Title changed because mod says it didn't add value to the forum...Now called, Important Forum Stuff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by J0ck0, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Noticed everyone that doesn't agree with you or any of your crew on (RFF) has been labeled a "troll" lately...
  2. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Who cares if you agree or not but there is a way of replying.....Jocko likes to denigrate and defame and gets very personal is that ok with you?
    Agree or not who really cares just don't be a troll about it that's fair enough don't you think?
  3. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Actually, Christy was calling AmericanPirate, someone who was clearly just having some lighthearted banter, a troll.

    This crap is why I don't come on these forums anymore. It's like high school in the worst way and the hypocrisy is incredible. We got people calling for maturity and respect subsequently being unnecessarily rude and condescending. We got people suggesting not to comment if you have nothing to add popping up and calling people trolls.

    The degeneration of the forum isn't only due to the new guys, the long term members are setting the bar really low. Shame, I used to enjoy coming on, so checked in to see if it had improved. If anything, it's worse.
  4. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I'm a hypocrite?.....I am many things but Creek was not sure about that one...:p
    But you are right some people get overly emotional here....
  5. MaxPlunder

    MaxPlunder Powder Monkey

    + 1,000,000,000,000
    Evil Rastlin likes this.
  6. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Honestly I do believe that is my first time referring to someone as a troll. His posts made zero sense to me no clue who he is yet he targets my guild? Also he did it with several consecutive posts. Must be lookin to up his post counts :) like thoss of us that have no life :D oh how I wish I had no real life sometimes and had more time to focus on my true life goal....forum postin :rolleyes:
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Oh well if I mistook that as something besides humor. I am sorry. I don't know who he is so I guess I didn't catch the joke. My bad.
    Raptelan likes this.
  8. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    If I could like this a thousand times I would. Or more.

    I was chatting with a long-time high-post-count forum member yesterday who was complaining about a "troll" (seriously, can we stop the grade school name-calling?) that they were being a jerk to on the forums, asking them to heed their own advice given at _length_ in other posts, and their response was that if somebody doesn't offer them the respect they deserve, they don't care what anyone thinks and will be a jerk back.

    Now I cannot change anyone and don't want to drag that debate here - which is why I am not going into details - but this attitude of entitlement is what I see doing more harm to these forums and provoking more and more of these types of threads, NOT the so-called "trolls", who are often just fairly innocent players expressing their frustration in a direct or provocative, rather than politically correct and tactful, way.

    If EVERYONE, especially those doing the most complaining about others, could stop writing vitriol long enough to sincerely look at things from others' perspective first, this would be a much better place for everyone, especially those of us who are not even involved and get seriously put off by all this nonsense.

    Please, for the love of God, can we all try that?
  9. Who are you to ask me who I am?o_O
    Evil Rastlin and Raptelan like this.
  10. I am in no way"trolling" I asked a serious question & got a smart a** response
    Evil Rastlin and Raptelan like this.
  11. I gemmed mine just as you did
    I gemmed mine just as you did & I cannot wait you will be my first victory!
  12. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Arrrr you me? Because that would be awkward! :oops:
  13. Do y
    Do you need to know someone before understanding a joke?
    Evil Rastlin likes this.
  14. Do y
    Do you need to know someone before understanding a joke?
  15. Yeah it is a little ridiculous that I come on here after a long break from this site & ask a question (with a little lite hearted humor tossed in for good measure). I get called a troll(by a person that is clearly obsessed with the post counts & trophies they get. I mean why & how is this a thing on websites?) for saying I want to a attack a base.
  16. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    My base is open for you to attack. Why wait, feel free....

    Ps you start to talk about gemming??? Really, either you dont read or you have some serious issues.....
  17. Don't worry I will.
  18. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    Thats exactly the point i am not worried :p

    What is your guild and ingame name? Should i drop?

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