Drop Cabin Boy for a gender-neutral term

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Kelani, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Captain Monkey

    Captain Monkey First Mate

    i was all - I hate being called cabin boy, but then powder Mönkey came out, and how could I not be happy. If I'm not recognized as a female at least I'm recognized as a monkey.
  2. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    He's fine by me as well. My opinion differed but I'm not upset at all by it. I appreciate the fact that we are discussing it. It's difficult to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. Like I said, the name is a small thing but an appreciated gesture.
  3. Im glad you and the rest gave your views that's why I made sure you all saw this thread. Who better to say it than a female pirate. Arrrrggg. Cheers.
    Captain Hakjka and LadyoftheSea like this.
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'll add it.
    Moscow Cat likes this.
  5. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    first and foremost, my comments are not meant to be inflammatory. I just want to clarify a few things.

    to begin, you are right. there are characters available for both. a large breasted, small waisted, thief, (who so far has proven herself completely useless - although there is the distinct possibility that I haven't figured out how to use her effectively) and some kind of priestess, which, in the makers own words, adds a bit of "glamour" (with the added caveat that she isn't 'just' a pretty face). no female brutes, no female sky raiders, no female gunners, and so on. oh, and a bunch of island wenches who waltz around for show. it is a fairly male centric game, but yes, as you so eloquently put it, that is life. and for the most part it is all we have to play.

    please don't misunderstand me. I love the game. I have contributed both time and monetarily, and, as a matter of fact, have just joined your guild.

    on the other hand, at the least, perhaps we don't have to be referred to as boys. I suppose what I don't understand is why you would object in the first place? what difference does it make to you if the term "cabin boy" is changed?

    thank you for reading, and please do believe me, I am not being argumentative. I am honestly curious, and just wanted to express my feelings on the matter. I respect the makers of this game. it is a beautiful piece of work. and a fun one at that! but I must admit I do believe there to be a pretty big imbalance. however, to quote you again, "that is life". and overall I think us girls do make the best of playing it.
    Tikigirl, pwrovryou, Kelani and 2 others like this.
  6. I like the term cabin boy, because originally there were not really females on the ships, but I wouldn't object to a new, gender-equal name, as long as it's good and piraty enough :D

    As for female pirate- characters, why don't we try to help out with a few plausible ideas? Maybe a amazone (or however it is written :rolleyes:), female archer... Hm, having troubles finding pirate-related themes... Maybe a female character that draws the crew (or the closest one's) to her self as a special skill.. You know, for those bastards that end up in the opposite direction of what you planned.... o_O
  7. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    but my point is that we don't need special "female" varieties. some of the gunners could be women, some of the brutes could be women and so on. and women were indeed pirates. even vikings. here is an article to help:


    and there is more and more evidence piling up that whoever was able bodied fought, and whoever was't stayed at home. and those specifications did not hold across gender lines.

    thank you for reading. I hope you find the very brief article interesting.
  8. You're right ofcourse Moscow Cat, I didn't even think of the option of making every character into both sexes! :eek: :p

    About the 'no females on the ships', this is obviously not a rule whitout exception kind-of-a-thing.. And it mostly represent the modernising western ideas, of a protectiv man/ stay at home wife.. I just said it because this game has been somewhat built upon this mindset (probably not on purpose). But I guess that's what this thread is about, trying to find new ways around that mindset, which is getting a little out-datet :)

    I'll read the article when I get home from work.. :D
    Moscow Cat likes this.
  9. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    More to add to your comment, there were even female captains :) (most of them were more feared than the men!)
  10. A&M tag team
    Mary Read
    (c.1690-1721) was an English pirate. She and Anne Bonny are two of the most famed female pirates of all time; they are the only two women known to have been convicted of piracy during the early 18th century, at the height of the Golden Age of Piracy.<-----G.A.P. Nice guild name hmmmmm.;)
  11. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    There was also Ching Shih, legendary leader of the Red Flag Fleet. IIRC, she ran rings around the Qiang Dynasty navy, even after they'd got in the Brits, Dutch and Portuguese to help, and ended up being able to negotiate her and her crew's retirement, securing amnesty and in a lot of cases high ranking positions in the navy and the government. The Pirate Lord 'Mistress Ching' in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie was based on her.
  12. Was going to post on her too but seemed a lil too much info in one post....cheers to you for doing it :D
    Bill gates jr and Captain Hakjka like this.
  13. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    I think they were the only ones who got caught... ;)

    thank you @Captain Harlock for being so receptive to what I was saying. it means a lot. I agree with you of course - I don't think it was built in intentionally. and as you noted yourself, it was definitely built in. anyway, hopefully @Captain MetaTauta also understood.

    and yes @Lynsey [Midoki] , Ching Shih was amazing!

    thank you all again for listening, this is a most enjoyable discussion.
  14. Yes being tolerant of others views is a good thing, 3 things I hate are intolerant people, Russians ,and cats.

    Lol jk , you stated you views well in your post @Moscow Cat , cheers matey:D
  15. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    Hahahahahaha!!!! I like that. Three things I hate... I am going to have to use that joke sometime. :)
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  16. Haha, too funny Megatron.. xD

    And no problem Moscow Cat ;) I love people who are able to clairify their statements, whitout being pissed, hurt or make a fuzz out of things, just because someone migth have misunderstood something at first.. Cheers! :D
  17. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Ching's code for her armada was incredible, and she was one of the few pirate lords who was actually able to retire and live out her days in peace
  18. Cpt. Sharkhook

    Cpt. Sharkhook Powder Monkey

  19. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I wonder why you prefer the title of shark bait @Cpt. Sharkhook :rolleyes:

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