So what are the "Guild Events"?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Super-Nor, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    flyingdoucheman and MorganFlint like this.
  2. Love all the banners! Everyone has had such fun making them!
  3. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] For the first time in my history of being a loyal pp player, our guild will not be able to complete an event. Yes, we are sad, we have downsized our guild, but we are a group of players that have all played for well over 2 years. Gem to the end.....not likely. I'm not sure how this event is designed to keep players active. We are a highly competitive group, this is a morale crusher.
  4. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Echo that thought. The reward tree is similar to individual events in that higher PH players have better success at completing event. Clearly for guild event, larger guilds have better success; the early side of the tree has just rewarded our guild with 800EP while some players need 40,000 to start a lighthouse. The trouble is, smaller guilds like DoA or PegLeg Squad, are smaller for a reason. DoA wants hard rumbling players and doesn't want 20 leeches making rumbles harder to win, and won't add those players just to finish a guild event. The design of this guild event certainly promotes larger guilds. Each of our players would need ~130k points sailing for us to complete, rewards far less than the gemming effort.
  5. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    I feel a bit torn about the guild events.:confused: I really like the idea of guilds participating as a unit to earn rewards. However, I think @Tessa Rose has a very valid point!! It seems quite unfair for the guilds that are smaller by choice...not to have an equal chance of finishing guild events. I thought these new guild events were designed to help with commarodity, keeping players active and help with the general morale among players? Since this is the first "one"...hopefully Midoki will listen and tweak as necessary so every guild no matter the size has an equal chance of finishing the event!! That's just my two cents worth!:)
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    hear hear. Why can't we just downsize the token requirement so each person contributes 36000?
  7. Codegator

    Codegator Powder Monkey

    The guild events are a terrible disappointment. I thought individuals would still get rewards as they worked the event, and that there would be some sort of guild-wide bonus at the end, based on how well the guild had done in the event - sort of like how rumbles work today. Instead, the events are now exclusively based on guild participation and the rewards are now inflated exponentially, on a logarithmic scale, such that the higher level rewards are virtually impossible for any but the very strongest, most dedicated guilds to get. The overall effect is, events that used to be a great source for chests and BP/EP are now worthless to most players of this game.
  8. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    I can see your point, but on the flip side, being in an active guild such as the one I'm in made for one hell'va fun event bringing it down to the wire trying to complete it (which we did with 5 hours to spare). I've haven't checked into the game this much since who knows how long. But yes, I can totally see if you are in a low key guild then the event would have been a disaster.
    Dog Breath likes this.
  9. The real flip side is that strong team players are not going to want to stay in smaller guilds where there is NO chance of completing and getting the really useful stuff for them: the gems. It encourages them, regrettably, to join bigger guilds that have a hope of completing these challenges.
    This is UNFAIR as it is not a challenge based on team work (smaller guilds have that too don't you know;) ) nor is it based on members effort ( we had a fair number nearing 30,000) We loved our free prizes but our more experienced players are understandably upset that they didn't get to the gems!
    With respect, I get that any prize is a plus. But not being able to complete it IS a negative, as is loosing your most experienced players who rightly deserve the rewards given to bigger guilds!!! As is merging with another guild, that you don't really want to, and shouldn't have to just to get the really useful stuff. The other downside of temporarily merging is that it also impacts on rumbles.
    Make it about miles travelled and event points, NOT numbers and ALLOW small guilds to stay strong and feel part of the game.
    If this format stays, many players who Love playing, but in a different way to the super big guilds will be lost on the way. WE ALSO Love and adore the game and the guild challenges, don't you know!:)
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
  10. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    For those that remember when Rumbles were introduced (and the subsequent scourge of the 'Mini') the event was a 'one stop shop' for everyone regardless of Guild size or PH Level. In the past Midoki has always introduced a new event, strategy/system, then refined it further down the line as members adapt to it. I feel this will be the same; the rewards the structure just needs to be tweaked to balance out the across the diverse range of members and guilds we have. I will look forward to any future developments.
  11. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    I actually enjoyed the event quite a bit. We saw 36/40 members participate and the 4 that didn't, joined the guild to late too count.

    The thing is...We saw more participation as the week went on.

    No, we didn't finish it, we hit 754K...only half way.

    And yes, I always finish the events so it screws me out of top prizes.

    However, I really enjoyed the fact that our senior members carried the weight so the new members can get those prizes they never could achieve on their own. But seeing them put the effort in to get 5-6K in points really was great. I think that's a HUGE WIN for the long term health of the game. I'd rather sacrifice a bit on the top level to help progress the little baby bases than must have the top prize.

    Don't go joining the big guilds just because you want the 1000 gems. That will ruin the game.
  12. U. R. Chin

    U. R. Chin Powder Monkey

    The general idea is sound and perhaps well received by the majority of players.

    However it's a shame the SHB event is not achievable anymore unless part of a guild. There are those lone players out there, some of which don't even battle... speaking out for those rarest of types ;)

    Personally, I enjoyed the loner approach to an event, based on sailing. Not that all should be that way, perhaps there'd be a way to alternate legacy and guild events of the same type in future.
  13. 10Atious

    10Atious Crew

    Since when in the real world does EVERYBODY win? Unless we are back in kindergarten and every child gets a trophy just for showing up........It's a game and it seems every person who wants to complain about not winning every time there is an event should remember that. It's a pirate game for heaven sake!
  14. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Oh, we will be alternating guild and individual events (hence the current event being the individual version of Thunderstruck), so you'll still have the opportunity to take to the seas all by yourself in the future!
  15. Toserman

    Toserman Powder Monkey

    Forgive me if this is a repeat or I can find this info somewhere else. Did some looking but did not find it.
    In the plundertime guild event this week do you have to earn a star to get the tokens or is it straight farming?
    Superenigmatix likes this.
  16. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I couldn't find it, but I seem to remember the event was tweaked. So it has to be a win in order to be awarded tokens, not just raiding the loot and quitting. I don't know if how many stars you get has any factor on the tokens however.
  17. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    When Plunder Time next runs (both the guild and individual versions), the number of Tokens you get will be based on the amount you loot, plus the usual Plunder Points you'd get. No victory stars, no Tokens.

    Sadly we've had to postpone Plunder Time, so have swapped it for another battle based guild event - Thunderstruck.
  18. Oh, come on! I wish you'd done nothing at all... I HATE Thunderstruck! Its a pain in the arse, having to change your island back and forth between the two layouts -- and we JUST WENT THROUGH THAT!!!
    It would have been better if you had simply fixed Plunder Time and got it working later than switching it out on us. This feels like a bait and switch, changing it out at the last minute like this...
  19. CapeMorte

    CapeMorte Powder Monkey

    I'm agreeing with Rotten Kevy. Plundertime is an awful event. The sheer frustration of going through hundreds of islands to try and find one that's not maxed out on everything is ridiculous. I normally miss it out entirely, but now have to join in because otherwise I'll be kicked from my guild

    As for changes to Plundertime, I find that to be an awful shame. Part of the delight of it was that lower level players could take on big islannds, get their loot without getting stars (if they were poorly designed) and still get tokens. This change sounds like it's turning Thunderstruck into Plundertime without the storms... which is pointless.
  20. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I would rather have something than nothing. Anything to keep the guild active and working together is fine in my book. I didn't care for Plundertime on its first go around and was looking forward to seeing how it went as a "guild" event. There was a problem so it had to be replaced imo. Don't forget the rewards for playing the event. You will get something in return even if unable to finish.;) Good luck all!

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