No need to buy gems!!! Just make a level 2 PH. This is your place to VENT! UPDATE by MIDOKI Page 1!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fricc2174, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    That is the great thing about our many guilds, we have our biggies and we have our smaller ones. Gotta test new ideas somewhere, and could you imagine the "outrage" is we tested the idea of a mini in PU Main? LOL

    @Raptelan - you are a beast, that is all I have to say about that score.

    Seeing a mini put up like 2000 in a rumble is super crummy, but when you would rather play with your big boy troops (who doesn't love a level 18 raider am I right?) it is hard to have fun with a mini, and mini troops, against mini bases. That seems to be the overwhelming opinion after our test run. Give me a kaboom and some bullet sponge action any day over an easy 20BP.

    @Kelani - let me know if Tortuga wants to try and match up with us over in the X sometime, I can promise you we all have big boy bases. Some even have those fantastically useless new mortars!
  2. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I agree it's crummy but at the same time, to your point, it gets very boring for the person operating the mini. What do they get out of it? They have to invest a lot of time into playing a very boring way, using their winnings for nothing. I imagine it gets old, fast. If it doesn't and somebody really wants to play that way, well, more power to them. To me Rumbles are just a great motivation to attack more, which helps me accomplish other objectives faster. The Rumble loot can be gained from a couple of attacks, and the cash value of the 35 gems that the average 1st place win brings is a whopping 17 cents.
    MorganFlint likes this.
  3. Come on folks this Is a pirate game. There is 'no honour amongst thieves' and I think you are kidding yourselves if you think those operating mini bases give a stuff about you taking the moral high ground.

    The definition of Skullduggery is
    1. dishonorable proceedings; mean dishonesty or trickery: bribery, graft, and other such skulduggery.
    2. an instance of dishonest or deceitful behavior; trick.
    This surely describes the pirate life?

    Midoki may be about to close the loop hole on mini-bases, but in the meantime I am glad that there is something available for those who can't afford the gems spent by the heavy hitting guilds to win or at least to compete.

    The paradox of this complaint being that the game should always favour those who spend lots and lots of money to win at the expense of those who cannot afford to. Maybe Midoki should create a PP lite edition for all those who can't spend the gdp of a developing country where mini's and fun is the order of the day, and leave the substantive game for everyone else to spend spend spend in a bid to outdo each other with honour and dignity.

    This is a temporary win for the little guy and the complaining just makes it all the more amusing. We know it won't last, but as to my previous point why not adapt until it changes. There is no honour in piracy!
  4. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Personally, as a PH5, I must say that the Mini thing is REALLY annoying, even to ME. With a Tavern of 30 minutes, I attack during a rumble, like 3 times to 5 times, maybe more if I have some gems, maybe less if I'm busy. Once, we were fighting a mini guild, and I spent 100 gems on NOTHING for a 2nd place... and those was for my 25% exploration:(

    Even as a PH5, the Mini thing is crazy.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Well, good points, Sea, but your 30 minute tavern is because of your expensive army. You shouldn't be having that long a hire time until somewhere in PH6. Also, if you use the 6-minute hiring trick, (queue 6 minutes worth of troops then hire them. costs 1 gem) you won't spend nearly as many gems as hiring a full army. Maybe 3-5 per tavern rehire.

    Also, I'm not sure which mini guild you're referring to. To my knowledge we've not encountered anyone exploiting this loophole in any previous rumbles.
  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    So you don't like people exploiting the BP loophole to save gems, but you encourage exploiting the 6-minute bug to save gems?
  7. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Show me where I've ever voiced my opinion on mini bases. You can't, because I've never shared mine. My involvement in this thread was purely to clarify a rumble issue, and even then, only after I was called to do so.

    Rap, we're all pretty much resigned to the fact that we'll have to endure your contrarian "Doesn't affect me, so it's not a problem. Live with it." posts in every thread involving a controversial issue, but those last two snarky one-liners you've directed at me are beneath you. Furthermore, both posts you selectively quoted and misconstrued were in response to someone who isn't you, regarding issues which don't remotely involve you, so why are you involving yourself?

    Regarding the hiring bug, I'll say this, then I'm done.

    The 4-minute bug (now 6-minute) is not the same as using mini bases to win a rumble, and you know it. Please don't insult our intelligence by alleging that they are in any way similar. This quirk has been around forever, damn near everyone knows about it, damn near everyone uses it (even a few devs), and because everyone can easily use it, it's fair. Because of this, many, if not most of the forum's reputable guilds either mention it or encourage their members to use it. Indeed, I've yet to see a single post complaining about this issue --but there sure were a lot of posts complaining when it was announced that it'd be going away.

    Not so with mini bases, which are only available to those players who have the means and ability to create multiple islands. The devs have openly condemned the practice, and it has been contentious ever since it was first reported.

    I'm sure you'll disagree with the above, however, since I have no desire to argue with you, I say take your own advice: live with it.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
  8. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Just going to say I'm really thankful there isn't a board for "top rumble guild." I imagine the mini accounts and non stop playing and gemming would be unbelievable :eek: Until there is a list of top rumble guilds it's really just everyone's word on their rumble stats.
    Kelani likes this.
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I just wish rumble stats showed in the guild stat section
    roguecylon and Christy like this.
  10. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Wow Kelani, way to blow things out of proportion. Nice personal attacks too. My point is simply that both tactica are methods to conserve gems. And while minis are not due to a bug in the game, Midoki has said the 6-minute "trick" is indeed a bug. not condemning anyone for any choice they make on either matter. Just pointing it out. If that upsets you, so be it.
  11. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    @Kelani Dude, you forgot? It was one of our first Rumbles, the 1st one we got 2nd.
  12. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    Sorry Sea but I think you are mistaken. We've lost 4 rumbles that I can remember. Meyham, PU, PU-Z, and Poccnr. We may have been in a rumble with smaller guilds at first because we were trying to figure out our schedule and times. Also Android was newly released and there were a lot of new guilds with new bases.
    Kelani and Marmaladesix like this.
  13. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Noo. It was the one where we were fighting like crazy. I forgot the guild name, but it was not either of them. Maybe my memory is fading as well:)
  14. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    Yea those are the 4 we lost so maybe we battled really hard against someone but it wasn't a mini guild. We haven't had a rumble with one.
    Kelani likes this.
  15. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

  16. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Oh yeah, sorry, got mixed up since I was taking care of my friend's island on my other iPad for a few days. Sorry:)
    Rachael likes this.
  17. Yogi Beard

    Yogi Beard Powder Monkey

    And those that resort to name calling are nothing but poor loosers.
    T******e Beard and Raptelan like this.
  18. Yogi Beard

    Yogi Beard Powder Monkey

    Thank you for injecting a truthful statement into this quagmire of innuendos, rude behavior, and name calling.
  19. Yogi Beard

    Yogi Beard Powder Monkey

    So you are saying that a mini, usint 20 low level pirates, with minimum training, can beat a PH 9 base? Please get real! Mini accounts battle other low level PHs. Although I wish your statement were true, since it would really be fun to see!
  20. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    They aren't saying that a ph 2 will beat a, ph9 in a battle. They are saying they can gain bp faster than a ph9 and spend significantly fewer gems to do it.

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