Tortuga Nest vs Wild Piggies Fun! Oh wait....

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Kelani, Oct 5, 2015.

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  1. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Wait a sec....

    All this, this entire threAD bashing minis and all is over 279 BP? 279 with no zero's after it?

    This has gone overboard. im a fully maxed PH9 and i can and have many many times done over 279 in a rumble without spending a single gem

    LMAO 279. Y'all are trifling fo real fo real.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    # Johnny Doe #, Tex and John56 like this.
  2. Mickster

    Mickster Crew

    Cute post Fil!

    It's not about the numbers, it's about the effect it has on the less experienced players. TN is not a 'power guild' so we have players of all abilities. Seeing a rival vault themselve up by 279 in a very, very short amont of time tends to make some feel defeated before they've begun. More so if that guild is a well known one such as WP. I don't expect you to either understand or sympathise. The underlying point being made was that there was no need for it (well, in our opinion anyway).
    cmooneey likes this.
  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Side note/question:

    If 5 guilds embark on a miniless gemless rumble, wouldnt it then be about who was unemployed and could sleep the least therefore able to attack more?

    Or perhaps it should be a miniless, gemless, only full time employed people on a work day promising they will get at least 8 hours of sleep, not wear diapers so that potty breaks are even, mandatory stops for an hour 3 times for meals and twice for 20 minutes for snacks, another 30 minutes break for a shower, no HGs, no Juggs, not allowed to rearm bombs and flame gates and if you have Ching, of course you cannot use her as it isnt fair to the people who do not have her??? Did i about cover everything to make a "fair" rumble?
  4. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Mickster, if you do not feel you are a strong guild, then you should expect to lose the majority of your rumbles, thats what weak teams do, they lose. Just Ask the Cleveland Browns
  5. Mickster

    Mickster Crew

    Rumbles are flawed admittedly. I'm not making a stand against guilds who gem or use mini's when it's necessary. I'm making a stand against there use for the sake of it. It spoils the game. I'm pretty sure WP would have enjoyed a battle instead of just crushing the moral of the opponents and coasting to the end.
  6. Fil

    Fil Captain

    What about people who use gems because its fun for them to attack more than once per 30-60 minutes?
  7. Mickster

    Mickster Crew

    Read my first post in this thread Fil. I hate repeating myself!
  8. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Read my post about what would make a fair rumble.

    Look, get more active players or accept losses. Is it that hard?
  9. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Obama isnt coming to level the playing field in PP with Plundercare...ijs
  10. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I should stay out of this conversation, but I happen to be bored at the moment. Not sure I would classify Fluffy as a mini. Forty attacks per day average is not unreasonable for an active PH5 account. We have a few players who have average 40 attacks per day. The town is currently destroyed, so hard to see the true intent of the account. Are the gold storages full and no builders active? That would tend to demonstrate the account is being held back for nefarious reasons. As we all know, a PH5 does not inflict the BP damage to rumbles as a PH2, but can be demoralizing as mentioned. We had a PH5 playing that tactic in one of our guilds and I was not aware of it until it was brought to my attention. In our case, it was simply a player enjoying the pleasure of easier raiding on his lower level alt account. He was asked to advance the account or remove it from the guild. As we do not allow intentionally stalled accounts in our guilds any more than we allow minis.

    The whole point of my thread, new scoring system will be out very soon and these fun to read threads will be gone. Will miss the threads and guild rivalry created by the mini issue. Won't miss the minis. Can't wait for the update!!!
    Bou Regreg and John56 like this.
  11. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I wish I could "Like" Spongee's post multiple times...
  12. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Rumbling is not about "fair play" and gentlemen's rules. This is war, baby. Shock and awe are legitimate tactics. Quit hiding your weakness behind some flimsy complaints.
    # Johnny Doe # and Fil like this.
  13. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I gemmed a whole lot, like 300 gems, which I don't think is very fair.

    Midoki: Hurry up and give us an update which will make different people complain and we can read some new stuff here.

    Exploring for LP loot is the most boring thing in the world. Someone had to know this fact before they were released.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    First of all, Thank you for your informative reply. And for keeping it civil. :) It's much appreciated.

    That's a good definition. I suspect we all have our own ideas about what constitutes one. Here's mine:

    Mini: In addition to being purposely kept at a low level, to me, a mini is any PH1-5 (and sometimes 6) island which is used to rapidly score points to claim or defend 1st place. Especially when those islands are in a guild that's predominately PH8-9.

    Thank you for acknowledging that Fluffy is a mini.

    I don't disagree with your assertion that vast majority of WP's final point count came from your strong bases. However, at the time of my post, that was not the case. In the hours before I posted, Fluffy's score accounted for less than 3% of WP's total. However, within 30 minutes of TN pulling to within 100 points of WP, Fluffy came back, rapidly scored 200+ points, and became the proud owner of 25% of WP's total score. I'm sorry, that says mini to me.

    Your points about our lesser activity being a factor are also true. Would WP have still won had Fluffy never made an appearance? That's a safe bet. And we'd be perfectly fine with that. However, like others have said: our crappy activity stats were the direct result of our top scorers throwing in the towel once they realized they were up against a mini.

    To recap, my point here was simply this:

    1. WP used a Mini to get past BG-a mini guild. don't like it, but it's their right to do so.
    2. BG then gave up, and were no longer a threat.
    3. Over the next 2 hours, TN passed BG and closed the gap. Once we hit 100 points behind WP, Fluffy came back. Apparently in response.
    4. Fluffy then proceeded to score almost 200 BP in less than an hour.
    5. Seeing that, a fair chunk of TN's high scorers said "Well, there's that mini again" and quit raiding.
    6. That was the second time this has happened in a TN/WP match, and coming from a guild I've shown nothing but respect to, that's incredibly disappointing.

    Our guys getting demoralized and choosing to quit is all on us, but I have a big problem with #3 and #6.

    Actually Fil, TN usually wins. However since we're one of the few guilds who would rather lose than use Minis, that's affected our win rate lately. Still, even with an avg. rumble participation rate of 70-75%, we win far more than we lose.

    TN Rumble Win Percentages
    Pre-Mini : 97%
    Post-Mini: 68%

    Your point that "this is war" is true, and "whatever it takes" tactics may be perfectly justifiable when you're up against some random guild, but that attitude doesn't work for guilds on this forum, because this forum is a community, and that community is essential to supporting and driving the evolution of the game. Over the past year, every major guild here has learned the hard way: the only way to keep this community useful is for players and guilds to treat each other with respect. So, while it may be war, many people here understand that putting the good of the community before something as silly as a rumble reward is essential to keeping the peace. In fact, all the largest forum guild captains feel so strongly about this, that we created ways to keep in touch, just so that we can quickly deal with any issues like this. Your parent guild is one of those, and their behavior in the past has given me a great deal of respect for them.

    I'm sorry if you don't see the need for that sense of trust and camaraderie.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  15. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I've never had a problem with opponents gemming troops. :) Sure, it gives an advantage to those who can (or are willing to) spend tons of gems, but it also helps support the game, which is a good thing, overall. Annoying or not, it's honest. If we had some arch-rival guild, and matched them, I'd gem the hell out of my guys AND pester my players to do the same. So, no worries there, man :)

    lol. You'd think so, right? But that seems to be yet another one of those things their awesome QC company failed to consider ;)
    bucket likes this.
  16. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I want to keep this all very friendly, as I have no ill feelings about anything in the PP game or our discussions here.

    I hope we always have PH5 players in our guild and I hope they score as many points as they can. That said, what do you consider a maximum point value a PH5 should score per rumble? We like having PH5s in our guild or really any new players we can help along and share our wisdom and guild ship troops.

    Fluffy is a second island of one of our top players, who went on later and got in the top 3. I have a second island that I kept a level below max forever and just finally decided to take up to max out of sheer boredom.

    We went a little gem crazy and rallied the troops last night. We will never be "Laughing Gemmers" or "Active Minis", if you know what I mean. :)

    Here is a point I hope you consider valid. If all of the facts you say are dead on accurate. How was fluffy's trainer to know that after she got ahead and while she slept the mini guild would not continue to point like mad and she would have to play major catch-up the next morning? It seems like a bad strategy to just get a tad ahead and hope for the best the next eight or more hours. Nobody want to wake up to that kind of surprise on a work day.
    # Johnny Doe # and Kelani like this.
  17. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Laughing Gemmers?

    Never heard of them :rolleyes:
  18. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    E.g., "we will exploit the game any way we see fit, including using fluffy to our advantage, even in a situation where s/he isn't "needed" (defined by your own terms)." But hey, if you feel good about claiming a victory in which half the competitors in your rival's guild threw in the towel bc they knew it was pointless to even bother, good for you. We prefer a fair fight.

    Note that based on this individual post alone, all respect for WP has been lost, not that you care. Just a shame bc we used to be supportive of your guild. But I guess that was back when there was a different captain.
  19. Fil

    Fil Captain

    People...this is over 279 points. 279. Anyone who cries about 279 BP needs to find a new hobby.

    When a mini puts up 2,790 and you lose by 279 then you may have a somewhat valid complaint....maybe. This however is just pathetic and petty.
    Peg-Leg, John56 and lady blackbeard like this.
  20. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Oh, me too, man. :)

    Same here. And when the new scoring is released, I look forward to welcoming in some midrange players, for exactly that purpose.

    Fair point about what a maximum for a PH5 should be. I have no good answer for that. WIthout prior experience, there's really no way for an opposing guild to know whether a PH5 is posting big points is a mini, or simply an active player who's main-lining Starbucks :) But like I said, our previous encounter with you guys turned into a Mini vs Mini slugfest, and the circumstances as they played out here gave the impression that a mini was being used to preserve the lead vs a non-Mini guild.

    LOL. OK, that made my day. Good one :p

    That is definitely a valid point, and I do understand the need for insurance. However, Fluffy's re-emergence (and biggest point gains) happened literally a few minutes after we caught up with you guys. Bloodhound Gang had nobody online and hadn't posted a single point for several hours. It was pretty obvious at that point that they'd given up. Having been whacked over the head with minis lately, that timing really gave the impression that the Re-Fluffyzation of this rumble was in response to our catching up. If you're saying that was just a coincidence, then I've no choice but to take you at your word. It's all good.

    Regardless, this should will all be fixed in a few weeks, and then we can get back to slugging it out like respectable pirates. :)

    One last thought to the participants of this thread: I just saw some of the responses above, so let me reiterate: This forum is essential for the growth and evolution of this game. So while the differing opinions of people and guilds may cause conflict, we ALL (myself included) need to suck it up a bit, and try to put the game above our own desires. The worst period on this forum was a few months ago, when respect and civility broke down, and people started attacking each other. The forum lost a lot of helpful/funny/constructive personalities because of that, and I'd hate to see that happen again.
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