Title changed because mod says it didn't add value to the forum...Now called, Important Forum Stuff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by J0ck0, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    and out come the forum hogs...where are the forum moderators and forum security guards to clean up this mess and start bringing down the ban hammer?

    lest anyone think that i am name-calling (which i'm not), i'm labeling a behavior, not labeling a person.

    : to take, keep, or use (something) in a way that prevents other people or things from having or using it
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    If you're going to name-call, then at least be an equal-opportunity name-caller.

    1a. Noun
    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

    and my personal favorite...

    1b. Noun
    A member of an internet forum with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.
    Tex, Christy and Daddy P like this.
  3. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Well, I don't think that mocking another's forum post, regardless of how self-aggrandizing it may seem, is going to help anything. I liked what the mocked post said in regard to how we should conduct ourselves on the forum, at least to some extent. I do think you have some very good points here though!

    Actually, there are over 5 million who have played it. Most quit. Not because the game is bad, just because most people tend to try something for a short time then get rid of it. I would be curious to hear how many people have been active in the last 24 hours on any given day, as that's a more telling number.

    I think so, because those are the few enough to care enough to come here and suggest. They also pay attention to support requests sent directly from the game, and analytic data as well. However I don't think that any of this should override what the designers think is best from their own common sense or simply because it's what they want to see from the game.

    Agreed! And it's a molehill that's being made into a mountain. It is not cheating, and while Midoki can and probably should implement preventative measures against this, the game intentionally allows for secondary accounts and working as a team. There are many multi-guild alliances is the game, which play by different rules as they see fit. Not my cup of tea but this will always happen in games as much as the game allows for, and is not cheating.

    Yes they do! This is a bug that has been known for a long time and seems to be getting no better at all. While I understand that fixing things is sometimes difficult, and as a software engineer I can guess at what might be involved here, I do think that this should be getting more attention. That said, I don't know what other priorities Midoki is working on or why they might have to prioritize them, so I play the game for what it is as best I can in spite of the bugs.

    With ample academy trainings and attack strategy, you can defeat any base. Maybe not 3-star, but it doesn't seem like defenses are TOO strong. That said, you are completely correct that this is an offensive-focused game. I can buy gems and attack hundreds of times in a day, but I cannot defend against hundreds of attacks in a day. I personally agree that the balance should be more towards the offensive given the nature of this game. I think that "both offense and defense boosts are part of the ebb and flow and natural progression of the game" is spot-on, and look forward to seeing what the next shift brings.

    AGREED! If you want to be attacked less, spend all your loot. Don't expect to hold on to it without either A> staying online or B> dropping rank. Dropping rank is no guarantee either.

    Agreed! Choice of voluntary ethics is appropriate within a guild, but not in a larger context. Game on!
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
    J0ck0 likes this.
  4. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    pot meet kettle...this is my thread that you and your friends are threadjacking, which is my complaint in my OP...the sad part is that Midoki has placed you in a somewhat position of responsibility by making you a forum security guard, which is also part of my complaing in my OP...
    Evil Rastlin likes this.
  5. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    My personal opinion is that you made your point.

    I dont get what you try to do now, the way you do it, nor can i understand what you try to accomplished with it?

    To me it seems the only thing you do (apart from expresssing your opinion, which is ok) is not contributing to anything.

    You wrote your thoughts and ppl saw it ....... If that was your goal its achieved

    On a personal note........ I am sorry to say but if you only give you hog reaction..... They should ban you for life.
    Tex and Daddy P like this.
  6. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    i have contributed quite a bit, but get shouted down in the process because those who choose to threadjack/hog disagree WHICH is the purpose of this thread which has already been threadjacked/hogged by those i was complaining about in the OP. apart from a couple of posts in agreement or questions for clarification as well as melani's first post and Raptelan's post, the rest have nothing to do with what i stated in my original post (other than to prove it true) and do not contribute at all to the discussion. the rest are flames, and the forum mods, yet again, do nothing. oh wait, they made me change the title of the thread because they did not like it.

    i do not expect agreement. i embrace disagreement. it's how discussion and decisions are made. it's how i learn, and how i am able to teach others. but what has happened and continues to happen on this forum (not just to me...i'm making myself out to be a victim) is not any form of disagreement. it is wanton disregard for the opinion of others when it conflicts (and even sometimes when it agrees) with the opinion of the forum hogs. to make matters worse, the forum security guards are just as guilty as anyone else and the forum mods encourage it by attempting to silence dissent. i would much rather spend my time sharing the knowledge that i have gained in playing these games for as long as i have rather than having to rehash nonsense with the nonsensical.

    sadly, i have no idea what you are trying to say in your last sentence. maybe you can rephrase or clarify it.
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Anyone who responds to ANY of your posts @J0ck0 knows they are going to get called something or accused of something. Can't win. I am very hesitant to post in forum at all anymore because I don't want to have to deal with all of the backlash I've gotten for posting over the past few months. (Ok go ahead I'm ready for it, time to complain about me)
    Sigrid, Floki and Virus like this.
  8. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    Sure i can clarify it. However i do not think my clarification will be to your likings.

    Nevertheless i agree on anyone expresssing his opinion. I, and for that everybody, can agree or disagree with an opinion. They way ppl express themselves is mostly done by emotions. Happiness, sadness, angry or whatever are in my opinion mostly nit the best ways to communicate. It tend to lose focus on the message thats want to be given and tend to be lost in the shadow of emotions.

    Personally, i really dislike the last sentence in your first post..... The geneva convention.
    This geneva convention is not more than a name for four treaties as of 1800 to the last one in 1949 which give regulations for behaviour in armed confilcts. And the last on refugee status of course in 1951. This has nothing to do with the point you want to make nor was i aware that this game is an armed conflict

    What you are referring to is freedom of speech. And i agree fully on that, however freedom of speech comes with responsibilities. Respect fir people, culture religion and generally accepted behaviour as well as house rules.

    Every comment you made after your first post is refferring to hogs, threadjacking and sometimes to ppl. I really dislike that because it takes away the attention of the point you try to make.

    To answer your question spot on: because of hog, threadjacking i would have anyone doing that rather banned. And that is just my personal opinion.

    I rather see comments on the game. What is right, what can be improved, what is good being discussed in a positive way ( and with positive i dont mean you have to agree with the ppl who are on the forum a lot, with positive i mean to give a respectfull opinion with respect for boundries on personal behaviour of ppl)

    Hope this clarification is clear
    J0ck0 and Raptelan like this.
  9. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Most of this thread is blocked for me, but I get the gist from the remaining posts. It's all about the attitude. Sure, free speech is a good thing, but Midoki has the absolute right to monitor this site (it's not a governmental entity) and reject abusive conduct and what it finds distracting from the forum's purpose and overall edification of its users. Some of the banned forum participants have made some valid points but they are so wrapped in venom and personal vendettas that the point is lost. The basic lesson is to learn how to play well with others. Now I just need to figure out how to teach that to my grumpy teenager. o_O
    Tex, Christy and Virus like this.
  10. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    thanks for the great post and clarification. it sounds like we are both of similar minds.

    as for the Geneva Convention line, it was a quote from Talladega Nights, with Will Ferrell. a classic line wherein he attempts to excuse his lack of tact because he prefaced his comments "With all due respect..." it was my attempt at ending on a humorous note.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. and Raptelan like this.
  11. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I'm flying through the air..........
  12. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    1. Related follow-ups/retorts to an inflammatory post are not threadjacking, and I don't know who these friends are you speak of. I post what I think, and that's all. Don't be so quick to lump people together into these arbitrary groups. It smacks of conspiracy talk, and makes you look bad.

    2. Forum security guard? Sorry, you're mistaken. I'm a regular member who has the minor ability to move posts in the Improvements subforum. Whatever position of responsibility you seem to think I've been granted by Midoki does not exist. Please get your facts straight before making assumptions about me or what I do around here.
  13. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Naw that we will leave for real life, games are an escape from all that conforming and PC BS crap. I always find it a riot that people play war games, pirate games, plundering games, shooters, theft (GTA), etc.. and then talk about wanting to playing well with others. Let's war, but lets do it peacefully. ROFL. :rolleyes: People really need to light up and get a clue that:
    1. it is a freaking game
    2. we all do not think a like
    3. people play from all over the world, and 1/2 of it is at war in real life
    J0ck0 likes this.
  14. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Wow you really are clueless...you just proved everything he stated... :(
    J0ck0 likes this.
  15. Capt.Stanley

    Capt.Stanley Powder Monkey

    at end of the day we are all dealing with this... Peace my fellow captains ;):D
    Christy and The Fish Eyed Pirate like this.
  16. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Well said @J0ck0 ...totally agree that u should have ur right to express...but tht doesnt mean u can say anything thow...
    i agree with u previously and now also...
    just read the forum and dint comment here...thts what im doing nowadays...because in the past i also put my thoughts that were considered as trolling or not constructive...whereas i was expressing my views...
    so i found the solution not to write anymore here...
    happy plundering my friend.
  17. MaxPlunder

    MaxPlunder Powder Monkey

    Its funny when real life trolls call people who speak the truth on the interwebs trolls. Makes me chuckle everytime.

    Since this thread seems to have annoyed the "in" clique I predict deletion by tomorrow. Censorship at its finest :)
    J0ck0 likes this.
  18. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    thank you all for the posts of support. my point has been proven, so i will drop the fight for now.

    at the risk of sounding like a paranoid lunatic, i have one last point about the ridiculousness that are the forum moderators...for the past two days, my account's connection to the forum has been purposefully slowed to the point of being almost unusable (think, 14.4k modem days). my guess is to discourage my posting since i have done nothing to deserve an outright ban. i sit here at my computer with one browser logged into the forums with my account, and it is crawling. i have another browser on the forums but not logged in, and it is moving along just fine. i do the same thing at home or on my phone, and i experience the same slowness when logged into my account (and normal connection when not). i have seen other posts where others have experienced the same thing when they were under scrutiny for posts they had written. another fine example of censorship at its finest here at Midoki.
  19. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm not going to even attempt to explain why your claim is ridiculous, except to say phpBB does not have the capability to do this. Even if it did, this forum is part of a package provided by a hosting provider. It's a generic copy, and only has the most commonly-used features people need in a forum. Yes, other members have reported the issue, and if you'd kept reading, you would have seen that their problem resolved itself once 1. the network latency affecting them cleared, 2. they restarted their device 3. cleared their cache, or, (most importantly) 4. reduced the number of watched threads or forums. Once they did this, their speed returned to normal.

    But don't take my word for it. Go check http://www.phpbb.com/ and ask that community what they think about your theory.
  20. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    You should probably re-read what I wrote. Same device (my pc), different browsers, one logged in and the other not. That renders one through three in your very helpful suggestions moot, and I have cleared my watched list with no relief. Thanks again for teaching me the intarwebs. It has been very enlightening.

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