Rumbles Expose MAJOR FLAW in Leaderboard System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pirate Christian, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    BTW my base is maxed out. I don't care about gold or grog. I can't get rid of the stuff fast enough.
  2. Then why make such a problem of it for beating a PH7?
  3. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    The issue is that there are plenty of PH7 bases that I defeat on a daily basis and I usually get 7 to 12 rank points for the attack.

    With Rumble Rivals I attack and beat a PH7 base that is no different than other bases I beat on a daily basis and rather than receive my standard 7 to 12 rank points I either get nothing or I get 1 rank point.

    I had to use the exact same number of pirates to beat each base and those pirates took the exact same amount of time to recruit but I don't get the same rank boost.

    This is not equitable. And this is part of the reason why there are some people sitting at the top of the leaderboard who can't be challenged.
  4. Let me break it down for you.
    You got two choices:
    A. You attack this guy, and gain more BP from it since it's a rumble rival.
    B. You don't attack this guy and gain more PR and still a good amount of BP, just not the 25% extra.

    Including that you as a PH8 who is maxed should easily win from a PH7 with that lay out.

    This has already been fixed and these guys can now be attacked. It only seems they communicate very well and make sure their bases are hard to find.
    But this is a totally different issue.
  5. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Here is a base that I attacked and defeated with PH8 and I didn't get a single rank point!!! This is soooo wrong!

  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Well, I am in full agreement that the entire way in which rank is accumulated and matchmaking is done needs a huge overhaul, but I doubt that we'll see such a big change. So we have to play the game for what it is - learn the way it works and play in the way that yields the desired result - you can call it gaming the system but it's not really against any rules - it's just playing the game. I don't always like it but we all have to play the same game as it is so it also can't really be called unfair.
  7. This will be my last post here.
    In my honest opinion.

    The system is NOT flawed.
    The only reason why you can see those guys is because you have an active rumble against them.
    You are matched against them because the pool of available guilds is rather small right now since the update is really fresh atm.

    So every time you come across a base where you either get +0 or +25 you have a choice.
    Do I go for the extra 25% BP I can earn by defeating this opponent? Is it worth the risk? Or do I want to attack someone of my PR range and increase my Pr while also earning BP that counts towards your score.
    So you are complaining that you don't gain PR because you choose to attack someone with a lower PR. Now don't make a title like
    Rumbles Expose MAJOR FLAW in Leaderboard System
    Because that my dear sir is BS.
    donkeykilla likes this.
  8. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Really you think that it is perfectly fair and hunky dunky if I lose rumble rival battle that my pirate rank takes a huge hit (20+ points) but if I win a rumble rival battle I don't even earn a single rank point???

    If that isn't flawed then I don't know what is!

    Why should my Pirate Rank be severely punished for losing a battle but gain NO REWARD for winning one?

    Please explain your logic.
  9. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    You really dont get it do you? The pool has been widened to accomodate rumbles. Therefore people with much lower rank are available to attack for BP. You can either skip those bases or stop participating in rumbles.
    A "major flaw" would be a notification that pops up sayin there currently are no bases to attack. Used to happen in the early days of samurai siege quite often when events/wars were going on. Talk about pissed off people on the forum. I have to believe you would be one of those people here howling at the moon about that as well. Just because your annoyed doesnt make it a major flaw. Settle down man.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  10. War is about BP not PR, why is it so hard to understand this concept? The Fish Eyed Pirate explained this a few times. Hit heavy base that are ranked lower and you still get the BPs you deserve! Are we warring or ranking up, if your Captain hit the big red war button I think the former is correct. To be honest I would be moaning if it didn't throw good BP heavy bases my way, usually they have better loot to grab too.
  11. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    This is not an either / or situation.

    Like I'm either I'm warring OR I'm ranking up. I'm doing both.

    The reality of the way Midoki has set it up during our Rumble Wars is that our ranks can severely take a hit during one of these attacks but in some cases they're not offering ANY rank rewards.

    If you lose they'll ding you 26 rank points.

    If you win they'll give you ZERO rank points.

    That is not fair, that is not equitable. If they're not going to give any rank points then they shouldn't take ANY away either.
  12. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I agree with @The Fish Eyed Pirate, but, as a side note, I like the idea of PR gains being based on base strength of the opponent as opposed to their PR. It shouldn't matter if I hit a maxed PH8 at PR 1 or 900, it should yield same BP and PR. And as thin as the top ranks are, you shouldn't be able to hide from equivalent base strength opponents by hiding down below (although I'm guilty).
    Pirate Christian likes this.
  13. True there should be something done about end level users (PH8) farming low levels, but that's a different discussion.
    That's indeed only possible because of the way PR is gained.
    If @Pirate Christian wants to talk about that I suggest he looks at some other threads because there are enough threads already on this subject.

    But at the end of the day. You only see these bases during a rumble. Simple as that.
  14. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Wow, a base with the PH sitting outside the very weak walls and you only got 1 star.... you don't deserve more than 0 PR for that. You didn't even get all the gold and grog...
    cmooneey likes this.
  15. TBird I literally feel like a collective banging our head against the wall session may be in order. If we tap out a messege in morse code maybe just maybe the noggin sponges will absorb what we are talking about here :eek:
    Christy and TBird like this.
  16. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Think of it like a triangle. The tip of the triangle is a high PR. The left point is maxing bp for rumbles. The right point is maxing PR for ranking up.

    As you rank up, the closer you get to max bp the farther you get from max PR. Vice versa.

    You can do both, just don't expect to to your best at both.

    Every time you attack a low ranked pirate in order to get more bp, you make a conscious decision to get less PR. And vice versa.

    Deal with it. This is true for so many things in life. Not just this Game.
    Raptelan likes this.
  17. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I understand the triangle but ZERO PR is not acceptable for a PH7 or PH8 base
  18. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I don't need the gold and grog, my base is maxed out. What I need is a way to keep climbing the ranks without hitting a ceiling that can only be overcome if I convince my buddies to attack my base and then surrender quickly in order to boost my ranking.

    A FAIR way for that to happen would be to reward PR points for PH7 and PH8 bases, even if they're lurking in the lower ranks.

    All I want is the same PR points I'd get if that base were ranked in the 400s-500s.

    That's all I'd need.
  19. TBird

    TBird Captain

    It's been one of those brick to head weeks!!!
  20. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Yeah cause defending the decision to award zero PR points to a player who defeated a PH7 & PH8 base makes soooooooooooo much more sense.
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