Town hall five build priorities

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Roland123, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Mister Owl

    Mister Owl Powder Monkey

    Focus on defenses first. With a weak base, you will never be able to hold onto a large amount of resources once you log off - so unless you plan on gemming your upgrades or you plan on playing continuously for hours, you need a solid defense.

    Tavern is next. Then academy. Then you grind gold/grog and dump it into your walls and your troop upgrades.

    Upgrade storage as you need to, but don't overdo it, as raising your storage also raises the 20% cap and exposes you to greater losses!

    Don't be afraid to drop pirate rating to fight at a lower level (even though your raids will be less in resources gained, the odds of you getting 3-starred will be much less).

    Good luck mate, arrrrrrrr!
    Pirate Fear, Roland123 and Kit like this.
  2. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Very helpful and well explained... Thank you very much indeed !!!
  3. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Nice job! Even though I am not PH5, it will help when I get there!
  4. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Indeed ... None mentioned lighthouse/ship lolol ... Or guild house ... Will be the last to build lol .......
  5. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    The guild hall seems like it has loads of hitpoints when upgraded.
  6. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    And allow upgrade blacksmith stonemason and build/upgrade observatory what is quit good lol
  7. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Really? Cool!
  8. Mister Owl

    Mister Owl Powder Monkey

    Glad I could help.

    As for some of the other buildings, I assumed you had a guild hall and blacksmith already. Blacksmith level 1 is the best bargain, as you get +5 damage. By all means, if you can easily get the resources, keep upgrading, but remember, level 2 and level 3 are just +2 for each (i.e., +5 goes to +7 and then to +9) and the donation cost goes up at a high rate ($5k at level 1 and $40k for level 2).

    Boat upgrades are good but not a priority (at least for me). I'll always upgrade the boat before advancing to the next hall level, but the grog is better spent making sure your brutes/gunners are top notch. If your brutes/gunners are maxed out with Academy 3 upgrades, they can do a lot of damage - the next most economical step is getting the extra 15 food supply for your tavern once you hit Hall Level 5.

    There are always 2 key focal points in a game like this - defensive strength to defend your loot from others and offensive strength to seize loot from others! Every decision you make is an investment in time and resources, and each decision should advance your capability in one or both of these areas - that's the strategy :)
    Roland123 likes this.
  9. zag

    zag Crew

    I do an Outhouse with the builder that just finished the PH.
    Then I raid to pay for the Tavern 16 or so hours later.

    The other builders throw up the new buildings, defenses first.
    Then start the upgrade process for defenses first. Followed by collectors and maybe storages.

    I've yet to be done with the previous academy upgrades before the new PH is finished so there has been room to play there.

    The ship gets upgraded as soon as I have the grog but the academy is tied up for another few hours which is usually pretty quick.

    My plan so far has been that the Pirate hall gets upped when I run out of gold upgrades.
  10. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Hi and thanks
    Yepp blacksmith go from 5k to 40k just for two more points ... Quite nonsense lol. ..
    Gunners skills quite lower than bunaneers and brutes but anyways ...
    Hey thanks for sharing
    Tavern like the first after defenses I do that is nice 15 more pirates ...
    Hey thanks for share
  11. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

  12. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Academy training max out before upgrade??
    Yea ship finally someone mention it Lolol .
  13. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Interesting ....
    Guild updates can be done before hall but as mister owl say they aren't very good ...
    Hey thanks to all for sharing so far ....
  14. Mister Owl

    Mister Owl Powder Monkey

    Just to clarify, I would say the first Blacksmith bonus is very nice! +5 to attack given the donation requirements is a pretty good deal. It's unfortunate that the subsequent bonuses are only +2, but hey, that's probably to keep some game balance! If your guild is good and honest, and everyone contributes, then the additional bonuses are not that bad, and hey, who wouldn't want +9 damage? :)
  15. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Any help is appreciated
  16. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    I agree
    I agree I mean upgrades yes level one is ok then two points ... Will be nice five but as you say probably in the long run is much worth it ...
    Hey thanks...
  17. zag

    zag Crew

    Our Mason was funded in under 10 minutes today.

    Those guild perks are money.
    Roland123 likes this.
  18. That because we are awesome
  19. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    Yea that's what I'm talking about
  20. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    You are Indeed
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.

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