No need to buy gems!!! Just make a level 2 PH. This is your place to VENT! UPDATE by MIDOKI Page 1!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fricc2174, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    Doesn't matter they get 17 BP for a 100% win. If they have a guild ship and they most certainly do, they can do 17 BP every 3 minutes. It is impossible to keep up with them. You can't adapt to that.
  2. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate


    This is what I have been waiting to see!! This is good news.
  3. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

  4. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Adapt by our guild creating our own minis? I'd wager minis weren't the intention when Midoki designed rumbles, but the update to PH9 has not helped the BP obtainable at high PH levels, so maybe they don't mind.
    Personally I have no interest in manipulating a rumble.

    True, the posting above was an attainable BP as @Salty Snack noted, not like some of the 2000 bp postings. I would point out that ALinh's two accounts, main and mini, totaled 699, of which almost two thirds was from mini and the mini alone did rival our number two player. The rumble was close with a few hours left 'til the last 90 min when they figured out we weren't gonna let it go. To credit their guild they had all but one player attack at least once when I checked, where the win for us was heavily weighted towards the top 5-10.
    The main point of the pic post was the irony that a player would even create a name with BP in it.
  5. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    We are in a rumble against Oh, Canada right now. We fought them a few rumbles ago, at which time they had a PH2 account called Watch The F Out. In current rumble, that account is still at PH2. I'll give them benefit of the doubt and just assume the poor guy must be struggling to save gold for the PH3 upgrade. :eek:
    Isles dT likes this.
  6. Spöket

    Spöket Powder Monkey

    Good comment. There are rules in rumbles. Build your rumble strategy accordingly. If minis are needed you mix it into your guild. We can not have a game which is always in favour of those who have played the longest time or buy most gems. Rumbles balance this and sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. A mini requires a lot of online time to be effective. That should be rewarded.
    Raptelan and Willard like this.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I think the myriad of issues associated with this tactic has been addressed numerous times over in this thread and others. It comes down to the mores of the guild and decorum in general. Like you said, you win some and you lose some. I was just supporting my earlier post where I stated this will become a general tactic employed by many guilds instead of the exception to the rule.
    Raptelan likes this.
  8. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Some guilds have risen above, and have never used PH2-3 in rumbles. Midoki have acknowledged this situation and said that there was never any intention to ding guilds with high PH. Whilst we wait patiently for a fix to the system, all guilds have a choice.
    Raptelan likes this.
  9. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    I was excited when our rumble started and saw pirates united z. I told the guild it was going to take everything we had to hang with a PU guild. They jumped out to an early lead, but we came back, and over took them by a couple hundred points. We had a few gemming and so did they, it was looking like it would be a hard fought rumble. Then their captain wipped out his little mini :eek: so I told the guild not to put much into anymore. there is no way to beat those types of guilds. I was surprised, I thought PU guilds were the real deal.

    Ain't it adorable? :rolleyes:
  10. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Fun fact #1 yes, we have one mini in one guild to test the idea out. Fun fact #2, he is only used against other guilds with baby islands. Fun fact #3 those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Get rid of your PH3 and PH4s and you would never have seen him.
    Z just battled Tortugas Nest, who has no minis, Salty played 0. Ask @Kelani
    850arrr likes this.
  11. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    Fact! You're a liar. I've shown yours, now you show ours. We have exactly ZERO! mini's in our guild. ZERO! Why don't show me that mini or give me a name?
  12. Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate Powder Monkey

    PTO. Could you clarify. Not that I have an issue with either. You said 1) to test out 2) only used against other guilds. Is it #1, or #2, or both? Do you keep them on hand to use against other guilds that employ minis. That is ok and a tactic that I am sure will be employed by many. Or was it just a test you happened to use in this one rumble? It really doesn't need much testing. In one hour a person can pretty well determine how much a mini can do.

    This whole mini controversy is fun to watch, especially as more guilds employ the tactics and use justification for doing so. It is like the gemming, where do you draw the line as to what is acceptable and what goes too far?
  13. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    If what RunDaddy is saying is true, then that's a real shame. Expected more from your guild.
    We have come up against some heavy minis guilds and still won. Yes we have to gem against them, yes that sucks. But at least we have held true, top guilds don't use minis.
    Becker Redbeard likes this.
  14. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    Dude I put over 1300 pts in a rumble, trying to keep pace with one mini and we still lost. We've faced off against laughing skulls before. You took it to us! I remember commenting on how mean your guild was and there was nothing funny about laughing skulls. ;) Just hammered us! Lol.

    FTR, I do gem. The game gives you the option to spend gems. It even ask if you're sure you want to spend the gems. I've yet to be asked, are you sure you want to start a mini.
  15. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @PTO Plunderer your Fun Fact Claim #2 claim is just not true. Salty's mini base was definitely used during our rumble. If the results below are from our rumble (and not a new one that's just begun), then it was the 4th largest BP earner. If not, I distinctly remember seeing it with 80-100BP before our rumble ended. Sure, it wasn't used as much as it could have been, but it was used quite a bit. From the final rumble results:

    PH3: SaLtY-NuTz had 324 BP and won 22/24 battles (4th place in BP earned)

    That aside, thank you for mentioning that TN doesn't have any mini bases. In case anyone wonders, We do have a few lower level players (PH5-6), but whether we win or lose, every TN base is owned/operated by a different person. :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
  16. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Then I stand corrected, I asked him specifically if he did use them against you and he said he did not. However that is not the final screenshot I saw against tortuga, the final had skulls lair @ 770, darkimperror @ 631, gregor @540, ithaca@368 and houseparty@330 - so I trusted his word. I don't have a island in Z so I only saw the top 5 from the end. This must have been a before the end screen shot. Doesn't really matter, we have one mini in 6 guilds and until Midoki makes the mini less damaging in a rumble I don't blame him one bit. But in the end, saltys 321BP was way less than what Z won by (1732 difference in the end score) so I don't think he won the rumble with that.
  17. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Fair enough. :) I completely forgot that you weren't in Z.

    Actually. Crap. I may be wrong about the numbers. The final BP results you mentioned from your screenshot aren't anywhere near the values in my screeenshot, which was taken a few hours ago. So, unless that bug has been fixed, it's quite possible the results in my screenshot could be from PU Z's current rumble, if there is one.

    If that's the case, then the numbers in my previous post are inaccurate. The mini was still used in our rumble, but had less BP (80-150, not 321). Sorry for the confusion.

    Side note: Since my original post, I've noticed that the mini base is no longer in the guild.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  18. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Damn minis. I just can't compete.


    Oh, wait. Yes I can.

    Seriously, minis are really not that big of a deal. I can count the number of times that we have encountered a challenge from them on a couple fingers. Even if we lost to them, who cares? So much argument and whining over a meager Rumble reward, when you are probably winning 90+% of them anyways. Is a battle against them as much fun as a more balanced Rumble? No, but it is more fun than getting matched with 4 lousy guilds that put up a maximum of a few hundred BP.
    Cocobean likes this.
  19. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Yeah, most people sleep, or work, or do something else, during some significant chunk of the Rumble. Shocking I know.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  20. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    That is exactly what he did with us. Once we took a lead, out popped the mini. That's when I told our guild forget it we can't win, and not to waste a whole lot of effort in this one. We're still rumbling and they are up 2000 bp now, so I doubt he needed it, but it would be closer than that if we were still going at it hard. Like I said in my OP, it was going to take all we had just to hang with them. We do have small islands, but they all have real players, and none are mini's. We're not the the New York Yankees of PP, we don't buy our rosters off the free agent market. We don't set minimum PH or rank, we are building our guild with new players.

    We do have one guy that is playing two islands, but you can look at his second island and see it's not a mini. The PH is at level 6 and upgrading to 7 now.

    Doesn't matter now, looks like his mini has been kicked.

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