Scoring system "reset" (closed and moved)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TBird, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. TBird

    TBird Captain

    OK we all know that monkey business (sorry Capt Monkey) is going on with the top of the leaderboard abusing the scoring system.

    And all the top teams are losing top players that are frustrated because they see players at 500-600 one day, then at 1200-1300 in 24-48 hours while they struggle in the 600-700's. We lost 3 of our top players in the past 10 days because of this.
    They got frustrated (well me too) that at higher levels you only get 2-6 points when you win, but lose 18-22 points if you lose an attack.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense that a base, let's say in the 700's if he attacks and wins against another strong base only gets 2-3 points... But if he loses it sets him back 4-5-6 battles. You worked hard to beat that hard base, you should make more points for winning instead of sitting and getting points from base defends while you sleep.

    I come from the game Friendly Fire, over there the top bases got more points for high attack wins, and only lost 2-3 points if you lost a high level attack. You beat a base at 750, you get 20-25 points, you lose, you only lose 2-3 points. It made it more likely that the top players would attack each other. And there were no "farm bases" losing to big brother bases because there was only 2-3 points that could be gained vs. The way it is in PP, where its 18-24 points each time at the higher levels being transferred from farms to big brothers.

    And in FF if someone was dropping and retreated after just one unit deployed, there were no points to the defender... There were only points for a match with at least 10 units deployed. The attacker still lost a few points, but the defender got nothing in a point drop retreat. Also in FF you had to at least send in one unit when you were dropping, so it cost you at least some troops to drop. Right now in PP I can drop from 750 to 150 in about an hour, and it doesn't cost me any troops.

    We all know this system is broken and needs to be fixed...
    Perhaps once the scoring system is fixed we have a hard reset of points.
    Pick a date.. Say Feb 1, new scoring system goes in, everyone is reset to 100-200.... All 5 million players.
    Let's see who the real top players are when you can only make points if you attack... Not lots of points from defends or farm bases giving you points.

    OK, off my soap box...

    Ok, fun photos of the biggest abusers below.... Wish I could pick them for attacks
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
  2. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Sorry for being plain, but too much crying about normal war process where any methods are good.
    If I was that top guy who "abused" you, I'd get more fun from your tears than from the first place itself )
    Couple of tricky players completely devastated your will, thats what I hear in your post.
    Don't you realise that Midoki won't move a finger with this "problem" untill they count a real players outflow caused by this issue? Your cries dissolves in thousands of PP newcomers.
    Fight in new conditions!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  3. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    I think Tim is right. There are a number of high ranked players hanging in for 1 more upgrade and hoping for some new content (me among them). Without it, them and I will surely move onto something new. Midoki can ignore this if they like, but eventually the outflow will impact them.
    # Johnny Doe #, TBird and Shonda La like this.
  4. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    I don't care about rank and Top 10s,
    so I don't care about what's up in the Top 200.
    I want to raid & explorer and (!) spend Gold, Grog, BP and EP for useful things.
    This game need new maps, guild wars and maybe PH8, Academy 7, Taverne 9 and bigger Ship.

    And I like the idea of Outhouse upgrade. Stone made and with more hit points.
    And as 5th perk a gym for builders, so upgrading will be faster...

    So if the guys in the Top 25 have fun, why not. It really doesn't matter if a player is No .1 or No. 10.679 in this game.

    Segwaysid and Tikigirl like this.
  5. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    Sorry Tim, but resetting the rankings won't change anything. Even if you do it seasonally. The same issue will happen. What we need is more player driven attacks, as in a lot of the tactics and strategies are based on a code for each item in the game that has instructions. Some we can't change due to how the game is built. (brutes primary target - cannons, theives -gold storages etc.) However, What if we can literally target an opponent specifically. I'm not talking about a search bar to target your mortal enemy, but a range in which you think you can attack.

    Personally, I'll target anyone over 1k ranking points ALL day instead of the damn system doing it for me.
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  6. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Wow... Where do I start with you snippy comments.

    No crying here, just pointing out a broken system.
    It is not "normal war process" it's cheating... Out and out cheating and abuse of the scoring system.
    Those bases are "screw you, in your face, I can do whatever I want and cheat" bases and teams.
    Sure it makes a lot of money for Midoki from the China market and helps pay AB & Chris.
    But it pisses off the rest of the real players in the world.
    This may be "normal war process" in Clash of Clans, but not normal in other games.
    That pollution from that sad game shouldn't be brought over here and accepted as normal.
    You posted a thread about cheating about the same time... So are you just crying?
    They are just playing their normal game, so just get over it and fight in these new conditions.
    No, this is as much cheating as that is.

    Most of my team is maxed out, and about to just give up the game and move on. They don't see the point of going on if this abuse isn't fixed. I ran the top team in Friendly Fire for over a year, there was none of this abuse there... I just got bored over there when the developers stopped listening to the players, stopped upgrading the game. That game has suffered and lost most of their players because of that. I'm already at that bored level here, and I have only been playing since US release date on Sept 18.
    Lots of the top players are in the same boat, upset and bored.
    Bring on guild wars in the Jan update, fix the scoring or PP will lose most of the top players and top teams.

    And don't get me started about lack of grog above 600... :)
    Segwaysid, Christy and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  7. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    "Snippy comments", hah, you didn't notice "sorry" and you probably didn't meet anything real snippy )

    Cheating is breakin the rules. Its gaining something for nothing. Those guys at the top didn't break any,
    thats why you and we all so helpless. Besides, they payed for their first places by hours a day of coordinated play on several devices in touch with number of mates. I don't say I like the result but its definitely not a cheat.

    Their bases are under the shield they bought, and they may put there any law-abiding stuff. Look, they don't "screw you in your face", they made declaration of love, mr. "I see what I want".

    Don't say for all "the rest of real players, most of top players", begin to say for yourself in this life.

    My post was the real out-of-law cheat, I don't cry like you "we are about to give up, we upset and bored", I strike back by available tools. We don't give up, we don't get upset and bored, If anyone will do, I'll make blood transfusion to my clan.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  8. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    :DHow bout you guys form alliance to take those Chinese guilds down.
    Christy likes this.
  9. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    First of all, getting them down on second place will do not so much good for the others )
    Then, any allies become opponents after achiving their goals.
    And the last one - "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." (Sun Tzu)
    They won't hold their shields forever...
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    Captain Didwell likes this.
  10. TBird

    TBird Captain

    I'll give Barbed a list of my top 20 players and their current score.
    He is welcome to surrender to them all weekend long and give them points for our push.
    Christy likes this.
  11. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    So nice of you, any non-selfish thoughts in your head?
  12. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    As I have said before. I have no issues with the top players and their method for ranking up. Do I wish Midoki would change it? Absolutely! No one in my guild has threatened to quit because of it. I imagine if my guild was the top guild of non-rank pushers, I would feel differently and be frustrated by the situation. But our guild is full of slackers, I can hardly get 1/4 of them to sign on for a rank push just for the heck of it. It might be interesting to come visit We R for a short while. Maybe if I get my rank above 800 again I'll send an invite request :)
    Christy likes this.
  13. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Don't wait that long... If you are over 500, come for a visit
  14. GeNeTiiX

    GeNeTiiX Powder Monkey

    Think of it this way. The top guy or guys helping are cheating the system. It's like playing a football game and your going against no defense. I really hope midoki starts to care more or this game is just going to go down in shambles fast.
  15. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    Heh.. @GeNeTiiX is actually right. There's no defense in all of this. Personally, I could roll with creating 3 other accounts and create a guild using my other idevices and use them as feeders. However, I don't want to.

    At the end of the day, we're all on the same team here and we're fighting against those Chinese guilds on the top ranks.

    Wouldn't guild wars with different ranking brackets and everyone having 2 chances to attack and defend be an ideal option? Everyone is equal. What matters now is how the strategy on how to attack and assign your members to your opponent's team.

    Good luck to us all.
    TBird likes this.
  16. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Absolutely correct. Scoring system isn't fair or motivating in the least. love this idea. I don't see why anyone would NOT agree.
    Segwaysid likes this.
  17. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Just curious what guild you are in?
  18. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    This is why we created the Feature Request master lists. If we can get some well-reasoned, concrete ideas posted on how to fix these things, us list maintainers can add them to our feature request lists, up near the top, so the devs know we consider them high priority.

    Otherwise, it's too easy for much-needed great ideas to be lost in the forum noise.
    Ashraman and Christy like this.
  19. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Can you move it ?
  20. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Request master list is locked. I can not add to it, @Bear maybe can add?

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