Witch Doctor runs off...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BOomSt!cK, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    They don't live twice as long because the WD is far far far dead by then. I can't get my brutes or jugs to live long enough to draw enough fire, maybe because they are only lvl 6. All I know is I was winning and doing just fine with old WD and now I'm not.

    One last thing, I never needed two WD's to win a battle and now I guess I do. How is that an improvement!! WD's are stupidily expensive to recruit, maybe you maxed out guys can afford it but I'm still building up and don't have grog coming out of my you know what.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    Alphafox likes this.
  2. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    If there is a possibility of a mine (grass), send some other troop to trigger it before the bombers. A sacraficial gunner often works well for this.
  3. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    And agreeing with and adding further frustration to the thread about WDs following too close

    Sure, it's great that Juggs can *possibly* live twice as long but when the WD is standing so damn close to the Juggs they did 10x quicker because they don't have Splash Armour or 1000000 HP.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    the juggs they're protecting should never be getting hit with splash for the wd to die off tho. splash should not be targetting your main group of bullet sponge juggs.
  5. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Raptelan ain't gonna Like it )
  6. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    True, therein lies the nuances that the legit players on the LB have developed.
    I said I lost more that one battle with leading bombs, but not more than two. ;)
    There too, if a gun tower flower, large building etc preceeds the well placed bomb, you will be sending more than one sacrificial gun ahead of bombs. Also not always easy to spot one square of grass while planning an attack. Tough to teach good strategy, easier to learn from personal mistakes IMHO, but not being critical.
    Well I feel I may be straying from original topic, that said original has been well covered.
    Raptelan likes this.
  7. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    So basically you're saying Skye that this WD AI tweek is an improvement then, yea? You're happy with the change?
    Just because using the WD a certain way can work, doesn't mean it's not a horrible change, they are taking away control we had over a battle, before we could choose who he protects, now that ability has been taken from us & he makes up his own mind, in turn limiting what we can do with him. We shouldn't have to completely change our attack style & the crew we use because of an AI tweek, tweeks should be an improvement, not a step back limiting us.
    850arrr and Maverick like this.
  8. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    It helps certain attacks and kills others. Unfortunately, the "others" was the way most of us attacked it seems. From the posts by midoki, while they may tweak it, seems like we are pretty much stuck with the change. We do this in America all the time-cater to a small minority. Bright side is I have found a troop set that is effective. Still very difficult to keep wd alive. Saying the wd should never get splash damage is unrealistic. Yes, I do the tactics of distracting mortars and gp with other troops, but the wd is still gonna get hit hard unless it's a poorly designed base.
    850arrr likes this.
  9. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Take a look at this video and watch the wd closely. He gets totally confused and runs back and forth and back and forth in response to quirky ai . . .
    850arrr, Maverick, Ian and 1 other person like this.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Seen this multiple times!
    Daddy P likes this.
  11. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Poo deliveryman? Really? Lol
    Alphafox likes this.
  12. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    grahvity, 850arrr and Tex like this.
  13. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I have seen it. Not consistently. 18 bomber skeletons, maybe half resurrected and the rest stayed there. Later on sent a second WD in over the same pile, they also wouldn't dance or revive for him.
    Tex likes this.
  14. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    This sounds like a trend. And one that negatively effects the outcome to a critical degree. Is Midoki nerfing the WD? Because it's feeling that way. And limiting resurrect feature will make me play less. I've put over $100 into this game. Players who never put a $1 into this game will call me a sucker. Players who have spent $1K+ willcall me cheap. But I believe all of us rich or poor want to see consistency in the AI for all troops. Not radical, half-baked ideas that take accumulated knowledge and strategy out of the game. In other words, I DON'T want to have to relearn the pirate AI after each update. It's a terrible player experience. Please make the WD at LEAST as powerful as he was before. Any additional training should only make the unit perform better.

    Is anyone with me on this? Please speak up if you're experiencing this issue.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
  15. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think it's a bug. But it's been around longer than this update. I've always had random times where skellies that should be in range do not shake and do not resurrect, even if it's my first resurrection.

    Good news is that if you max your WD you get increased resurrection range. I'm hoping it is the same as your bubble. Instead of the tiny little circle it is now.
    Becker Redbeard likes this.
  16. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    @Bear this may be the case, but there was almost no comments here on this before the upgrade (I could be wrong on this point) and why should anyone upgrade to fix this issue. Good if you can, but what about those at PH5, 6 & 7?
  17. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Whilst I haven't actually haven't experienced any problems (yet) with the WD.. I feel for the many that obviously are. I can't recall any other issue generating so much emotion following previous upgrades and am sure that Midoki are working towards a fix (as they always do)...
  18. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Range has nothing to do with it. The WD was standing right on top of the corpses. half were dancing and resurrected, the other half did not and stayed dead. All were freshly-killed bombers and should have been resurrectable.
    850arrr likes this.
  19. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    The problem is not to adapt, the problem is there is nothing good to adapt to. We got obvious weaker WD AI which makes him die-easy.
    Its so clear after even couple of fights that I'm absolutely sure it couldn't pass Midoki's Quality Assurance and testers. Only if they ordered to accept it as it is.
    For what? Because we also clearly see Midoki's trend to make us spend more resources (by charging and so on). Its a part of tension for us to gem.
    We have to use more expensive weak WDs now, when it was enough a pair ot them now we'll need maybe a pair of extras.
    And @Chris [Midoki]'s post which meaning was "Shut up before you don't get Math ehough for Game Theory" is also making me think we dealing with intetional politics.
    I'm always for strong defence and weak offence in this game, maybe I'd better accept new WD AI but not because its fine and adaptable.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
    850arrr likes this.
  20. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    The WD not resurrecting in situations like @Raptelan mentioned has been around for a long time. I know that I personally have never submitted it as a bug because I had never really heard of others mentioning it, and I could never be sure if I was just seeing things wrong since I can't see the circle around him.

    Now that it's established by more people, maybe we can get an explanation or a fix.

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