Just a heads-up to every Guild out there

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mana, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. TBird

    TBird Captain

    I see we have another positive addition to the forum who adds sunshine and wise advice.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Oh, Happy Day! :rolleyes:
    Christy and Black-ish Beard like this.
  3. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Yawn...I'll warm up the popcorn maker
    Pirate! and Christy like this.
  4. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I don't think the problem is "somebody tried to take my pirates". Seriously, I can't see anybody buying into this - it's a lousy approach. Maybe if you're the type of person who believes that it's a real deal when you get a spam call telling you you've won a free cruise and all you need to do is give your credit card details for a "security deposit". But it's annoying and spamming up the game for others is really bad form, and a few bad apples can make the overall game experience worse for everyone. So what's wrong with calling the spammers out so everyone can know exactly who they are?

    Don't like it, don't spam.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I complained when a few members tried to poach my guild members thru forum private messages. This approach, while marginally more creative, is not much different.

    I suspect the devs would consider this pretty blatant abuse of the guild system. I know I'd report anyone joining my guild to do this, and I expect many other guilds would do the same. So, something to consider.
    # Johnny Doe # and wackytabacky like this.
  6. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    I guess the idea of registering in our own private forum and applying prior to even applying to our guild online was a good idea to prevent this from happening :cool:

    Just our 2cp ;)
  7. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Oh goodie. I was starting to worry about the level of negativity slowing recently.
  8. wackytabacky

    wackytabacky Powder Monkey

    Is this preschool? Go tattle tell? Lmao either your young or really soft at heart. Either way go pick some daisy's then.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Actually, if you'd bothered to look, I'm older than you. I just have a low tolerance for idiots.

    Pirate game or not, this is a community with rules and etiquette, all clearly spelled out on this forum and in the game. If someone manipulates the system to disrupt my guild and waste my members' time, hell yes I'm going to say something about it.

    Every damn time.
    # Johnny Doe # and Bear like this.
  10. wackytabacky

    wackytabacky Powder Monkey

    Older makes your the better person makes sense.
  11. Floki

    Floki Captain

    We get those Chinese chaps come along to lose to there own guild then leave just as bad imho.
  12. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Oh I thought I would post again as there are only 20 of us here that post so I am keeping my end up........o_O
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  13. It's the same posters saying same thing still lol ,you eat a lot of popcorn you lush lol. Too bad this game isn't as fun as forum, they post in your guild who cares if anyone leaves heck it's because they weren't happy anyways. Happens a lot . post about it im sure midoki will change things right after the rank loop hole... I hear the new Clash of Clans is going to out do PP;)

    The real actions in LINE app chat with thousands of players who don't bother with this lil forum community. Now pour a drink for everyone Blackish beard. Cheers. Oh and United post where you want when you want ..bring it:cool: .
    Clash pirate and Bill gates jr like this.
  14. TBird

    TBird Captain


    Well said Kel

    Adding that to my list of Fav Quotes

    "I just have a low tolerance for idiots."
    Segwaysid and Kelani like this.
  15. wackytabacky

    wackytabacky Powder Monkey

    Lol it really is the same 6 or 7 liking each others post
  16. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Thanks Tim. Honored to make the list :) I also have one of those, so I hope to return the favor soon.

    Yes, it is! That's partly because those people are longtime members who consistently post quality info that benefits the aforementioned community. Some of those people are even likeable.
    Bear, Christy and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  17. wackytabacky

    wackytabacky Powder Monkey

    Trolling isn't quality info. Constantly hijacking threads isn't either.
  18. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I think Oak Doak wins the award for that in this thread. These other posts you call trolling, I call valid responses.
  19. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Popping my popcorn :cool:
    I love it when power monkeys who have been on the forum a few days try to tell a Captain how to better run a forum.
    This should be fun.
    For noobs they are hacking off all the right people.
    (kicking back in my chair, waiting on the boom)
    Kelani and Segwaysid like this.
  20. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Hey, let me get a bowl of that! *Kicks back also*
    Another thing the noobs failed to grasp: Captains are captains precisely because we (well, me anyway) like to get in the last word. :)

    I'm not sure if the anticipated boom will materialize here. It's hard to sustain an argument when one party clearly doesn't grok the concept of online community, much less rules and etiquette. I look at it this way: If someone really believes that running into random houses and screaming "HEY GRANDMA! BUY MY CRAPPY PRODUCT!" is acceptable behavior...there's usually not much hope of reasoning with them.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
    mana likes this.

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