
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fil, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Really? No I mean REALLY?

    With everything you could fix or implement you choose to spend time on......streaks?

    It's like installing an elevator in an outhouse.

    This forced me to unlike the PP FB page this morning.

    P.S. Give us guild wars already, I think this proves you are just being difficult.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    850arrr likes this.
  2. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I don't think anyone should read too much into this streak thing. I imagine it is like the errands, a little something extra to do to earn a few extra rewards. It will be beneficial and helpful to many I am sure. Again, it is balance between pacifying those wanting new content and those wanted fixes and those wanting to go directly to wars with no passing 'go' and no collecting $200.

    Now chill Fil-McNasty, quiet or another cane whacking you will get. I still owe you one upside your head for yesterday...don't make it two :D
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    Kelani and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I didnt mean to sound mad, it made me chuckle actually.

    I can always relike the FB page for the next contest
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  4. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    If nothing else, with this announcement post, it really means the update is only days away. If Midoki follows previous patterns of release
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  5. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I'm excited for streaks, I've been in a verry bad run lately and I can't get BP. But when I do it's only 20:(
  6. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    if this update doesnt work,(no idea what the heck is streak) maybe it would be time for me to quit PP and become MAD in this forum.REAL MAD.
  7. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Some people just whine over and over, like lil babies , no matter what Midoki does. Why don t you just leave the game and/or grow up? :rolleyes:

    I am looking forward to it, since i attack a lot during the day k and with some extra motivation and goals it becomes even more fun to me. :p
  8. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    If this update comes with AI fixes then I don't care, but if they are bringing out this crap & leaving the HG, Skellywag, WD AI then it's a complete joke, it's why so many people are leaving. They are bringing out all these little pointless additions to the game & completely overlooking AI that actually plays a huge role in everyday gameplay. I was forced to stop using my 1 HG because nearly every battle he was shooting at walls with an opening 2 squares over, completely taking him out of the battle. The path finding is a mess sometimes with him, Skellies & Bombers. Like the way Bombers won't run over a destroyed building, that's just annoying, especially when it's a big building like the Voodoo hut, I've failed battles because of that, I can't hit Kaboom because they've completely avoided the simple path to go around a destroyed building. Then Skellies that won't go through an opening made by Bombers, just fix all this first. Please!
    850arrr likes this.
  9. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    I agree bloodbath, they need to change the AI. I always bring Used to bring 2 WDs but they started to get a little stupid on me and run Into a ship or bunker:mad::p
  10. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I'm excited for it personally. Anything that reduces hire times is a +1 from me. Its probably not the best use of their time, but it also probably didn't take too much effort to build (although it might have taken a lot of effort to balance and test).

    Winning a bunch of battles in a row giving rewards is a logical idea and it will hopefully encourage more gameplay.
  11. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I like streaks conceptually; not only does it reward successful attacks, but it may also lead to increased Pirate Rank across the board. Having to do a number of successful attacks in a row means your PR will go up. If a lot of people are doing the same in order to reap rewards, it may actually start making sense not to drop rank and stay in the under 200 range.
    If a further reward system is implemented, where the size of your reward is based on your PR, then the rank would actually have some meaning.
    MorganFlint, awbo and Tiger Claw like this.
  12. Bathplug

    Bathplug Powder Monkey

    Morgan Ford and Fil like this.
  13. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I think the developers must play "This Means War".
    Fil likes this.
  14. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Next step is removal from the Christmas card list
  15. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Couldn't agree anymore and is why I'm glad your part of the crew.

  16. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    ya...ur right, the day is not far that u will be playing alone PP. we are lil babies and leave the game and with ur extra motivation sail on the bg sea, lets c how long u can stay?
  17. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Will wait and see before passing judgement... My hopes are, that the rewards for moving up are worthy of the climb and more than what can be farmed in the lower ranks. This is a start, and something that members have been calling for.
    Floki, peg-brain bob and awbo like this.
  18. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes I can see this having a big change on PR, anything adding a quicker recruit time will be a good incentive for people to keep climbing rank, as long as this actually works, it will be interesting to see.
    All I care about is bug fixes though, I just wish they'd stick to that.
  19. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Not to mention. I am sure Streaks are probably one of those things if you don't like it, you don't have to do it. Even so, I am sure many will complain. Seems to be inevitable lately.
    TBaggins and Skye like this.
  20. Fil

    Fil Captain

    If streaks turn out to be good i will relike the PP FB page AND post a semi heartfelt apology. If they are disappointing, i will relike the PP FB page simply so I can unlike it again :eek:. I may do this multiple times...
    Cpt. Morgan, John56 and Skye like this.

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