Rumble Challenge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spongee, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. -APES-

    -APES- First Mate

    Rumble Challenge update......

    In speaking with Laughing Skulls they will NOT be able to make the rumble times discussed. We will have to catch up with them next time. My thought is to table the start times for discussion today and make a final decision for tomorrow. My hope is we have more guilds step up to increase our chances of matching. Lets go people come one come all the 1st ever Rumble challenge awaits!


    Pegleg Mutiny
    Bad Piggies
    Black Flag
    Rapt Renegades

    Thanks to all the participants for making this happen. YOUR THE BEST!
  2. -APES-

    -APES- First Mate

    Good Day Ole Smokey......

    Thanks for responding and excuse my ignorance but what guild are you with?

  3. Hi I'm with Active hope DONT think we ran into U guys yet
  4. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Let me get this straight. Laughing Skulls mentioned a start time of 9pm Est, you want morning, LS compromised on noon or 1 est (allowing folks to finish up work, but still have weekend free). And now we have a thread hijack because you didn't get your way?
  5. -APES-

    -APES- First Mate

    Nice Smokey... sounds like you guys like to compete. What sort of Rumble points do you guys put?
  6. -APES-

    -APES- First Mate

    Well I usually don't answer these kinds of posts but I will make an exception.... Lets just say there has been a lot of communication behind the scenes trying to make things happen that you are not privy to.
  7. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    I was privy to it ;) hence the compromise LS made. It was from the get go a suggested 9pm est start. We knew you wanted a 9am start on a Friday. Spongee could not make that time. We have not backed out. Thanks for the thread high jack.
  8. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Sorry the start time did not work for Laughing Skulls. Apes and I have been trying to make it work, just were not able. Laughing Skulls was looking forward to the challenge, and our offer still stands. We'll take on any guild, any day, any time (except the Friday am start time). We will not switch out our members and stock our guild with strong rumble players from our sub-builds for any rumble. We'll come with our regular players. Just pick a time we can participate. Wish Laughing Skulls, RFF, MM and PU can arrange a rumble in the future to see who comes out on top. Good luck to all the participating teams. :)
    roguecylon likes this.
  9. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    As Spongee has stated. The Offer still stands for Friday. We can do anytime after noon EST. If you feel the need to stock your main guild then do so. We will enjoy the challenge.
  10. -APES-

    -APES- First Mate

    After reviewing the situation and in fairness to spoungee and LS I will remove myself from this thread and start a new one under Royal Rumble. Please check in there for the status of the Royal Rumble updates.

    No hard feelings I hope and good luck.

    Sincerest Regards
  11. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    No hard feelings at all. And I sincerely apologize for my terse and direct nature of reply. When someone acts in an unprofessional manner bordering on pillock status. Someone needs to reign them in. It's a shame we could not agree on the compromise times.
  12. I need to learn how to put pics up here
  13. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  14. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Guys, Apes made the first time suggestion on this thread and I don't think he was trying to hijack. I have been in the LINE room where this came up and everything is friendly there between Apes and Spongee that I have seen. Personally, I am sad that LS is backing out after saying that they were going to participate, regardless of time - somebody just pick a time and set it several days in advance. There is no time that will work for every guild without planning - we will have to not rumble for 18-20 hours to make it, which is quite a sacrafice as we have never taken a break from Rumbling yet. LS could certainly rumble if they wanted to except that Spongee wants to be able to play as much as possible during it and has other obligations during the day on Friday. So what? Most of us across all guilds do. I told Spongee I thought it was lame to back out already, without being rude and we are still friends. No need to get all offended by/offensive to each other on the forum. Peace! :)
  15. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    We are not backing out. And Spongee originally proposed the time in a pm to Apes from what I understand. You don't eliminate a guild that suggested the rumble challenge when you insist on a time they cannot make. Spongee offered a number of compromises but Ape just chose to exclude Laughing Skulls. That's unprofessional.
  16. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Well I don't wanna argue about it here (we can chat on LINE if you want!), but Spongee told me directly the following, when I asked if he was okay with the latest proposed start time I saw from Apes:

    "I told Apes we are pulling out. I'll try to set up some battles on the side."

    ...and we discussed it further. So yes, LS decided to back out. No big deal, there will be more opportunities I am sure. I am just asking that we try to remain civil and give one another the benefit of the doubt.
  17. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    We will rumble with any top guild on Friday with any start time between 12:00 and 9pm est.

    A start time around noon Eastern Standard Time benefits Europe and East and West coast US, a finish time around noon-2 also works for most asian countries.

    Oh, and I'm getting incredibly bored with this game, so would love a challenging guild to come rumble.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  18. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    When I presented the challenge to Apes. I said any time, any day. I said the only time not available is Friday morning. I made our guild available 160 hours out of the week. I never once said we would participate in the Friday am rumble, so not sure how it is I am backing out of something I never agreed to do. I did agreed to rumble against PU, but never agreed to do so at that time.

    I'll say it again. We'll rumble against PU tonight. Tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night. Friday night. Saturday anytime (let's avoid Sunday, I like having a day off on the weekend :)

    Let me add. Both Apes and Rapt are cool in my book. The behind the scenes conversations between Apes and I have been very courteous and professional. Rapt and I are friends as far as one can be friends on this game. I actually find this whole thread to be rather entertaining. Normally I would completely distance myself from such a thread, but guild members are requesting I respond. They are concerned Laughing Skulls is being portrayed as backing out. Just restating what has already been said. I am not available to rumble at that time. Other members of my guild who might also possibly start the rumble are not available at that time. Just simply and honestly the time doesn't work for us. I have yet to hear a valid argument why it cannot start at a more convenient time. Notice Edward is also requesting a later start in the Rumble thread. Just set the start time at anytime after noon EST and problem solved.
  19. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    This is just ridiculous. Should've known it would turn into this. Can't help but think this has alot to do with these artificial win streaks every guild on here has (yes we havent lost yet either). It shouldn't be this difficult. Should just find a time that we all declare and see if we even get matched up. The fact that none of us have ever lost is the problem. Rumbles are so lame and the solution may be simple, but nobody wants to lose. I'm over it. May be time to hang up my eye patch and retire for good.
    Christy and Raptelan like this.

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