Thunderstruck event...bravo PP!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Silver Beard, May 12, 2016.

  1. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Now if Midoki and Costco would only announce these sales IN ADVANCE!
    Ian and acersharp1 like this.
  2. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    The event is fair for higher level players and easily attainable-with a few gems used. (Different case for younger kids and new players, which is a completely different discussion that I brought up in a different post).

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with spending 200-300 gems to finish it. All the forum people SHOULD be doing that as a thank you. Heck, most of us get a ton of free gems anyway from clearly playing the game TOO OFTEN.

    I personally made sure to do so, as this will ensure midoki/rovio increase efforts and development of the game. I made a purchase as the event started, in order to complete quickly and support something that I enjoy and it fills my free time. I even purchased just before the sale...and that kinda sucks, but it's not the worst thing in the world...

    Moral to my rant, spend a few bucks...put some gas into your expensive car, I mean phone, as this will bring advertising/newer players/faster development/eliminate problems we are usually complaining about!
  3. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    I think it is reasonably fair for all, as the resource chests (valued by up and coming player) are all obtainable just over 1/2 way and the BP (also valued) is not that further on at 37K. It would be different if all the chests were at the end and unobtainable. These events have been Fair, Fun and well worth the time spent completing it.

    As for announcing these SALES in Advance +1 as I've been caught topping up in the past just before the Sale.:eek: Oh, well such is the game and life...
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    While I don't disagree with advanced notice at all, as it would be great:
    imagine you buy gems and the next day they announce a sale happening in the future. Its essentially the same situation ;) yes you have more time to prepare, etc, but for a player that just bought gems, they're going to feel the exact same whether it happens or is just announced. "Oh crap, and I just bought gems!"
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    True @Skye the only answer then to this problem would be to have the SALE on everyday :D
    Poppa Bob likes this.
  6. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Or have sales at regular intervals. Maybe once a month, or once a quarter, or once every other event, etc...
  7. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I enjoyed the event a great deal; we have a mix of players from PH4 to PH10, so some will complete and some will not. We are running 7 straight rumbles for the rumble rival bonus. Even though the rumbles are casual for the guild, we have had several personal best rumble scores this last week, and seen great improvements in player attack skills and determination. I do feel bad for the new players who will not break 10,000, but as @Lynsey [Midoki] mentioned, scaling the event by PH level would have resulted in low PH players getting an unbalanced amount of loot and BP.
    Attacking in the rain required a change in thinking about approaching bases, as well as our own base designs, plus the changes to the defenses made for some interesting attack replays :). Overall I think the event has been a plus for our guild, and look forward to the next event. After we all take a nap for a few days, that is...
  8. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    @Skye, that depends on how much notice is given. This was out of the blue and in the midst of an event. Suppose that Midoki announced a Gem sale when the date for the next event is set.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  9. SuperCow

    SuperCow Powder Monkey

    It would be great if the sale lasts for the time of the event, but on the other side its great there is even a sale :)
  10. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Did anyone get an outfit? I haven't a hope of finishing the event, I'm only past 30K tokens, think the goal for this event could have been scaled back a bit, 45k is too high, especially when you need to 100% every base for a good chance to finish, I've been messing up a lot of battles as EVERY single base is the same layout, most are around 90% finishes.

    I've even had some horrible battles where I'm left scratching my head wondering how I messed up so horribly.
  11. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I can't sit & attack every 50 minutes, I have to Gem a load of attacks in the evening, I'm offline for hours because of work. This event was a lot more difficult than the last, I could at least start 2 long journeys per day for that.

    This event I hadn't a hope of finishing. And what PR are you in to get 600 tokens for a 2 star? I have no idea how people are doing this event easily, I'm struggling against hitting the same base over & over, only around 60% of the time am I getting 100%, getting half the tokens for 92% battles is a pain in the ass.

    Do the new outfits have buffs?
  12. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    The attacks during this vent were probably because of a number of factors including the changes in defence dynamics during storms and the fact that with everyone attacking only the harder bases were left to choose from. I and a number in our guild found the same and dropped out expectations accordingly. We found it easier to 3-star a lower base for 599pp then only 2-star a higher on at 333. Layouts that we were all so used to suddenly we were only 1 or 2 starring.. Just required a different strategy/expectation.
  13. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Davy Jones was kind to me.

  14. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    Very nice @Red Privateer . I didn't know there was any chance to find them in sailing chests.
  15. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Congratulations Midoki - another extremely enjoyable event. :)

    I was able to complete it on both my main (PH10) and alt (PH8) - but not without using some gems. :D

    The RNG gods were also extremely kind to me with dapper outfits - Sadie's on main & Blackbeard's on alt. :)
    Beck [Midoki] and Ian like this.
  16. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

  17. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Yes, every outfit has 2 buffs (instead of 1 buff 1 nerf like seasonal), many considerably better than seasonal outfits, such as reducing troop ability cooldowns. Buffs are in spoiler, and I posted a compilation of all 12 outfits to PPBay slack if you're on that, but I don't have the patience to upload all 12 to imgur and repost here.
    Annabelle Leveaux - Sea Witch
    20% reduction to Witch Doctor's Second Chances cooldown
    10% increased toughness to Ghastly Gunslingers

    Blackbeard - Got to be Squidding
    10% reduction to Priestess' Nighty Night cooldown
    20% increased toughness to Priestesses

    Black Bart - Stitched Up
    10% increased damage by Juggernauts
    10% increased toughness to Juggernauts

    Caesar - Snake Charmer
    10% reduction to Sky Raider's Sky Rager cooldown
    15% increased toughness to Sky Raiders

    Captain Tinto - La Rana
    15% increased damage by Buccaneers
    10% increased toughness to Witch Doctors

    Ching Shih - Wild One
    10% increased damage by Skellywags
    10% increased toughness to Skellywags

    Cornelius Heston - Role Reversal
    20% reduction to Brute's Bring It On! cooldown
    10% increased toughness to Brutes

    Greenbeard - What a Croc
    10% increased damage by Ghastly Gunslingers
    15% reduction to Buccaneer's Berserker cooldown

    Jeanne - Ms de Boney
    10% reduction to Gunner's Stay on Target cooldown
    10% increased damage by Gunners

    Mack McKraken - Thermidor
    20% reduction to Thief's Who Goes There cooldown
    15% increased toughness to Thieves

    Romeo Boomer - The Scarecrow
    10% reduction to Bomber's Kaboom! cooldown
    20% increased toughness to Bombers

    Sadie the Goat - Ghastly Goatslinger
    15% reduction to Heavy Gunner's Metal Storm cooldown
    10% increased damage to Heavy Gunners

    If you fight at a slightly lower rank, its a lot easier to find really easy pushover bases you can 3* with a cheap army and just attack slightly more often. Getting 599 points from a low-risk 301-400 base is better than chancing 699 from a 501-600 base when you're probably going to get 2* half the time.

    Also during the week, you could have farmed up 140 gems from sailing, which is easily an extra 6k points toward the event.

    It does take a lot more time, it took me 80 attacks, but someone with more talent can do it in about 60 (9 per day, which is the kind of activity expected of dedicated players in many high-end guilds). Most of the rewards were at much lower PP goals, and so even if you didn't have enough time to finish it, you didn't miss out on a ton.

    If you have a couple hundred gems you could have probably gemmed the rest out in the time since you've made the post (it took me 1k gems and 4 hours to put up my 45k, and you have considerably less to do) and then make those back for free in a week of sailing.

    The event wasn't out of reach of PH10, but you had to be able to commit a considerable amount of time to it, or at least a couple hundred gems to make up for it - but gems are easy to get without spending at all.
  18. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate


    Skye, how do you get 1k gems a week just from sailing? I send my ship out all the time and don't even get near that probably about 60 gems a week tops. Even hitting low and bases with shorter range just give me good & grog rather than gems.

    In fact I don't even get materials 80% of the time just gold and grog. Does my head in.
  19. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I don't get 1k a week, I get about 20 a day when I sail for gems. But 140 gems a week (the number I used in my post) is 10-12 free attacks, or 6-7k extra points toward the goal.

    A couple hundred isn't going to finish the event on its own, but its a great supplement if you could get a good portion of the way there on your own. He said he was already over 30k, and a weeks worth of free gems could clear almost half of that difference.

    To get a lot of gems sailing, I've got a gem-farming guide somewhere on the forum, but essentially you want to cross as many tiles as possible, while avoiding battles. I generally use ~3 hour sail trips when doing it, and get 3-4 gems per journey on average. Some have none, some have had as many as 12, but on average I pull in around 20 a day if I'm diligent about doing it whenever the ship gets back in so it doesn't have any downtime. I don't bother often, because it puts me back on farming materials, and I don't mind spending a bit, but they do add up if you skip farming materials and just farm gems all day.

    Even material farming I probably get around 10 a day on average though. But if you skip sea battles you can double that.

    There are a couple short battles that may be worth doing, as they have a moderate chance to drop 2 gems for how long the battle takes and you can do them many times a day, but in general you just want to avoid any battles and sail across a ton of really shallow water.
  20. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    Will give the sailing gem farming a go. :)

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