
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fil, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    Or just stay online?
  2. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    No. As Lynsey said, they use the instant rehire button and the streak ends once you return to your island. Which means you would need to gem your rehires.
  3. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    I think they mean that you can sit online after you hit the rehire button and wait to go onto the next raid. I don't know if that'll actually work or not, but that's how I'm reading what they are saying.
  4. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    Well then yes, I suppose you could sit on that window,but you'd have to keep tapping your device so the app doesn't close.
  5. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    And what a drag that would be. Will have to be some pretty serious incentives to get me to gem troops constantly
  6. yeti

    yeti Captain

    To be clear @Lynsey [Midoki] , are you saying the instant rehire button must be used to gem your troops in order to participate in streaks?
  7. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    Seriously. I was excited for streaks, now not so much.
  8. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    I think it's a pretty clever way for them to get people to use gems, personally.
  9. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Think Lynsey said instant rehire must be used, the gemming is optional. Probably not nearly as bad as it sounds. Keep an open mind. Granted, I suspect there will be challenges and frustrations. Work with what is given, and make the best of it. Not worth getting upset over, it's just a game. Enjoy the good parts, ignore what you don't enjoy or view it as a challenge that needs to be conquered. That works for me.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I just don't know what we are going to do with pirates streaking all over the place.
    Cocobean, Fil, Rachael and 1 other person like this.
  11. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    So you have to either gem your troops each time or sit on the jump page waiting for troops to be ready naturally to maintain the streak. And that means keeping the game from logging you off for inactivity. How dumb is this? Please, someone correct me if I am wrong...
  12. Hmm, the way I read what Lynsay wrote, it meant that you use the rehire button, but then you have to wait/gem with that same pop up screen until pirates are ready, then go battle again to keep streak going.

    If you rehire and then close out of that screen to 'go back to your island' while waiting online for your troops to cook it ends the streak?

    If thats the case, ya cant donate pirates or chat to guild mates while waiting. even if clicking screen every few minutes to keep game active, this would make a very boring time indeed if not gemming.

    Or have I misread??
  13. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    Yes, I didn't think of troop donation. Yes, no top up there either. Did I say this whole thing sounded dumb?
    centricORCHID likes this.
  14. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    Yes. That's how I interpreted it. As I said, it's a clever incentive to get players to use gems.

    But to echo what @Spongee said, let's all keep calm until it comes out. And even then it's new game content (and everyone wants new game content), so let's celebrate that.
    Kelani likes this.
  15. Yes, it sounds as clever as their 10k gem barbie costumes.

    Yep, guess we will see when they finally release update.
  16. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    But this isn't new content, its just a cash raising mechanism to do exactly the same thing as we currently do now. Our guilds are losing players left and right, and what do Midoki do, introduce another way for them to try and get people to spend money without really adding anything new... when the streak rewards are gold and grog and EP and BP and the odd common chest item, people will be back complaining as normal
  17. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Isn't instant rehire gemming? I've never gemmed troops that way so i may well be mistaken, but rehire is queuing the same troop mix and waiting, instant rehire is gemming them so they're ready instantly? Unfortunately I can't get on to check...
  18. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Just to clarify, you can rehire your troops and then wait on the screen for them to build, or you can gem to complete them instantly.
  19. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Thanks for the clarification, Lynsey
  20. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    Waiting for them to hire means you cannot let your device log you out if you want to keep the streak alive. This has been designed for the sole purpose of encouraging gemming. Midoki you are continuing to ignore those key supporters. Shame.
    bucket, Ian, Burnz and 2 others like this.

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