The Second Wave

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Arena Plunder, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    This is gonna be fun to watch
    Tessa Rose and Fil like this.
  2. crland

    crland Crew

    Yes, and it is gong to be epic

    We are having fun!!
    Tessa Rose and Fil like this.
  3. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Anyone want to take a breather and post a score?
    Tifosa likes this.
  4. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    Me don't think the dead rest
    MorganFlint, Fil and Tifosa like this.
  5. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    No scores being given out on forums till after rumble is over I would think. We would like the final score tell the story, and the experience it has been. However, I can tell you that we are on top. ;)
    W0lfen5te1n, MorganFlint and Fil like this.
  6. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Since Never Land didn't get in.....perhaps we could get refunded on all gems spent during the rumble??? Sounds fair to me ;)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  7. Mercutio

    Mercutio First Mate

    go team go, beat um, smash um, break their face. oh wait that's hockey nevermind, sorry. have fun and score big!
  8. ahahahaah fil holy words, maybe not the best offer, but the most popular offering would say that we have earned it. midoki would close in surplus still seen the gems that are flown.:cool::cool: P.S. you are a steamroller dead reckoning:eek:o_O:confused::D
  9. crland

    crland Crew

    Maybe you are right....or we just decided not to stop at the ATM before starting the rumble:D
  10. crland

    crland Crew comment only expresses how ARENA players decided to embrace the game. We acknowledge your victory and we do not hide behind a finger. On the other hand we are here to play and as you say, rules can be made such that we can still all play and have fun. Now we have a better understanding of the level at which we are and will look forward for more battles!
    Fil, Skillzone10, MorganFlint and 2 others like this.
  11. Compton

    Compton Crew

    Was it strong enough? :confused:

    Sorry to trash talk but the expectations we all had for this rumble (based on all the videos and comments posted during these weeks on this thread) were A LOT MORE higher than this...
  12. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I want to go on the record as stating the opinions expressed by some do not represent the opinions of myself or those of The Dead as a whole. I have always thought people should be free to say what they want, just understand often what is the opinion of one person is often viewed as being a statement from the team as a whole or the attitude of the team as a whole, and is often not the case.

    Personally, I looked forward to this rumble, and it enjoyed the build up and the actual rumble. I have the utmost respect for Arena as a whole for stepping into the battlefield. As a former guild leader, I can't begin to tell you how many top/elite teams declined offers to rumble against us, or made arrangements and backed out at the last minute. I respect any team that agrees to a battle, and shows for the fight. Arena had 25+ players online for the start of the rumble. That shows they came ready to battle. As they have never faced us before, they were not prepared for what we as a team are capable of doing. I respect they came with an all Italian team, only pulling members from their guilds. I greatly respect how they approached the rumble and their decorum throughout the whole encounter.

    Thanks Arena for the rumble. And know many on this team respect you guys for rumbling against us.
    awbo, Breakingood13, John56 and 11 others like this.
  13. crland

    crland Crew

    Thanks Spongee,

    you guys are a great team! and have all our respect. We will keep working on our side and see how much we can grow :) to catch up on you!!!
  14. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    I agree with @Spongee. It's been a pleasure, and we have some solid respect for Arena just for challenging us. Not many dare to go that far. Furthermore, you inspire us to surpass our best, and show what we got. Each player has his own opinion, and point of view. The Douche speaks the truth, and I support him, while also acknowledging that Arena gave what they had, and they can't be blamed for not trying. They beat their old high score, without even having a chance against us. To all Arena players that read this post, thank you for the amazing rumble, and I hope your squad improves, now that you know what you are capable of. And for all forum members reading this thread that think we are show offs, we simply like to have fun. We play this as a game, that we can enjoy. Rumbles like these bring us closer together, and help us bond. Everyday brings us a new challenge, and we try to make the most of it. We may be more social on forums than most, but that's just who we are. Honestly, these last few days have been amazing for me, and I would like to thank everyone, from both sides, for allowing this to happen. Of course, there could be only one winner, but this rumble was more than just who won and lost. It teaches us all something, and we only learn from it and get stronger. Don't give up after this, only get stronger. Because the best guilds are those that come back even stronger after they fall. Happy plundering everyone. Cheers!
  15. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I agree totally and completely with Skillz and Spongee's comments above. I especially want to state my personal respect for Arena for putting a challenge out there like they did, then following through. The fact that they did not understand what we are capable of does not diminish them, i think few who have not battled with us (on our team) truly underatand what we are capable of.

    Same goes for how to interpret comments made by people, they many times are taken in a much different context when you know the person speaking them. FD doesnt have the word Douche in his name because its cute, he is well aware of himself and comfortable in his own skin. Much as I didn't take on the moniker Filthy McNasty because I'm shy.

    Arena, we will welcome a challenge from you anytime and would be happy to set any ground rules within reason. Much respect.
  16. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Arena = Classy
  17. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose First Mate

    Amazing Video. Class Act. Until we meet again
  18. :);):cool::p:D Nice try Arena! Congrats on your new high score!
  19. St. Thomas

    St. Thomas Crew

    Pirates and filmmakers of Arena, thank you for the rumble. DR is a rumbling guild, we love to rumble. We are all super good pirates which just really enjoy the art of the game. Anytime any of you would like to come for a visit please do. In the meantime, we'll look forward to future rumbles!

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