind changing mid attack, it doesnt show on the replay though. And Ive tried half a dozen and it never changed for me mid attack, anyone else?
  12. I'm just glad that means some of the 'unbreakable' designers lazy people copy will no longer be raider proff!

    On the downside, I now have to arrange my decorations again!
    John56 likes this.
  13. JT07

    JT07 Crew

    Shall we bring back the v1.9 WD? It will be even more awesome and add on to the challenge!
  14. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Just had an attack when my raiders didn't fly at all. You see the wind direction. The point you see the last one parachute is the drop point. They hit a glass wall and landed at the very drop point!

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  15. Skyraiders can't fly over non-destroyed ships, neither over some other tall buildings/decorations (pirate pole, gold mines, pirate hall... Etc). It seems yours hit that guild ship/legendary fort there.
    WinstonCOV and Barbed like this.
  16. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    I'm happy with this improvement! Although I have to redo my decorations to block them, I'm tired of putting a skyraider out and they go in the same direction!
  17. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Thanks for clarification, almost never used them before )
    10_Ruddy_01 likes this.
  18. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    Sky raiders can sometime make or break an attack.
    Cap'nSmellyBeard likes this.
  19. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    I always knew deep down that someday, Sky Raiders would get their chance to shine. Now watch as they elegantly fly down, and peacefully destroy your base, and all you can do is watch. Bow down before them, and they may spare your base.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
    mlc likes this.
  20. They, as well as skellywags, have an obsession for shark traps tho :(
    lady blackbeard and Skillzone10 like this.

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