Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Super-Nor, May 26, 2015.

  1. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Or they could cut recruitment time AND troop cost BOTH in half and solve multiple problems at once
  2. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    As far as I'm concerned, troop cost is already fixed via Rumbles making more loot available to ranking players. I just saved up 5 million grog, while over PR 700, by taking advantage of a few rumble rivals at lower PR than I could normally match with lots of grog available. Used it to start my last HG training. Not sure if that's how Midoki intended Rumbles to be used, but hey, it works! Plus every morning there is an additional >1m grog prize waiting for me. And since this is the case for everyone, more high-level islands have more grog available than previously. I really can't complain about cost. Time, on the other hand, is atrocious.
    Black-ish Beard and Salty Snack like this.
  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Until your full tavern costs 500k grog and that rumble reward means 2 battles per day
  4. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Uhh, stop being so wasteful? My troops are all maxed or on their last training. No need to spend 500k per battle - I never do. And only attack islands which will repay the troop cost unless you have excess. But even so, attack a few low-PR rumble rival islands with 1m+ grog with only juggs and gunners and that will keep you going. :)
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  5. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Love to see my opponents gemming )
  6. Fil

    Fil Captain

    True, 65 thiefs are pretty cheap....
  7. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Gunners are cheaper. ;)
  8. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    My PH8 island and my PH7 island both take over an hour to recruit which is 30 plus gems if I want to speed battle one after another. So three battles for US $1 (one dollar). That seems excessive, but maybe I am cheap.

    Anyway I have reduced the price to zero and just stopped gemming completely. It gets easier over time as I just ween off playing as much as I would like.
    Willard likes this.
  9. Ouija Master

    Ouija Master Powder Monkey

    The faster recruit time was the best thing ever to happen in the game. It made me more active. I used some of my gems saved on recruiting in a rumble. I might even do that again if it were so cheap and subconsciously spend more than I would. It's not cost effective on normal times and now I just log in now and again like before. It was drawing me back to the game. Now I'm back to playing wait pirates
  10. Moostache

    Moostache Crew

    Not really surprised by most of the comments here as I feel the same. I only returned to (gem troops to) raid because of the time reduction. Once my walls are all upgraded to L10 such that my OCD is satisfied, I felt like it's the right moment to say goodbye to the game and deleted it. To me this Tavern timer reduction (although only lasted for three days) somewhat showed how Midoki could have changed the loot calculation/matchmaking mechanisms, while at the same time reducing the hiring times -- such that even when we have to use a full army of Juggs/bombers/WD we can still do two raids per hour (like the old days with Brutes against PH6s). This way they could have reduced the impact of the changed loot calculation for us PH8s, while protecting lower PH players from being plundered by higher PH players like they claimed. But it's all too late now that over half of my guild members have left the game.
  11. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    One thing that really bothered me when I started playing this game, was how you got more and more punished with long time delays the more you progressed. With buildings that makes sense, but for recruiting, assuming you keep your perks maxed and running, why??? We are already paying increased troop cost the more we train, why do we need to suffer more time delay? Pirate Catcher helped that to a great extent, but as others have said, the game felt much more balanced and fun with the recruit time reduced. I thought maybe I was just used to it and tried to get used to it being back the old way. I have continued gemming recruits (spending more gems) for several days now but it is just not as fun and since most of my guild does not gem, it has slowed things down a lot. Sadly I was away for much of the holiday weekend and thus missed the most active period my guild has ever seen. Would *love* to have a permanent it overall reduced times, a new Pirate Catcher level, or whatever.
  12. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I am sorry you missed it too. I mean that sincerely. It was like the good old days of PP.

    I did not hesitate to gem troops when I donated a batch to others. The "half-price" seemed fair to me. Even if I am in the minority on this opinion I shall not gem any more at the current rates - not even rumble gems or those I currently have stockpiled.

    Maybe they will change it or have another fair price sale and I will use them then.
    Willard likes this.
  13. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    I liked the reduced recruitment times, and gemmed more. Now I have to wait, often miss the 4 minute window and simply not gem. Saving me money right now.
    Fil likes this.
  14. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    At reduced cost it was 1 gem for 13 gunners. It was almost impossible to donate in our guild as all requests were filled so fast. I was more than happy to gem troops. It seemed perfectly balanced and was the busiest time for guild members, everyone seemed more active.

    Not so much feeling to gem troops now it's back to 6 gunners for 1 gem o_O
  15. GherkinsKhan

    GherkinsKhan Powder Monkey

    I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but I've always been thinking...

    what if Midoki introduced a new guild perk, that takes 200 Gems in total (each donation 10 Gems) and with this building active, all guild members will have 50% recruitment time for the next 24 hours?

    this would help guilds to plan Rumble more strategically and if it's a win, there's a great return on investment, plus 10 gems for 20 members isn't much at all...

    This would also make the more organised Guilds more attractive to players with a similar mindset... currently many guilds, even the strong ones, have wayy too many inactive members and this makes other hard working pirates very frustrated

    just my 2 cents
    cmooneey and Willard like this.
  16. Ouija Master

    Ouija Master Powder Monkey

    Ugh 1hr 26mins to recruit a fairly basic army. Lame
    Willard likes this.
  17. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I have not gemmed since I wrote the original post. I get to have less fun playing PP, but the price is simply too high and I will not pay it any more.
    Willard likes this.
  18. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Bucks are cheaper...
    ...wait, what was your point?
    Fil and hidyhorum like this.
  19. Willard

    Willard Powder Monkey

    I have bought lots of gems, and spent lots too, I even have many left to spend, can't pass up a sale.

    After all, if we did not buy and spend the people who made and update this great game would not be paid for their work and reap the rewards of their efforts. Which they very much deserve.

    I have stopped spending my gems because to spend 30 gems for a tavern load is just not worth it any more. I am more than happy to spend 10-15 gems to load a tavern three times for the same 30-45 gems.

    Heck, I even gemmed pirates during the special to give to my guild members.

    Guess the 1/2 time perk backfired on Midoki, because it woke me up to what it should be.

    I don't mind buying and spending gems, but a tavern load is not worth 30 gems when I want to speed battle.

    BTW I have a 100% maxed island, and a battle now just for the rumbles to help out my guild mates.
  20. I have reduced gemming to a minimum. I think I spent less gems then I received from errands, fishing and rumbling.
    I definitely do not stay online as much as I did when my army was ready to go in 20 minutes.
    It's a shame..

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