Not hype,Release 1.3.3 Discussion in 'Release Notes.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by .Lord M€G/\T|2ON., Nov 24, 2014.


Happy with contents of update or left not satisfied with it?

  1. Yes ☠

  2. No☠

  3. Some parts of it☠

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  1. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    I've definately ganked the same person more than once.

    Kinda proud of that fact.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  2. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    Well they deserve it .
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  3. ganked man i missed that word ...#teamGankedthemwhiners
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    But they changed it so you can attack people who have been on in the last 28 days, as opposed to 7 days. That should open up a lot more rich/abandoned bases from inactive players. It should even out.

    FWIW, before this update, It typically took me 30-80 nexts to find a good base with 300-400k. Post-update, it's a bit less, but I'm seeing a lot more 200k+ bases, presumably the old, abandoned ones.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  5. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate


    Admittedly I went thru a $20 gem pack this last weekend. Used it for rushing troops only. I skipped 10 bases max before starting a raid. You skip a 500k base wanting more and wind up with 350 - 400k afterward. So I kept the next to a minimum.

    I must have been lucky but I had a ton of 1mill+ raids. 500 - 750k where the norm. 1.5 mill was my top raid. This was Saturday, and Sunday. Most of these bases where PH6 & 7.

    I did drop rank into the 200's as gold was the focus. Lvl 8 walls is a complete grind. Not even gonna think about lvl 9.

    Today I must be unlucky as 350 - 400k is about all I'm seeing.

    They need to up the troop catcher beyond 15% thou. I'm feeling a grog squeeze after some of my lvl 6 upgrades have finished. Think I'm gonna stop the troop upgrade train now.

    Sorry got way off topic......
  6. Nah its all about the topic of update so many facts and hype and misinformation good to figure it all out lol
  7. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Really loved frankenbrute....more so because he required gold rather than grog.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  8. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Anyone noticing high and lower loot depending on time of day? I notice that in some games but not in plunder pirates yet. Maybe just still too new at this game
  9. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    That's because when a majority are sleeping their collectors haven't been emptied in hours.
  10. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Sorry, my question wasn't right. I wasn't asking why this occurs, i was trying to get advice on when those times were in plunder pirates. I know the times for other games, but am still too new to know the times in plunder pirates.
    donkeykilla likes this.
  11. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    whats in the collectors isnt calculated as stored reasource no? So you should get more depending on how many you destroy and if it had been emptied in the last 2-3 days no?
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  12. How is every one liking the loot handi cap?
  13. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Well I think it's only fair that as one of the louder opponent's of the nerf loot I mention this. I have been pushing since the update and In the 600's loot is way better than it was last time I was here. I'm actually making a decent profit. I'll see what happens when I start farming again, but opening up the pool seems to have helped up here. :)
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    You are definitely one of the louder anti-nerf voices, so that's really good news :) I've been seeing the same thing in the 200-400 range. I really think the opening up access to 28-days-since-online bases has given us a lot more available loot.
  15. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    It's 20% Collectors at the time and "Stored" resources. I'm not on a computer at the moment so I can't direct you to the thread but it's here.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  16. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    What exactly are the adjustment made to the AI? It seems Brutes will ignore every section of wall and only attack the weakest section even when it's the most heavily defended area and doesn't matter if they have to walk all the way up the village to get there. I've lost 3 attacks today because the AI seems to have gone full retard. Great way to funnel troops, make one section a lower level with only one section a lower level in the two wall defense which most higher level players use. I'd redesign my village but I'm not going through the effort of moving everything because once again there's no village edit mode and myself with others are getting tired. Was moving walls a trial for the bigger update? Good job on making sure stupid ass facebook works but I'm with others on this and I've been a staunch defender since I became forum member #431 but you're losing members by not addressing the issues and pandering to new players instead of your base. Chat still doesn't work, no village edit mode and you now the AI has been reduced to a "that family member we don't talk about" stupid. I can understand the Pirate Hall Penalty but when raids fail due to incompetant pirates because of the "New AI" and I can't even recoup costs that's where I draw the line and this has officially become the new CoC.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  17. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    with the new loot system, 300k is like the new 500k, its very hard to find ''good'' loot on easy bases now. I do think they should have added the re-arm trap thing, and maybe some guild improvements.
  18. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I'm confident that loot is worse. Many people I know and trust say it is. I stop pushing today but gonna take the weekend off and start farming Monday. The moment of truth so to speak. I'm already pissed enough that of all the things to "fix" this is what they do. If it's bad I'm not sure what I'll do.
    Also, why not allow us to hit all inactives regardless of when they were last logged on? Who cares right? Limiting inactives to 28 days doesn't make sense to me either. Must not be "fair".
  19. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm happy. Except for the loot. I think the "fix" didn't help the "bullying" it just made getting loot harder.
  20. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I gemmed and raided for an hour straight yesterday. And loot is horrible. It takes 2-3 times as long to get loot now. I was raiding in the 260-350 range
    roguecylon likes this.

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