Upcoming Update

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John56, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. John56

    John56 First Mate

    The blurb for the upcoming update mentions New Weaponry; Mortar and Ground Pounder, plus two new wall levels. Does this mean that PH10's will get a 3rd mortar and Ground Pounder (along with the other items mentioned in the 2 defenses blurbs) or just new levels for the existing defenses?
    I realize the image shows new levels for the items, but the text seems ambiguous, calling these items new items but also mentioning additional wall levels.
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    New levels!
    John56 likes this.
  3. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    A third Ground Pounder would simply overpower the game, and a ton of players would quit! With the new Sky Raider and wind direction, we have to adjust to two GPs first. Three is almost impossible to stop I would think. So I say: NO GROUND POUNDER! And thankfully, Midoki tends to listen. :)
    cmooneey likes this.
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    3 GP would break symmetry, so I'm against it just on that principle. I wouldn't mind a fourth Mystic Mortar though, for said symmetry.

    I wish the GP stopped being such a crucial aspect of a defense. Hopefully defenses start to balance out a bit more, because the only way to consistently win is "direct the army into the GP blast zone". There would be much less argument about wall pathing if GP did less relative damage and the other things were inflated significantly more.
  5. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Can't agree more @Skye. Ground Pounders are too overpowered, with everything they do. Your troops can't survive under a GP for more than a few seconds. Symmetry included, it ruins the balance of the game. Maybe troop strength should increase, or GP should be toned down a bit. Or a way to nerf the classic L shape layout, by letting us go over the Guild Ship, or something like that.
    850arrr and HornyQuokka like this.
  6. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I still think that we should be able to swim over the flotsam of the ship once it has been sunken. Layouts wouldn't completely break, because people would still have to sink the ship first, but then once it was sunken, they could swim across the wreckage to get into the base. Sky raiders can currently fly over it once it sinks, but why not let us paddle across? It would help a lot with that issue. Buff ship/GS HP a little bit to compensate.
  7. Furious Pirate

    Furious Pirate Powder Monkey

    Yes, i absolutely agree with @Skye
    And i hope midoki apply to this idea ASAP, because right now it's kinda boring at rank 400 and above, because we see the same base over and over again, almost everyone have the L shape base.
    bucket and 850arrr like this.
  8. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Ooooooo, +1,000,000!!
  9. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    I agree. But also would like Sadie range reduced she is too overpowered, currently she can destroy half your base from too far out plus her defence makes it hard to take her down, plus
    I noticed she does not get mortar splash damage she just sits there in one place.

    Even if you had bunkers/mortars within range she takes them out far too quickly, I know you can put buildings/ storages in the way but you should have to sacrifice loot to stop her, but they do not last long.

    Maybe if the range of bunkers or mortars was increased a bit to help?

    All the other legends I think midoki have the balance right, just not Sadie. Its pretty much game over nearly 80% of the time you get attacked with her.
  10. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Sadie does take splash damage from mortars (and ground pounders), but takes negligible knock back. This is true of all of the 'heavy' Legendary pirates - Black Bart, Greenbeard, Caesar and Cornelius also take a tiny amount of knock back.

    Some of the new defence levels do have a slight increase in range (not the bunkers or mortars though). It's also worth remembering that a Legendary Trap will take a good chunk of health off any LP - for example, a fully maxed trap will take off nearly a quarter of max level Sadie's health, and if she gets caught by three , she'll be well into the red just from those alone.
    bucket likes this.
  11. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    Her range is the killer though. She can stand from so far away and take out most of your base without any defence being able to hit her.

    Would be more tempted to upgrade legend traps if the crazy rearm prices were lower, I understand that the better the weapon then it costs higher to rearm , just the price jumps are crazy eg level 2 is 15000 but level 3 is another +60000 x that by 3 (3 legend mines) plus all the other mines then rearming makes it a very expensive, hence why lots of bases have mines not armed.
    awbo likes this.
  12. porrig

    porrig Crew

    On the subject of Legendary Traps the damage doesn't change from level 2 to 3, so I really don't see the incentive to upgrade when the rearm cost doubles.
  13. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Hi there Porrig

    Your totally right. I'm holding off on that final level as well. It makes no logical sense. You only gain 1.0 sec of additional stun time.

    Really now.... Wouldn't it be much more meaningful if the level 3 upgrade offered the 12 sec equivalent of the level 2 Mystic Mine?

  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Its a tough tradeoff you have to make on your own. I don't mind the rearm cost at the moment, nothing else to spend gold on anyways.
    Three extra seconds of stun across all three of them is a big deal. If caught in the range of a bunker, without WD, that 3 seconds is 210 extra damage done by the bunker, nearly 10% of her HP. If there were two bunkers, or the bunker was buffed by an LP, between those and the traps, she would be dead without having fired a bullet. As suggested, sacrifice two of your stores to take her down, or find a way to make the wall 12 tiles away from any key structures, so she can't snipe them from outside the wall. Since you know the weak points of your base where she is likely to pass by, its very easy to set up your LP traps to stop her in the most critical part. Throw in one max level mine with 3 lv2 LP traps and she will die right there, despite no stun or bullets.

    Another thing to think of is your shoreline. Her range at max level is 12, but if your shore isn't a full 12 away, your defenses can reach her back even if she can reach them. Cut her range advantage, make the shore closer and your defenses can all reach. You don't need giant shores, you need shallow shores (or even no shores - I keep my ship planks pointed outward and have no shore on the other side so no one can stand and snipe over them - as soon as the ship dies they start swimming and stop firing).

    I don't see her used often enough to completely warrant a redesign at the moment myself, but when she is used, I feel I have a decent amount of protection against her. If you're not able to repel most sadie attacks, maybe you should consider a different design.

    Her damage is considerably lower than other LP. Her strength is her range - by making the shores closer, you're removing that advantage. Be tactical.
    Cpt.Chinchilla and awbo like this.
  15. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    The thing for Sadie is that her range means that she will hit an LP trap right after deploy, or she's going to hang back attacking at her range and walk into the trap at a much later time - possibly after the defenses that can attack her have been demolished. The LP trap won't interrupt Sadie's wall break action. Also, Mystic Mortars maker her have "Zzz Zzz", but she keeps on firing!

    With Sadie, and 4+ Hg's being commonly deployed, there really needs to be a meaningful defense against ranged pirates. Right now bunkers, mortars, and GP are the best available. Flame gates burn out before long range attackers cross them. The PH doesn't do significant damage. The attack/defense results seem more dependent on how much juggs and WD wander than how well troops are deployed.
  16. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    Will the Pirate Catcher be upgraded in the next update? Since you need to recruit at least an extra WD and HG to account for wandering and attacking walls unnecessarily, The pirate catcher needs to at least reach decrease 100% (+45%) in the next upgrade.
    peg-brain bob, Skye, 850arrr and 2 others like this.
  17. John56

    John56 First Mate

    Yay Ghastly Gunner! And it sounds like the update will drop tomorrow.
  18. Urdrlaev

    Urdrlaev Powder Monkey

    Yep, next update coming soon! Better fill up gold storages in order to upgrade mortars as soon as possible... There will be no gold available in the future!
  19. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I was hoping that all the folks who pushed the PH10 button right after the update would be done with troop upgrades by now and that their storages would be full of grog while they hunted for gold. However, now they have a new troop on which to spend some of that grog I badly need to raid from them...
  20. I have done with gunner, HG, jugg, bomber and voodoo pirates, but don't need any gold till the next update

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