Rumbles: Good or Bad. What was your experience?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kelani, May 22, 2015.


Did you profit from the rumble?

Poll closed Jul 22, 2015.
  1. Yes

    32 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    My guild just completed our first rumble, and we won, but based on feedback so far, they were not popular for a few reasons. Here's why:

    1. Due to increased raids, presumably from rumble matches, the few players who turned a profit were our handful of PH4-5 bases, and those who raided a lot (5-20+). Players who only have limited playing time actually lost loot because of those extra raids. Even some of our highly-active players didn't break even, myself included. I've been raided twice in the last two months. During our rumble yesterday, I was hit five times. After the reward was applied, I actually lost 500k gold and 1.5M grog. I've received similar reports from most everyone I've asked.

    2. Thanks to these increased raids, people who are saving for an expensive build are finding themselves a much bigger target than before, and every rumble only makes it more difficult for them to save funds. Based on this first one, if we rumbled daily, saving up would be impossible for these guys.

    3. When the top prize doesn't even cover one L11 wall segment, it's just not worth the effort.

    Keep in mind, this reqpresents the best case scenario. We won the thing. Had we gotten a lower prize, these results would be much worse.

    As it stands, my guild is currently deciding whether we're going to continue doing these or not. We definitely won't do them on a daily basis, so best case, we'll do them 1-2x a week on scheduled days, provided we can find a schedule which 50 people around the world can agree on. :)

    There are a few things that need to be fixed with this feature before it will be something we'll do regularly.

    1. Members need to have the ability to Opt Out, so they aren't forced to rumble when it's inconvenient for them.

    2. Captains need to also have the ability to opt people out, i.e. inactive players.

    3. To offset the increased attacks, player loot needs to be semi-protected for rumble matches. The game needs to assign a certain plunderable amount of loot for each base, most of which is donated by the game, and not coming from the player's storages.

    4. Rewards for each guild must be increased a LOT, and should not be a fixed amount for everyone. They should come from a pool, and be scaled based on who contributed the most. Everyone who participates should get a good reward (similar to what is currently given), but a bonus for the biggest contributors would add a bit more competition, and encourage participation.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Shonda La and awbo like this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    1) while opting out seems like a good idea. When it was introduced in clash some guilds just died. Inactivity rose because they didn't have to participate. While I generally like the idea of opting out. I think there are dangers to it for guilds that experience has taught me are real. I think the better option is to just manage rumbles in guild. Create a policy that's best for your guild.

    2) see thoughts on 1.

    3) that is one great thing about wars in clash, all the loot is made up by the game. If there was a way to stimulate loot for rumbles rival battles, then I'd say do it. Great idea. As long as it JUST rumble rival battles. And just let it be a simulation of the loot that would be available normally, but that doesn't come from the players stores.

    4) I'm all for more rewards, but I've gotten mixed feedback on it. Most in AG love the rewards, even though they acknowledge it's not a lot. Our maxed players call it a "game changer l" to get the extra grog at the high ranks, plus being able to loot lower ranking players during the rumble. There are more benefits coming in than just the rewards. So I think when calculations are made for gain and loss, loot from raiding needs to be counted for.

    There were a few people disappointed with the payout, but none really upset.

    As far as losing loot from attacks. This may be a sign to bump up your defenses. Use the increased attacks to really field test your base instead of relying in loot depletion as a defense to ward off attacks.
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Interesting. We received no complaints about loot. Everyone had fun, and people were pressuring me to start the next one. I did notice getting attacked more but I also noticed a whole lot more loot out there so I got s lot in raids.
  4. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    4 guilds, 180+ players, not one complaint. Everyone wants to run the Rumbles non stop. Guild members were texting me to please rush home and start the next Rumble, they were threatening mutiny if I did not. Lol
    TBird and Daddy P like this.
  5. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    The only point I might agree with is 4, distribute loot based on participation. I don't think of anyone who don't attack anyone in 24 hours as a participant. Then again I am not too worried about that, because if somebody isn't attacking other players every day, they shouldn't be in my guild. And after more thought on the matter and discussion with other captains, I think it is best as it is, since the rewards will encourage less active players to pull their weight. Guild policy and good captainship are perfectly sufficient.

    There is no need to opt out - we have been matched against much smaller and much bigger doesn't matter the number. One dedicated player can win the rumble against most guilds.

    My experience is the same as Spongee's with player enjoyment and demand, and in another guild with a second account that is more laid back with less active participation, they also love the rumbles. It's a small thing but something fun. It gets everyone playing more, thus progressing faster, enlivens the chat, and gives everyone rewards.

    Increased defenses is a GOOD THING - it encourages everyone to work on their layouts, outside of when we are pushing rank. This gets everyone chatting and cooperating even more than usual.

    Today we got a good match in our second rumble which is a strong competitor. Our guild moved up 9 places on the leaderboard today without even attempting to as a result. Should be interesting to see what happens when we also do a rank push at the same time!

    It's not about profit to me - it's about having more fun playing the game! One thing is for sure, we will never stop Rumbling constantly! And we will never lose!!
    Bear likes this.
  6. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Considering RFF could have won our rumble with just our top 5 BP earners, none of this really matters to me :p
    cmooneey and Floki like this.
  7. Floki

    Floki Captain

    The captain of a guild will ultimately decide if members are pulling their respective weight and if not up to them.
    We will be having many many rumbles so not everyone can devote their full or sometimes even partial attention to a rumble.
    But that said 50 members or there about, if a guild is good it wont matter!
    Ian likes this.
  8. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    It one thing if someone is busy and cannot participate in every single one. I still think they deserve the rewards. I removed a member during our first rumble because they checked in many times a day would post a quick hi in chat and disappear. He did only 2 attacks in the past 5 weeks. Even after realizing we were doing guild rumbles he did nothing. There was no way I was letting him stay to reap the reward. That's freeloading.

    As far as profit from rumbles....I was low on grog before it started and during the rumble so nothing I am not used to. However winning that grog when it was over was nice :D
    Floki, cmooneey and Ian like this.
  9. yeti

    yeti Captain

    My 2c...

    1) I think the opt out option is a good idea. I'm enjoying the rumbles, but I can see doing them back-to-back becomming a bit much quickly. I have a life and I would hate to see this turn from a game into an obligation, and I can see that starting to creep in. This morning I woke up to find a rumble has been in progress for 7 hours and there are already comments about participation. Some of us were asleep! I see this getting worse as the matches get better so a way of getting a break is needed.

    2) don't think this is necessary if we have player elected opt out. The captain already has the ability to opt out inactive players, it's called kicking them ;)

    3) don't have strong opinions on this either way

    4) strongly disagree with introducing a scaled approach to the rewards. I think this is something they got right! I think a better way would be to only reward players who participated (ie. You don't do an attack, you don't get the reward). I actually think scaling the rewards will discourage participation to some extent. If people don't gem their troops they know they will never get the top rewards so what's the point kind of thing. Also, need to remember that the people raiding less frequently are often contributing guild ship troops to the ones gemming their troops. It's not unusual for me to double or triple my training time due to donations, so I get even less attacks in.
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
    Kelani, Raptelan and Christy like this.
  10. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    They don't have to participate if they don't want, beyond normal attacks! Even with my 4 normal leaderboard attacks per day, I'd get 100 bp, which across 50 members is probably enough to win most rumbles.

    I gained significant grog during the rumble. It let me attack pr200 rivals that had 500-1000k grog each, which I could easily loot and 1-2* with a cheap army, and then use it to fund real attacks to push up leaderboard. The rewards from the Rumble were meh, enough to train an extra army or two, but they certainly helped other members of the guild much more than me!

    I didn't gem any troops really (I did gem a couple to donate, but none to personally attack with), and even with a 700k grog army I came out ahead in plenty of matchups thanks to the ability to hit pr200 with tons of loot.

    What I think would be more interesting is to compare what your reward tiers were for the rumble (we got 1m grog, gold, 35 gems, and a bunch of BP). I know our other guilds had smaller rewards (300k grog/gold) which definitely wouldn't do much, but 1 mill grog is a decent chunk when you're up dry on the leaderboard.

    I definitely came out ahead though. I'd certainly be attacking a lot less if it weren't for the rumble.
  11. splinters

    splinters Powder Monkey

    Rumbles are not useful for me. It's the final straw for me as the mechanics aren't changing, just the point values to skew FPS and wall hp. It's a net loss as a mid PH8.

    Thank you for trying Midoki, but I found myself more annoyed after 6 hours.

    I recommend looking at modifying the game mechanics for more play styles instead of trying to rehash the same attack/defend mechanics.
  12. At RFF III (our low level entrance guild) We had a blast. We won our first and are going to win our second too.
    The rewards 700.000 the first time and now 900.000 which is huge for my PH 3-4-5 guys.
    For myself, a PH8, doing more attacks I would do without the rumble's it's worth it.
    Floki and Daddy P like this.
  13. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Well. You are our top donator in guild... Lol

    Trust me. At AG this game will never become an obligation.
    yeti likes this.
  14. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Oh, it's a self-imposed obligation, bear, not a guild imposed one! I like to pull my weight :)
    Bear likes this.
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Crew

    We also have a blast with rumble, Our first rumble was fierce, we came in second with 20 bps different. Today's rumble though we matched against bunch of inactive guilds, we'll just take easy resource to be prepare for the competitive one.

    And since rumble introduced, we gained 8 active members joined in two days. That make it easier to remove non contributors. So I like it a lot.
    TBird likes this.
  16. Our guild is also enjoying rumbling.:)

    It's been a fun way to push onto the leaderboards without it actually feeling like a push, all of a sudden we were #26 earlier (maybe even got higher but that's when I noticed) just by being active in the daily rumbles. And of course free resources are always nice too.

    Our matchups haven't been the most fair, as we have been matched against some guilds with only a few players. We were also matched with one of the same guilds two rumbles in row. But, that all goes to timing. I'm sure we will have more serious competition once the new-ness wears off for the small guilds (less than 5-10 players) and when other higher guilds happen to start their rumbles at similar times to us.

    Regardless, it has been a fun experience overall, especially since the launch was coupled with the reduced recruiting times! :D
    Maverick and Skye like this.
  17. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    I like the Rumbles, it's like a farming session lol

    Guild have been positive so far to Rumbles enjoying working together and the rewards

    I have started to see the tactics of the future and if I'm right the Rumbles appear very unfair towards lower pH players. Having a balanced guild (similar PH levels) and each player having balanced Bases (not gemmed to PH8) will be the winning combinations. Oh as well as some gems to quicken up troup recruitment.
    roguecylon likes this.
  18. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I was hoping they would be way more competitive, sadly that's not at all how they are. We look at them like "May as well keep doing them, we will win every one without trying". Even though the prizes suck I see no reason not to constantly be in one. Gonna need to start matching guilds better though. I would rather wait for a match then get pooled with 4 clans with no shot at all of winning. Current rumble, the second highest ranked guild has 808 guild rank. :confused:
    roguecylon likes this.
  19. C.Calamity

    C.Calamity Crew

    The rumbles r harder for us.

    There r only 25-30 in our guild and we're usually teamed up against full guilds. In all of the guilds we've rumbled against, only a fraction of the members were actively rumbling but they still outnumbered us 2:1 so it's VERY difficult for us to win.

    Most of us r PH 7 and 8.

    BP rewards for successful plundering are ok but usually only when the grog/gold available to be plundered is lower than the cost of our troops/crews. In terms of grog/gold, our rumbles are usually a losing exercise. So it becomes a choice of joining a rumble for the fun of it but knowing that we'll almost certainly lose grog.

    Overall impression. Not excited about the rumbles so far. This might change if the thieves get their hide abilities back. I'd be able to get a decent amount of loot off the stronger bases. (LOL... yep, I've been harping on about this one for a while :)
  20. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    All good points, but some of my esteemed co-captains are overlooking the fact that the vast majority of guilds in this game contain members with non-maxed bases and varying degrees of participation. Guilds with perma-leaderboard status and 100+ fully-active members are, frankly, a rarity. Of course rumbles work great for that type of guild! :) But for an average guild with lots of members who are still building (and who don't have time/skill to buy PH8 in one day, or don't know strategies for making themselves less of a target), running these things daily can be extremely detrimental to their advancement.

    I'm glad they work great for you guys, how could they not? but don't lose sight of the fact that the other 99% of guilds aren't like yours.

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