Rumbles: Good or Bad. What was your experience?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kelani, May 22, 2015.


Did you profit from the rumble?

Poll closed Jul 22, 2015.
  1. Yes

    32 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I see two sides to this.
    1) The rumbles can stay as they are and cause...
    * guilds to be more strategic about rumbles. Attacking less to protect players who get hit a lot.
    * people shifting guilds to be in a guild that rumbles at a pace acceptable to them.
    * meanwhile rumbles will only actively used by extremely active guilds with a decent amount of troop gemmers.

    2) rumbles could be tweaked. Allowing first mates to start rumbles, so cost is deferred from captain (this is coming btw). Rumble rewards need increasing by 2 or 3 times. And players could be given an opt in/out toggle on their profile page. When matching the guild would be matched based on opted in members, not total guild size.

    I believe these changes would cause...
    * a greater number of guilds to participate at a higher frequency.
    * less cost on captain will offset losses where gems weren't earned.
    * more gems being spent due to more people participating.

    Most guilds are competitive, but the average guild is not competitive at the cost of alienating members. Allowing those who don't wish to participate to opt out allows those who do want to be competitive without worrying about team mates dragging them down.

    Suggesting members buy shields is ridiculous. A member should not have to hide for 24 hours just because they don't want to rumble.
    Rachael and Kelani like this.
  2. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    To set the record straight, I speak from experience with two guilds. The first contains 2 troop gemmers, maybe 3 sometimes. Doubt that counts as a "decent number". The second has zero. Neither has lost any members nor faced any threat of it, and both have had an increased number of new joins of players seeking an active guild that Rumbles. Both match different guilds every time, suggesting that the feature is not "only actively used" by extremely active guilds - judging by how easy the wins have been so far, the competition isn't gemming and isn't extremely active either. I would like to see the matching improved further...

    Sure it is, but it's an option. You could also work on your defense layout, keep your loot spent, and other strategies already commonly known and used.

    Rumbles should be used strategically, based on your guild's characteristics. It is called a Rumble, a challenge to see which guild can win - it should be used only when your guilld wants such a challenge. Although competitive guilds can happily use it every day, and even many less competitive ones can use it to their advantage as well, if it doesn't suit your guild, then don't use it. It is not called "sit back and collect free loot with no risk", it is a competitive Rumble, and by no means should be reengineered into something optimized for inactive noncompetitive guilds.
    Jij118 likes this.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Oh I'm sorry. I was unaware I was dealing with an expert. I bow out to your Extensive experience on the matter... I'm sure you know best. And I'm sure your two guilds are normative for all of the game.. Honestly I'm just glad that someone with actual experience in a real guild has spoken on this matter. I consider myself enlightened...
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    But seriously @Raptelan your experience is drastically different then my guilds, and different than other guilds I've talked to. We have only won rumbles because our top 10 or so players gem attacks. And we haven't even won them all.

    As far as my two ways of seeing things. You obviously think it should stay as is. I on the other hand don't think this was meant to be the main war for the game. And I'd love to see tweaks so guilds could run these more often.
  5. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Umm, why are you getting all upset and slinging personal attacks / insults? That's really not warranted. This is a thread asking for opinions and experiences and others. I shared mine. Respectully. Please return the same courtesy.

    I have also spoken with members and captains of at least a half dozen other guilds, but whatever.
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    You and I have a different opinions ions on how respectfully you have done that. There Is a difference between sharing you opinion and quoting anyone in the thread that disagrees with you. Also, you have been antagonistic with your posts. Hardly respectful. If you are truly just stating your opinion, then please stop waging war against the people on this thread that have offered an opinion other than yours.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
    Kelani likes this.
  7. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    We have had a lot of fun with the rumbles. However, if you get matched with a gemming guild, you might as well just hang it up. We are matched with a guild whose top 10 players each had something like 15 battles in the first half hour. That's nuts. The rewards don't even justify that capital outlay. One way it could be tweaked is to limit the number of battles a player can fight in the rumble, like 15-20. That will discourage gemming and make the playing field more level. We had one matchup with PUY that was a blast. We were neck and neck and gemming wasn't obvious. It came down to the last minute when midoki won with a maintenance break. Of course not sure why midoki would change this, since it appears to be making them a lot of money.
    Maverick, Ian and Raptelan like this.
  8. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    LOL, I haven't been "waging war", nor antagonistic, nor been sarcastic at the expense of another (wish I could say the same for you). I have put no one down or attacked anyone, just stated clearly what my opinions are and what they are based on. Quoting what you are responding to is perfectly normal. I am done with this thread though, have fun.
  9. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I might know of that guild you speak of. Some members there were just bored and enjoy raiding for the fun of it. Some have a friendly competition between them to see who can hit a certain goal first, or maybe a friendly competition among several to reach a certain goal. And yes, some might go through gems like it's candy. But that is how these rumbles are designed, to generate revenue while providing a form of competition.
    Kelani, Daddy P and Raptelan like this.
  10. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Why on earth would they discourage gemming? The guilds that gem couldnt care less about the prizes (which suck incidentally anyway) they just wanna win. I would love to get into a rumble that we all gem feverishly to the end trying to win. At least that would be fun. Sadly they havent been much fun so far, easy win after easy win with mediocre participation at best. We rumbled with russia, GR 6 and they just laid down. Not sure how to make them any better tbh, just may be the way this game is. SS wars are the exact same format and you would almost always have competetive wars.
  11. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Well, I like to think that rumbles are not just for the gemmers. :) Right @Lynsey [Midoki]?

    Plus, limiting number of battles would require participants to be more careful with their battles and go for quality as opposed to quantity. Best way to reward the best battlers, as opposed to the best money jinglers. :D
  12. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Would have to agree with @Daddy P, limiting the number of battles/attacks during a Rumble would benefit two current issues:
    1. Balance the playing fields between those that gem and those that don't
    2. Encourage players to attack selectively and move up in rank and stop/reduce farming and plundering the smaller bases (as reported by @Kelani) giving them time to develop
    Kelani, Daddy P and Rachael like this.
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    It is in Midoki's best interest to make all features appeal to (and benefit) all players. In its current form, using this feature regularly screws any guild which isn't full of highly-active members. No matter how competitive you think all the other guilds are, with 5+ million players in this game, that's still a lot of players being affected. It's common sense: competitive or not, your average PP player is simply not spending 2-3 hours playing this game every day. Check the competing guilds in your future rumbles, especially the non-full ones. You will almost always see members who haven't been online recently. That is how most guilds in this game are.

    Telling this majority (50%? 70%? 95%?) of players who can't play for hours a day "If it doesn't work for you, don't use it" makes about as much sense as telling high levels not to raid if they don't like the possibility of losing more Rank than they stand to gain by winning. Or telling people not to hire troops if they don't like how long it takes. That suggestion is just ludicrous.

    The point of this thread was to highlight an issue which affecting a lot of players, and discuss possible solutions (i.e. Opt Out). "Don't use it" is not a solution, nor is it helpful to anyone.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
    Bear, Ian and Daddy P like this.
  14. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    What if the rumble rewards were determined by a gambling method. Each guild suggests a maximum amount of resource and gems to be placed into the pot, contributed by the members of each guild accordingly. However much a guild can fund in the first hour of the rumble that the other 4 guilds can match can be divided up amongst the final rankings.

    Players go into the guild hall at the start of the rumble and donate gems/gold/grog/bp. The guild who donates the lowest amount of aforementioned resource would dictate the amount awarded and the excess would be placed back into the guild hall of the other guilds to be used towards future rumbles.

    To create a safeguard of a minimum reward these gambled resources could be placed on top of the already established rewards set by Midoki (on average.. 30 gems, 1 mil grog/gold, 400 bp)
    Kelani likes this.
  15. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Interesting suggestions with validity that would probably appeal to a great many players. But why would Midoki discourage gem spending? Remember, this is the first of several planned guild vs guild features. I would imagine future competitions may offer what many here are asking for. As for me, need to get back to the guild and have a group discussion. Extremely disappointed only 10 of our guys were gemming early on in the battle. Guess someone needs to crack the whip over there and get the slackers in gear :D
  16. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    For what it's worth, your top rumbler raided twice as much as anyone else, granted he didn't win much BP on each win...
    Sorry for today, I wanted to see my benchmark in steady playing. I slept in, went out, cooked and played steadily while working. And to be completely frank; we coasted today and never really went into competitive mode as a guild.
  17. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Yeah he was our experiment for dropping low. Just not my style. So I battle every hour as my troops recharge. Most of us sat back when we saw the gemming at the beginning. We aren't the sort of guild yet to get 10k bp. 6k is our max so far. When we had a neck and neck rumble with a non gemming guild, all were active and we just kept trading leads. Lots of fun. I even pulled over in parking lots to battle. :D

    Nice win btw. Sorry we didn't give you much competition. That's why I'd like to see some balancing added to the rumbles. Seems you either get matched with a gemming guild or junk guilds. The truly competitive ones are rare. Not fun for the gemmers or the non-gemmers.
  18. Fang

    Fang First Mate

    Here's an idea, how about a 1v1 option for top guilds to challenge each other. Especially if they released a leaderboard for BP score/win-loss for guild rumbles. We could have a World Cup or something lol.

    I just hope we get a challenger some day. So far it's just been lazy river wading as we sleep through the rumble for first place for 5 straight rumbles....

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