Where's the BP gone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dutchie, May 31, 2017.

  1. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Alright, I think this whole BP complaint is getting a bit ridiculous because it sounds to me like everyone here is not taking advantage of the most lucrative method of farming BP, and that is sailing. I don't disagree that battling should yield more, I completely agree with that, but don't sit here and complain that there's not enough when you can literally farm thousands a day by sailing. The crab for instance on the eastern seas is roughly a 3-4 hour sail and yields 250-500 BP almost every time, and you can hit that monster numerous times a day (not to mention the amount of BP I've gotten from battered chests). I have 2 LPs maxed and 3 waiting on the last level and I'm sitting on almost 70k BP, with roughly 11k attacks, far less than most of you. Also, I may be thinking outside the box here but who really even wants to max out Jeanne or Boomer or the LPs you hardly ever use?? I use about 5 different ones, all of which are nearly maxed. Simply put, the BP is out there if you want to sail for it.

    Cheers and happy sailing ;)
    Intimidator and 850arrr like this.
  2. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I realize there is BP out there for the taking through sailing. I just have a huge problem with the streaking feature which I can't rightly untilize in its current format. When it was introduced, I almost quit the game. As with most new things, so many people were streaking when it launched, the guild chat was killed instantly until people finally got tired of it and started chatting a bit more. I think I've complained about it enough and tried to get it out of my system again recently. I did sit down and figure out how much bp I was actually short and made me furious lol. I haven't been an average or less than average player and didn't think it was really fair to be penalized and be short a resource in the game because I simply don't streak enough to farm chest and the bp contained in them. I'm no gaming developer, but seems like a simple fix to me. I could be totally wrong. It would have been nice to hear from someone that works on the game just to see if this would ever be considered for a makeover or if even possible. A feature of the game shouldn't change the guild dynamic for the players in them. Just my opinion and perhaps I'm the only one with a huge issue regarding streaking based on the little feedback I'm seeing here or just no one looks here or feels the need to drop a line. :(
    Rant over lol....
    Sea Patriot and Super-Nor like this.
  3. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    My BP shortage as described above represents a player who constantly explores, and for at least the last 6-8 months BP has been a primary target.

    But we are getting plenty of EP for exploring, so why are we not getting plenty of BP for battling?

    I have been exploring for about the last 7 days to get two masks and have got ZERO. This is an issue also since I specifically target those that have masks for a reward. What the heck are the odds on this bit if "luck"??

    I think that many folks are ahead because they went crazy when streaks were easy (broken?) and accumulated a lot of chests. I did not like streaking then and still don't so I did not go into chest acquisition and hoarding mode.
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  4. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    Thanks for the EP rewards in this guild event :rolleyes:

    I have ground to a halt with my LP upgrades because I don't have the BP which is frustrating. Could you please have a look at the imbalance between EP and BP and see if you can tweak it so that we get a little more BP, either in the chest rewards so that more weight is given to BP or increase the BP after winning a raid... thank you.
    Super-Nor and Intimidator like this.
  5. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    With all of the chests so far and the only BP reward in the event I expect to be able to upgrade no LPs that need BP at the end on either of my two islands. I may have one that does not require BP though. Then it will probably go back to me exploring for 8 days to get two masks again (really).
  6. NinjaNurse

    NinjaNurse Crew

    Literally the only thing stopping me from maxing all bar two of my LPs is BP. Those two are because Voodoo masks are also scarce.
  7. Forget all this talk of maxing LPs...

    I see dead base after dead base with WAY under leveled academy! PH10 & 11 with solid defenses - but academy is stuck at PH8 level.....

    Dooming those players, now this does not impact me. But I think a number of people have quit because of it. May be too late to bring them back, but BP is THE gating item to advancement. If you are attacking and winning then you should have a solid BP stream. Not this silliness of 20 BP an attack....

    Edit: I quit this game once PH10 came out because BP was such a pain. Came back, well because it was fun. Gold, Grog, EP are not that difficult to get. But still, getting BP has become infinitely harder since the legendry pirates came out. You cant even straight gem BP. Very annoying.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  8. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    I'm much inclined to agree here.

    These BP's for attacks seem to have remained in the Stone Age as our island upgrades climb the ladder. It didn't seem so bad when we first started out and it encouraged us to actually get those 3 * star wins.

    If Midoki wants to get people away from the farming for resources then adjust those BP's (based on level) and bring back a good reason to 3* star bases and save players from getting attacked multiple times in absence of obtaining a shield.

    Let's face it, getting those BP offerings inside Guild Events is a serious grind and requires major participation from all team mates. This isn't always easy because some people actually have a life outside of playing PP 24/7. I myself don't have much of a life, but that's beside the point here :cool:.

    Yes, most of us all know that BP's can also be obtained from sea battles and collected chests, but in all honesty it's a coin toss at best unless you want to attack the same sea monsters over and over again and again. Talk about burn-out. That's not fun it's tedious repution.

    Fun is being rewarded for an awesome victory. Perhaps available plunder wouldn't be as important if the BP's for a victory were far more valuable.

    I'm just trying to think outside the box, nothing more.

  9. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    We get EP from exploring but absolutely do not expect to get BP from battling. That seems odd. So all I am doing now is exploring for BP targets - again, an odd way to play this game. No reason to be in the game very often if this is the only way to get BP. I finally stopped doing errands for the pittance of BP there.
  10. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Perhaps we should get as much BP as we do Plunder Points. So essentially you're getting as much BP as you are PP. Another idea, a three star victory gets you the amount BP of the island you beat. So for this one if you three star an island at 500 rank you get 500 BP. Just a few thoughts for Midoki to help us out a bit ;).

    Dutchie and Intimidator like this.
  11. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    Totally agree. I mentioned this somewhere before. I'd hate to think how many people quit this once great game just for lack of bp to progress their academy any further and didn't have the patience to grind it out or gem battle after battle like many of us idiots lol.

    The game makers essentially shots themselves in the foot this way. The average players is doomed to quit after rushing to the next ph level without being able to upgrade their troops to the appropriate level. They couldn't get the bp for AC but wanted to keep playing but ultimately quit from frustration from not being able to take down bases on their level or got stuck low level farming because that's all they were able to do. :(
    Dutchie likes this.
  12. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    I agree with the general sentiment and I hope Midoki pay attention. Been playing nearly 3 years and the shortage in BP is having the opposite effect whereby I'm playing the game a lot less now... it might get to a point where I need to start looking elsewhere for entertainment...
    Intimidator and Becker Redbeard like this.
  13. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] - Thanks for adding more BP to the event rewards... although it seems you cut the 10k BP reward to 8k BP, I'm sure overall it is more BP than before. Please keep it up and thanks for listening.
  14. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    @Dutchie , I was curious so I looked up the old event for a comparison.

    Boggs Event February 1, 2017 - Totals: 2 X Bandit, 3 X Freebooters, 6 X Useful, Rumpled Closet, Dapper Closet, 500 gems, 13950 BP
    Tokens - Reward
    1000 - 2 X Bandit chest
    3000 - 150 BP
    5000 - 1 X Freebooters chest
    8000 - 300 BP
    10000 - 500 BP
    13000 - 1 X useful casket
    15000 - 2 X Freebooters chest
    18000 - Rumpled closet
    20000 - 2 X Useful casket
    23000 - 5000 BP
    25000 - 500 Gems
    28000 - 2 X Marauders chest
    30000 - 8000 BP
    35000 - 3 X useful caskets
    40000 - Dapper closet

    Boggs Event June 28, 2017 - Totals: 3 X Bandit, 2 X Freebooters, 2 X Corsairs, 6 X Useful, Rumpled Closet, Dapper Closet, 14750 BP
    1000 - 1 X Bandits
    3000 - 250 BP
    5000 - 2 X Bandits
    8000 - 500 BP
    10000 - 1 X Useful
    13000 - 2 X Freebooters
    15000 - 1000 BP
    18000 - Rumpled Closet
    20000 - 2 X Useful
    23000 - 2 X Corsairs
    25000 - 5000 BP
    28000 - 2 X Marauders
    30000 - 3 X Useful
    35000 - 8000 BP
    40000 - Dapper Closet
    WOLLIMAUS and Dutchie like this.
  15. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    800 BP more but 500 gems less... mmmmm... it felt like much more but the stats don't lie!

    Many thanks for the info @Super-Nor
    Super-Nor likes this.
  16. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    <rant> The lack of BP prizes in this Thunderstruck event is a massive disappointment and it is seriously preventing me from upgrading my LPs, almost to the point where I'm deciding whether to stop playing... I enjoy this game and I have enough materials for maxing my remaining 7 LPs but the lack of BP is becoming a joke now. Every time I open a chest and I get an EP prize, I just shake my head in disappointment. Can you not replace the EP prizes in chests with BP? Why are you giving out EP when it is barely needed in this game...


    Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh! </rant>
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  17. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I know, I completely agree with you. It's frustrating enough we can't open chests and collect, next to that we only get minimal BP from Errands and Videos and attacks. Something needs to be done. I mean, why can't we be offered mini events that Captains can start that could also yield us BP. I'm also getting upset with the duplicate outfits. I mean, how is there "new" outfits advertised and yet we still see the same ones every week in the Trade Ship and in the events? And when they are available (seasonal outfits) they cost an arm and a leg in gems.o_O:mad::eek:
  18. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I'm not sure if I used enough emojis in my rant... lol
    Dutchie likes this.

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    Useless! why the EP at all? ok, smaller phs need it still a lot for the lighthouse and the ships until they are maxed, but then... absolutely useless the EP "rewards"... two perks which need the EP and we get it while sailing/hunting items

    and why for example an 2000 EP reward in Events as third or second last reward :(... it's so unfair
    and the gap too the last reward is sometimes soooo huge... in a few events it's the half of the whole tokens amount. 750 k :eek:---> 1,5million :confused: :mad:??? WHY?

    Thunderstruck event is nice small this time! Half way trough already and many have it already done ;):)

    I wish you all a nice day :p
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
    Dutchie and Intimidator like this.
  20. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    +1 I've really ranted enough on the BP shortage. Lets hope this is one of the things they are looking at fixing in the coming updates. It's a monstrous issue with long time players, and still frustrating everyday to see friends leaving the game because of it :(

    Fortunately the events are keeping some of our mates coming back from "retirement", but the lack of bp or gem rewards are wearing patience down tbh. Yes all the chest are great but doesn't do much good to acquire all the materials when there is no bp to upgrade another Lp. So pitch all the material and hope for more bp in chest or just sit on a mountain of them for what? Idk....
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
    Dutchie, WOLLIMAUS and Cocobean like this.

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