Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juggernaut, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    This thread is to encourage every player, even the real ones, to start using minis, since recruiting time is so little, we all be using less gems if any.
    It's very sad to say this but the truth is that is getting out of hand, just yesterday we face a guild with 12 minis and their Capt was PH1.
    There's no sense on Midoki developing new ideas and as a player having or wanting to have a maxed base, when in reality a maxed base doesn't stand a chance against a mini BPs wise, They r damaging their own product by doing nothing to stop this, everything they r doing with their hands, they're destroying it with their feet.
    We the serious players (costumers) r getting pushed to do this, so let's all get minis and turn this into a minis war, let's use little to no gems now on, maybe by hitting Midoki's pockets they'll do something about it.
  2. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I posted this in another very similar thread.

    We rumble three times a week and have yet to lose to a bunch of mini accounts. Even if we ever do lose to a bunch of mini accounts, it still isn't a big deal. You could always drop rank and farm/3 star the easy PH8's for full Bp. Sure, you won't get the bonus 25%, but with a guild full of players attacking Vs 1 person with a bunch of mini's, hopefully the full guild will come together and win.

    edit- I completely disagree with your idea, Midoki should keep coming out with fresh new ideas for those of us who have maxed out their bases. Some ideas with be hits, some will be misses, but new stuff is always better than just letting the game go stagnant. You can't always please everyone.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Raptelan and Bear like this.
  3. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    My guild rumbles every day and as a PH 8 the lower you drop the less BPs you will get, obviously you haven't been matched against minis putting 2000+ points, they do this by getting fed maxed troops and beating bases slightly bigger than them, like PH beating a PH 4 per say, also the recruitment time is a lot less than a PH 8 (1 hr depending on your set up)and we r not even gonna talk about the gems, while a PH 8 takes about 30 gems + or -, a PH 3 can get their full army with a handful of gems.
    My guild had only lost 1 rumble this far but the easy solution would be Midoki's rewarding the players that had put their time an money on this game, make the minis earn no more than 10 BPs for a 3 stars, PH 8 and soon 9 should get the max possible Pts when beating another PH 8.
    the game is also about PR, why you wanna have the need to drop your rank so low just to hit baby bases? What happened with the times when people was proud to be at least in the top 200 in world? There's no pride on beating baby bases for easy point since you already know you r going to win, where's the challenge?
    Raptelan likes this.
  4. My guess is that they want lower pirate halls opportunity to catch up to people who have been playing longer
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    You're right, I haven't and have already stated that.

    If they are getting fed max level troops, then there are PH8's to attack and gain your normal BP.

    I thought you weren't going to talk about gems and there you did ;). But you do have a valid point about recruitment and their gems usage. If you know about the 4 min gem trick, you can get your hour long recruitment times down to a short amount of time with minimal gem usage.

    What they really need to do is match clans more evenly.

    PR doesn't really matter until you have the troops that can actually defeat Max bases, if you go too high, you become the Max bases l whipping boy. Also, PR and Rumbles suck. If you are a highly ranked base and you get matched against lower PR level bases (still can be maxed out PH8s), wins are worth 0 PR and the loses are in the 20's

    I only brought up dropping down because if your best rumble rival is all minis and you are upset about that, fight fire with fire and farm easy ph8s for max Bp. There are tons of PH8s in the 200 area, so you won't need the extra 25% bp won't really matter and you can use pirates that don't have long training times.

    People are still proud to be in the top 200, I have been up there a few times, but there is a grog shortage and little variety in bases. It's not a fun feeling knowing that I'm spending at least 350,000 grog and rarely get offered a base with that much grog to offer. I want to raid, not wait on pumps to gain the grog so that I can raid. So I hang out in the 600's and never really worry about having enough grog to fund my next troops.

    Wow, I should get back to work.
  6. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    The biggest issue with the minis is the sheer volume of attacks, in the time it takes me to get 20bp they will put up 60. Just imagine when you started, and mix in some level 29 gunners? It's nuts.
  7. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    The problem is that we r not facing an all minis guild, this guilds have a couple maxed bases, sometimes under shield, feeding this minis maxed troops, I also know the 4 min rec time, this minis knows it too that's why they can put so many pts up so fast, by the time you hit a base for 3 stars, they had hit 2 or 3, the problem is that is getting out of hands and like I said just yesterday we fought a Chinese guild with 12 of this minis and like you said the only way to fight fire is with fire, that's why I encourage everyone to get their mini and turn this into a minis war but most important use little to no gems that way Midoki has to do something about it
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

  9. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Wrong game, no clans here. ;)

    Actually, this is a perfect balance. you can easily refill your grog at high ranks using rival matches, though at significant PR risk for doing so.

    Sitting there now with 3 million grog (thanks to Rumble Rivals, not only that I can attack directly, but for making my competitors more wealthy targets as well) and enjoying a good variety of good bases, unlike the endless field of rubbish layouts significantly lower... Earning hundreds of BP per Rumble while pushing rank, feeding maxed WD's and HG's to the rest of my guild all day long with no real concern about grog.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  10. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    You knew what I meant, I was going to compare it to Clash, but decided against it, so that why the clan term was used.

    Yea, that is why it's not always a good choice to go after those low PR people if you are trying to retain rank. But, I will agree that there are some easy rumble bases with tons of grog to offer, but they can be risky.

    You sure about that? I only see a little over 70k in one of your Grog storages. Check picture below. Oh, but I bet you just got around to upgrading some troop well after you already have the pirate with the longest training time already maxed. [​IMG]

    Btw, that picture is timestamped 5 or so hours after you posted you having millions, so you have lost some credibility.
  11. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Wow, I try to write a courteous response and you get abusive. I thought you were a respectful person, and liked your initial response on this thread, but it seems that you must resort to this crap. I had over 3 million grog yesterday, then spent it on a series of bad losses while also donating a lot of troops as I already said. I will fill up the storages again later today after work, and again use it... The point is I don't get stuck out of grog anymore since Rumbles were introduced - if it starts running low, I just attack a few rich rivals that are sure wins, often without a WD to maximize profit. All of my troops are maxed. A lot can change in 5 hours especially when you gem recruits and attack every few minutes. I also make a practice of running the grog low before signing off for the day since it reduces attacks on my base. For the record, I started my final troop trainings after gathering enough grog for them while in the 700's. But whatever. I really don't care enough to try to win a pointless argument on the internet, think whatever you want about me.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  12. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Hey @Burnz let me know if you want to set up a rumble with PU-X, we don't do minis but would love a good competition like we had with Rapt.
  13. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    I must agree with Rapt on the grog issues, ever since we started the rumbles grog is not a problem since you often see bases with 7 and 800k grog, they would have 0 or 1 PR but it keeps my troops production going, wich make the PR chasing more possible, the problem is that by chasing PR most of the bases r maxed, so no 3 stars is guaranteed, that makes it even harder for a maxed base to keep up BPs wise with this minis, then you got to drop your rank for more accessible bases.
  14. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Rapt, that wasn't abusive, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, I was just pointing out that you said you were sitting on 3 million in grog, which wasn't true. I want people that haven't made it past 700 to know what they are getting into when they get up there. There is a grog shortage and it will only get worse once the new update goes live. I personally can never sit on 3 million grog, as soon as I have more than 2 mil, my base gets hits hard and fast. It didn't matter if I had the circle base, the right angled gp base or the base I have now. Also, while scrolling through bases, I rarely get offered a top 200 base with more than 400k grog to offer. And I realize there are exceptions to that, even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.

    Also, my correction of your typo was in Jest, I should have put an emoji there so that you would get the point. Just like your correction of me using "clan".

    I have derailed this thread enough and am backing out of it.

    I can't speak for my guild mates, but after seeing PU vs LS, PU is way more dedicated than the effort I would ever put into a rumble, so there isn't really a point to try an match up a rumble. And, I don't want that to come across as disrespectful, so I hope it doesn't.
  15. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    I'm capt of X not of PU - I was referring to a match-up with our guilds. You can ask some of those that have faced us - we don't do 32,000+ :eek:
  16. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    No worries, sorry it came across the wrong way - please just realize that it *was* true when I wrote it. If you like I can accumulate that much grog again later today without dropping out of the 700's and post a screenshot. I do find a decent number of people in the top 200 with 500k+ grog actually, though certainly it is not the majority.

    Well, unless they move members around, PU-X is a pretty reasonable match. When we challenged them we agreed upon a few rules - no moving extra gemmers in from other guilds, no minis, and a mininum rank to be maintained by all guild members during the Rumble. They respected that agreement. They *are* a tough challenge though and we lost; I would have liked to have given them a better run for their money, but coincidentally we matched Plank Divers the day before our scheduled match and had a very tough Rumble with them which left most of the guild feeling exhausted. Plus I think when they saw PU in the guild name they were reminded, as you are here, of the main PU guild and didn't have hope.

    Based on my observations, Plank Divers, Pegleg Mutiny, PIRATES UNITED X, Red Flag Fleet, and Rapt Renegades are all pretty close in their Rumble strength and would make a great matchup if anyone wants to try to coordinate something. Or any other guilds who have hit around 7,000 BP in a tough Rumble. I don't know what AtariGeneration can manage but we *usually* land 3000-4000 BP per Rumble, except when pushed by strong competition. I always like arranged Rumbles for some better competition than the game matching provides! However I don't care to arrange a rumble with anyone who's going to have half their members drop rank really low and rack up BP that way, or by having a few minis onboard who score a ton of BP.
  17. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Atarigeneration is pretty strict about being casual. Lol jk. But seriously. We rumble Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Starting at 11 central time. We don't really deviate from that.
  18. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Looks like we have finally encountered a group of minis, it is lame, but what can we do? I know I am going to do my best and fight to win.
    Tikigirl and Bear like this.
  19. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I've set up a timer on my phone to alert me when my troops are done cooking. That's about it...well that and not losing.
  20. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    We're not that far away from you - It shouldn't be too long for us to get matched up. Like Bear said, I start the rumbles Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8(ish) or 9(ish) Pacific time. The variance in time depends on when my kid wakes up and when I do :)

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