Landlocked Ships - Ideas for Improvement

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Super-Nor, May 18, 2016.

  1. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    I currently don't have the standard angle ship locked layout and very rarely see 100% in my defense logs. My layout isn't anything special but with maxed defenses it takes down army's like mad and the same goes when I attack other bases that are maxed. It ain't easy one bit to get three stars and usually relies on luck because of the wacky AI causing your troops to do weird crap. All I'm saying is that most players that play this game have a difficult time three starring maxed bases of any layout so this change while welcomed will not be the end all like some are saying. I agree that someone who is a highly skilled player with a nutso expensive crew can and will take down any base but how many players are that crazy good...looking at my defense logs, not many.
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  2. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    So yes, we passed super hard bases to super easy... We need more walls, another mortar and GP, etc....
  3. Wilkopuppy

    Wilkopuppy Crew

    So how did the new update change the effectiveness of the corner base? I saw they said they changed the LF pathing but it didn't really say what was different. Did it change anything with the ships?
  4. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    Pirates can go between the ships, there is no two they cannot get between. Bases with ship+guild ship corners and two GPs inside can be penetrated in the corner and the GPs taken out with minor pirates. Experiment and you shall see! Nice stuff.

    Still landlocked ships are allowed though and I vote those to have consequences per my original message in this thread.
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    They can also swim down the side/rear part of the Trade Ship part of the fort where they couldn't before.

    On those corner bases, just drop your army to attack from the fort corner and they happily kill the fort and walk over it right into the base. I posted more in depth explanation on PPBay Slack with illustrations
    Super-Nor likes this.
  6. md-da44

    md-da44 Powder Monkey

    I logged in just to complain that you guys managed to break the game with a single update

    There is literally no strategy involved to any attacks anymore.
    A combo of 10 juggs and 33 gunners and 1 witch doctor along with a random LP (which doesnt have to be fully maxed 7/20 or 10/25 ) can obliterate any base. There is literally no point in leveling up lps anymore. Same goes for the walls.

    I dont know if the goal of the update is to cater to kids, so they can just mindlessly deploy the pirates and go to sleep for 3 minutes, but I am hoping along with probably many others that you guys reverse this mistake and re-implement strategy which is now non existent in attacking.

    This update is dumb af.
    defense broken
    Walls/lps pointless to upgrade
    Please fix what you broke
    HadesHD likes this.
  7. HadesHD

    HadesHD Powder Monkey

    This makes training the academy pretty much usless
  8. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Give it a bit of time for people to come up with new defensive strategies that don't revolve around using ships to path troops places. All the current popular ones are broken, but that just means you have to make a new one, and until people switch to new layouts that don't use that strategy, attacks will be easy.

    Yes defenses are going to be substantially harder for a bit until people come up with new ideas, but I'm sure they are watching analytics and rebalance things if defense is too underpowered. Plus at some point we will get a PH11 that hopefully has more walls and other defensive improvements that will fix any balance issues.

    As soon as people start adapting their bases, strategy will be required a bit again. It will still be easy, since without blocking things with ships, you could drop tinto with a horde of HG and kill everything before it could fire back, but at least cheap armies will have to rethink their attacks a bit when designs start to change.

    Things will be broken for a couple days until people log on and fix their problems. That doesn't mean the game is broken, just current designs.
  9. Raider

    Raider Powder Monkey

    I on the other hand would like to applaud midoki and the developers for bringing about these changes.. The impenetrable wall (ship/fort/tradeship) was a cheap trick.. Glad thats been fixed.. Now time to watch them fall like flies
    HornyQuokka, 850arrr, Apple and 3 others like this.
  10. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    Defense has a new name, and the game has become more interesting
  11. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Don't be such wimps, and learn to adapt. Complaining does nothing, as the majority of the player base WANTED this to happen, and it was carried out pretty well by Midoki, I would like to say. However, I do realize everyone has their own opinion.
    Defense has a new twist to it, that we will all be adapting to, some quicker than others. This update brings more creativity, strategy and excitement to the game. Instead of the boring but effective L shapes, there will be a variety of bases that work and don't work, and some that work from time to time, depending on wind direction. The L shape layouts were not impossible as Skye has said, they just involved some strategy, strong troops, and practise.
    Like any other game changing update like Thunderstruck, the first day is quite confusing and chaotic. Everyone is still getting a grasp on defense and in thought about what to change up in their layout. Right now, easy L layouts are everywhere, similar to the holes in Thunderstruck. Sooner or later, layouts will begin to become a bit more challenging, and I think it will all finally settle down with the PH11 update, as defenses get stronger and attacking becomes a challenge, like it should be.
    What I like about this update is that, as attacking has been made easier, more players are able to rank up hitting easier bases, and it isn't as frustrating gaining rank without using the boring old layout that everyone else is using. Creativity can actually get you to the top! Or at least that is what I think the case will be early on.
    Of course, maintaining rank may be difficult, as you are more likely to get hit as attacks are easier. As I said earlier, it is all about adapting. Let's see how this plays out!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
    bucket, HornyQuokka, Apple and 2 others like this.
  12. Since the update yesterday, my PH8 profile is battering PH10s that I would never of dreamt of attacking
  13. Predone

    Predone Powder Monkey

    The new upgrade dont work with android!
    Ios attack android->pirates can go between the ships
    Ios attack ios->pirates can go between the ships
    Android attack ios-> pirates CAN'T GO
    Android attack android-> pirates CAN'T GO

    Please MIDOKI updates android also
  14. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Android was updated today to include the fix, you should have the new version available now.
    HornyQuokka and Skillzone10 like this.
  15. Predone

    Predone Powder Monkey

    Thank you!
    Confirm, now work well also the replays
  16. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I tested it and my pirates swam around the pirate ship.... For the moment right?
  17. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    Is the issue of landlocked ships, per my original post in this thread at least a consideration, @Lynsey [Midoki] ?

    Having ships and pirate fortress sitting in the middle of the land seems so very very wrong.
  18. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    That won't be changing - as the Ship has cannons on both sides, and the Fort has related Legendary Buffs, we want people to have the freedom to incorporate them into their bases as part of their strategy. Yes, logically it makes ZERO sense* to have a landlocked harbour, but, then again, we've got the ability to raise the dead as skeletons, Juggernauts that can quite merrily take mortar and artillery shells to the face, a pirate that throws out many monkeys from a suspiciously small sack, one that can ride a goat through walls, and another that shoots out fire with happy little faces!

    * Given that you can move objects and buildings around quite freely over the water, it suggests a degree of floating - clearly the ships can still reach the harbour by being submersible using the POWER OF VOODOO. So it actually makes about 17.8% sense.
    bucket, Langballe, McQ and 5 others like this.
  19. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I appreciate greatly your common sense answer. :)
  20. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    I love that I can give what's termed a 'common sense answer' when that answer contains the words "a pirate that throws out many monkeys from a suspiciously small sack"! :D

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