New Rumble Scoring is terrible

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by beancounter, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. loud

    loud Powder Monkey

    that was my case from resent rumble with new scoring system, i opened up and i saw that other guild had in less than 6 hours more than 100 raids. i remember one had score of only 7 points with winning ratio around 40/100 .... either way when PH6 the only troop missing is heavy gunner but tbh none often uses this most uses jugg and gunners - so my troops to be ready need at least 25-30 minutes if i add docs so i dont see any difference in times... the fact that i cant beat though a PH8 or higher is not resolved.
    thanks for minis clarification
    my experience with rumbles so far is that we could try with old system while scoring was around 500-3000 for each guild now with new system is 3,000 for each player which i cant compete sorry
  2. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    This should just be further incentive to upgrade your island asap so you can be more competitive. Want to compete with an endgame guild? Max your island. Low level players should not be able to keep up with high level players.

    You will probably use a lot of heavy gunners at PH9 btw, when they get 7 range (which doubles to 14 when walking), especially when paired which ching, they mow down all the defenses before being close enough to be shot back. They take a ton of grog and time to recruit, but they make fighting a lot easier. At lower levels this isn't a big issue.
  3. loud

    loud Powder Monkey

    Skye, though i wont disagree with your point, you have to realise, that this game like any upg built game is not a 100m sprint but a marathon, which i would like to be able to finish and enjoy being part of. devs like to make it look as a sprint cause its their business, but my time is precious ...

    and many thanks for the tip ;-)
  4. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    This is a sad story and all, and this person seems like a great member to have. Although, isn't the only reason he was actually good was because he was a mini? Yes, the road of upgrading is tough, and upgrading is even scary for me, being a PH8. And with this new update it is nearly impossible for a PH3 or 4 to hit 5000. I just think that if you keep on upgrading, and your guild doesn't mind the low scores, as they know what you are going through, you should stay. Raptelan, you are a great captain, and I think you encourage the progression of players. Even if the update makes the process horrible, this same player will emerge to be a PH8 or 9. Yes, it may take a while, and the player will lose moral, but it will happen. Staying at PH2 being a friendly and awesome guildmate that scores cuz of the mini issue is great, but we must all move on and adapt. I am not pointing a problem here, or telling you what is right. Just putting my point of view out there. Feel free to reply to this however you feel, as I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
  5. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    That's just a load of crap, the guy quit because he couldn't be #1 in the guild, he was perfectly happy to do absolutely nothing only ruin the game for straight playing guilds over the last few months, it's easy to not upgrade & smash little bases with strong donated pirates.
    All this new crying about PH2's feeling left out because they can't beat PH9's in the new scoring is the biggest load of nonsense I've ever heard, do they really think they should be the #1 scorer by doing absolutely nothing? No painful upgrades at higher levels, noting only sitting at PH2 twiddling their thumbs.

    This new system is exactly how it should be, rewarding those of us who have been here for over a year, not someone who made an account yesterday & expects to out score players WAY ahead of them.
    Guys like your friend should be told to upgrade like all the rest of us, he should be told that every point counts & he is still helping, and he can help a lot more when he starts to climb higher in PH level.

    This is just the outcome of greedy guilds that would do anything to win, keeping tiny PH's just to win a Rumble, if he was told from the beginning to grow his account & not stay a PH2 then this wouldn't have happened.
  6. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    He didn't have to leave though. The nice thing about lower level players in guild is that their cost to pay for guild perks is MUCH lower than advanced players, but they still donate the same percentage. It's nice to have lower players to cover the perk costs!
    John56 and Skye like this.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    A PH6 should still be able to put up around 1000 points with normal activity, which while a PH9 will put up considerably more, its still enough to make a bit of a difference.
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  8. You did we the screenshots I posted right? For a PH5. So to hit a 1000 points you need 25 plus three stars on a ph your level. Attacking every 20 minutes means it only takes 8-9 hours..... Sure seems fair to me.

    everyone hates the old mini scoring, but there has to be a balance in the middle. With PH9 making more points, but not to the point that everyone else is irrevalant.
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    PH6 makes much more than PH5 and you can get to PH6 from PH5 pretty quickly. At PH7 contributions will REALLY start adding up.

    New players shouldn't be making a noticeable impact against endgame players. Wanna score better? Upgrade your base. Until then focus on things besides rumbles.
  10. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes, exactly. The last system was a complete joke, MIDOKI never meant for PH2's to be able to out score maxed bases. Why on earth should a new player be able to beat a maxed base with very effort?
  11. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    I agree with that, but I think we are discussing how it feels for the low level player to upgrade, and the drastic change in the amount of weight you carry. Its obviously saddening to move from 1st every rumble in your guild's scoring to maybe 20th, and that upgrading can be scary, and saddening, even though considered necessary.
  12. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    I couldn't wait to get to PH7 and PH8 for those Ground Pounders, though. I don't know why anyone would be taking their sweet time at a lower level from a defensive standpoint.

    It sucks if your not an active player, but what do you really expect at that point. It's nice to have the time spent being rewarded, now.
    peg-brain bob and Skye like this.
  13. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    Patrol boats, corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battleships. They all have different roles in the navy, they all are important! But is stupid to think that patrol boat is equivalent to a battleship in a fire fight.

    Low PH bases help by learning the tactics needed later on, by funding the guild perks, and by being enjoyable companions in chat. High PH bases help by teaching good tactics, by winning the rumble rewards for the small guys, and by being enjoyable companions in chat.

    Even if a PH5 is not contributing much to the rumble score they are still contributing to the long term wellbeing of the guild.
  14. Ok, so it takes what three, four months to hit ph7? I don't know the exact calculation. So new players just don't matter?

    This game is already struggling do we really need to remove a feature for new players for the first three months?

    Again, I don't want minis to be the 'I win' button in rumbles. But I want to see all players in a guild matter. Not just guys who are ph8/9.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
    Raptelan likes this.
  15. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    New players matter, but they shouldn't be worrying about endgame content. They can contribute in other ways and focus on other things, and when they finally catch up, then they can start participating more! They don't do nothing, but they definitely shouldn't be able to keep up with someone of a higher level and equal activity, because they haven't put in as much time leveling up their base.

    Would you complain in an MMO that you couldn't join the newest hardest raid because you hadn't been playing long and weren't max level yet? Or that you couldn't join in the endgame battlegrounds because you weren't leveled up high enough?
  16. New guys don't matter in rumbles. Look at CoC, skilled low guys who are good attackers matter there in clan wars. You three star your opponent you add *just* as much as a max player three starring his opponent. This is not a MMO. Apples and oranges.

    Here new guys don't mean crap. honestyly, go build yourself a new account and start a rumble with a mix ph level guild. You will quickly realize that you don't matter. Nada, zip. But hey, have fun chatting for three months being dead wood! Who wants to rumble when you can have absolutely no impact on the outcome?
  17. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I would rather them make it easier for lower levels to catch up, than to let lower levels be more competitive. A PH6 can put up 1k points in a rumble without gems, and a couple of them will add up. You can get to PH6 pretty fast. We had a PH7 put up 8k points last rumble, thats definitely competitive, and PH7 is nowhere near endgame. Yeah you probably won't be able to go toe to toe with laughing skulls the first week you start playing, but it would be ridiculous to expect them to be able to.
  18. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Guild perks contributions. Little guys can pay those all day. ;)

    You also don't need 50 PH8/9 players to be successful. The guild I'm in has a handful of up and coming players and ex mini islands. We do just fine. Actually finished with 201k last rumble and we won by less than 10k. Everyone counts.
  19. Ph7 is where it starts to get competitive. But why do you want new players to rush through the content? Why not make the scoring competitive at all ph? If a ph7 can put up 8k then have a ph6 be able to put up 6-7k points? This ain't rocket science.

    Or just be done with it and exclude ph6 and lower from rumbles.
  20. Great, pay guild perks. Sounds fun.

    I did not say a guild can't win a rumble with a mix of ph levels. I am saying rumbles are not fun when your base and attacks dont matter. Stay up all night raiding, drop $20 to gem your troops or don't bother to attack at all. In the end your little ph don't matter. A great way to encourage activity!

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