Random wind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ebow, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    ...and the storages...
  2. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    lol, that too. Plus if they do manage to get into the base they die way to easy. Not sure what I'm missing but I don't see the wind direction changing any layouts anytime soon, the current Sky Raider is pretty useless (and yes I have him fully trained to lvl 8 academy).
  3. JT07

    JT07 Crew

    Why not?! It will awesome and challenge. The most important aspect of v1.9 WD is that, it is the most stable and reliable AI. Why go for the simple and brainless attack. A change in the AI means and requires new attacking strategies and the different use of the pirates available.
  4. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Why stop at changing just the WD's AI, lets keep going and change all the pirates AI's every month, you know, to keep us on our toes and to make it more of a challenge :confused:
    Bou Regreg likes this.
  5. JT07

    JT07 Crew

    You might not have encountered it (lucky you) but it can't be denied that the current WD AI is super bugged. Why is there a need for the WD to protect LP? A lone gunner/skelly/jugg/brute? Indecisive which group to protect? @Lynsey [Midoki], your input will be great.
    Your suggestion in making changes to all the pirates AI on a monthly basis is a great idea too, it might and/or will give a much greater 'obstacles' in challenges for the top honours (streaking/top monthly leaderboard/pr push/rumbles) and gemmers will spend more. Midoki will love it.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    um... @JT07, do you know what sarcasm is?
  7. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Very true! I use her also a bit late in the attack (after clearing a path and the second wave of gunners is going in) and when the centre of an island goes to sleep.. Like taking candy from a baby (not that I ever would, but you could! :oops:
  8. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Sorry... Forgot that the topic was about variable wind... I would very much like the wind to be from 8 directions! I have always known that the sky raider was a very under appreciated pirate!

    @Lynsey [Midoki] could you post any Graphical statistic of the overall usage of Pirates (or even Lp's) with attacks? So out of the 1.000.000 attacks we all did yesterday 900.000 user a gunner :D 800.000 used the jugg during the attack etc etc etc and 2 (@Skye and @Kamikazemug) attackes used the priesteres....:rolleyes:

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