The Second Wave

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Arena Plunder, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. The time of the second wave is arrived


    04/03/2016 h21.00 Italian time

    Arena hopes to find someone strong enough.
    Fil, Compton and W0lfen5te1n like this.
  2. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Good luck. The problem that will arise is you will have guilds start rumble at that time to watch the show, with no plans to actively participate. If you get several guilds doing the same, it will prevent any real competitors from matching you. Also, if you go with a 20 person crew again, you will be eliminating all the top guilds from matching you, as most top guilds are running a 49-50 person crew. So basically, expect to end up with another useless match up. Sorry to rain on your parade. Hopefully one day you will get a real challenge, so your gems will not be wasted in vain.
  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    How many players will Arena be using? The Dead will make every effort to get in :D
  4. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I recommend start time be changed and kept secret to those guilds particpating.
  5. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    Just to be clear it is March 4th and not April 3rd, right?
    W0lfen5te1n and Fil like this.
  6. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Yes, it is March 4th, since Italy is not situated in the US or Canada. ;)
    W0lfen5te1n likes this.
  7. If you know the date you can easily skip the rumble Spongee.
    March 4th, 45 pirates will partecipate.
    Arena likes the rain, Laughing Skulls maybe not.
    W0lfen5te1n likes this.
  8. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Laughing Skulls is Dead....and we (including Spongee) will see you there :cool:
    Tessa Rose and W0lfen5te1n like this.
  9. Who is this Arena guild? Really!? This will be fun!
  10. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    You're on, Arena. Let's see what you got for us. All talk, no show, or will you actually be a challenge? We'll see. And yah, it's Dead Reckoning. Better be ready for us, because we are ready for you! See you soon. :)
    Tessa Rose, Compton, Fil and 2 others like this.

  11. Oh I do hope it's a good fight! Might finally get to break a nail and shed some blood :p
  12. Arena likes playing with bones.

  13. crland

    crland Crew

    This is gong to be epic!
    W0lfen5te1n likes this.
  14. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    @Arena Plunder Sad to say I am out of town that weekend. With kids at Disney. So unfortunately, my participation in the fun will be either limited or none.
  15. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    It's okay @Spongee. We got your back. Chill, while we blow some stuff up. We are waiting Arena.
    Fil and W0lfen5te1n like this.
  16. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I just hope we don't build the anticipation for 2 weeks then not match :mad:
  17. you're right fil, the choice of which guild challenge should be added, it would not hurt. Spongee, with all due respect to arena, but frankly I'd rather be with my son and with you to disney that weekend:D
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  18. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Disney? :confused: I hate the rat! :mad:
    Tessa Rose and W0lfen5te1n like this.
  19. Compton

    Compton Crew

    If we don't match it will be really disappointing :(
  20. crland

    crland Crew

    Dear Midoki,
    If you do not do the right match on March 4th a lot of people will be disappointed!!
    Be aware

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