Should i play coc?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Syun, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Star Wars Commander FTW!

    What!? Just me? *goes to shoot some wookiees*
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I don't play much but it's good to see someone else not playing for those murderous rebels. The Empire is not the bad guy!
  3. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    I've joined a Farming Clan and while I don't want to quit the game (I have 3 accounts lvl 68, 45 and 38) I just find myself having to skip maps for a good 20 minutes before I just say screw it and attack. In PP I can find a good map in about 2 minutes. I even made the comment today I don't see how people get past TH8, I've been working 5 builders non-stop and I feel I've hit a wall now. I've dropped about $100 on that one account and I still have 4 builders on each of my other accounts. Boom Beach is about 50/50 for me, I only have one account there because when I joined about 4 months ago it was single player and I don't like that. I play more now since I've joined a Force and I'm still only level 32 on that game. Between the 3 games it takes me a minimum of an hour when I wake up to sort everything out and about 1 1/2 hour before I go to bed to strategize my time and efforts.
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Last time I was attacked in SW:C was over two weeks ago
  5. Yea you can literally just collect resources each day and steadily progress. No one Attacks lol
  6. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Oh look, a wall that hasn't been upgraded yet… lets go!!!

    Gangrene Beard and Kit like this.
  7. Ragostacos

    Ragostacos Powder Monkey

    I play it pretty regularly, it's fun I have so much downtime at my job that I just take turns between Plunder Pirates and CoC. People are right about the Wall Grind, it's getting ridiculous and finding a base to raid is too time consuming.

    But my friends can't play Plunder Pirates and Clan Wars are actually pretty fun.
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Gotta make them work for that town hall :) lol
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. Clan wars and friends on Android are my only reason to play coc. But hopefully both of those will be resolved in 2015.

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