Rumbles Expose MAJOR FLAW in Leaderboard System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pirate Christian, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    After starting my guild's first rumble and then beginning to look for other pirates to rumble with, I noticed that there are other pirates whom I can attack who have Pirate Hall 7 and 8 and very well developed defenses but who are keeping lower pirate ranks. As a result of this, IF I attack them and WIN there is NO benefit to me as far as my pirate rank is concerned. This is outrageously wrong Midoki!!!

    Below is a screen shot of what I mean.


    Notice that the base is well defended, well developed and the has Pirate Hall 7. But if I win the attack I do not get even 1 pirate rank point but if I lose I drop 24 points in my ranking.

    How is this right and how is this fair Midoki?
  2. hankemeng

    hankemeng Powder Monkey

    This is my first reaction when I read the rules. And some of my guild members have already started dropping ranks.
  3. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Don't attack it then. With so many guilds rumblin they need to open the pool or the worst thing can happen which is a situation where theres nobody to attack. That seems much worse to me, wouldn't you agree?
    Resarf likes this.
  4. That's why is not about PR but BP. And correct me if i'm wrong but BP is not connected to the amount of PR involved
    Resarf likes this.
  5. Because I attack a lot of low level dudes, altough im not very high atm either (300 Pr vs 30 PR) And I still get 10-21 BP
  6. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    I don't agree it's not a flaw it's just what's available so soon captains haven't come online yet. When more are starting there will be better matches
  7. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    If I defeat a player with a well developed base and Pirate Hall 7 or 8 then I deserve to gain rank from that attack regardless of whether or not that player is lurking in the lower ranks.
  8. Let me repeat that this does not influences the rumble ratings. You will still earn BP. However you will loose PR when you lose ofcourse.
  9. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    Next is always an option
  10. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    It is also and option for Midoki to change their programming and give rank points.
  11. hankemeng

    hankemeng Powder Monkey

    I was under the impression that BP you earn is correlated with rank differences. Back in the old days when matching is stricter, a 3-star win will give you 18~21 BP based on rank difference.
    I haven't paid attention to BP in a while. Perhaps they changed the rules so BP only depends on PH level? But I doubt so.
  12. No it's only based upon how many stars you get as far as I know. I have attacked some low level dudes because I was matched against them in the rumble. And I still got okay BP from them
    Who can help us here? @Chris [Midoki] @Lynsey [Midoki] @AngryBeard
  13. Hmm... which exposes another potential flaw. Out average PR rank is 7.38 (we've taken on some Android players). I haven't seen a PR7 for a good while which implies, I'm unlikely to ever be matched against a rumble rival unless I dump rank.

    Can't be right can it ?
  14. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Pirate Hall has to be a factor in determining the rank points earned in an attack. If I am going to be matched against a player whose base is nearly equal with mine then I expect rank points to reflect that equity even if the player is purposely keeping his rank low.
  15. Guildmate attacked this guys and got 28 BP while only 1 PR
  16. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Updates to the game are supposed be improvements that make me enjoy the game more. This update is making me very unhappy with this game.

    Not only has Midoki made it nearly impossible to actually build a guild, but now I won't even get a single Rank Point if I attack some players with PH7 or 8.

    Why are you punishing your most loyal players Midoki?
  17. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I'm not okay with that.
  18. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I just attacked this player base with Pirate Hall 7 and only received ONE rank point for a 3 star win?!?! How is that fair??


  19. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    It's fair because you knew the odds before you accepted the battle. And you got a lot more grog than you could have easily gotten otherwise.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  20. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    The only reason I attacked him is because I'm mad that the ranking system is busted. There are some people sitting at the top of the leaderboard who gamed the system to get there and I can't even get a descent Pirate Rank boost when I attack a base with Pirate Hall 7 if he's a Rumble Rival.

    What is the point of playing this game if it rewards those who game the system and punishes those who play by the rules?
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