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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John56, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Hurry up and drop 4s so we can have some stage pyro and walking mummies!
    I love the pink but +1 if we get lots of black and spikes everywhere.
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  2. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Roger that, though I forgot what I typed, lol.
  3. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

  4. Cpt.Chinchilla

    Cpt.Chinchilla Powder Monkey

    I would LOVE to have ANY legend that was maxed, yes, even Ceaser. However! Do you think maxing out a legend is easy and cheap? Think again bucko! Most of us...ahem..."less dedicated players," don't have the time, money, or resources to obtain max level legends. All I'm asking is for these legends to be stronger at lower levels, and perhaps get a few buffs to make them as useful as other legends IN BATTLE. Ceaser needs a total makeover in terms of battle style (the whole targeting not focusing on one building thing isn't working out too well), Cornelius could have a faster attack rate and his ability definitely needs to be buffed (the monkey(s) can only take three shots from a cannon and barely deal any damage), Romeo could DEFINITELY use a faster attack rate or higher damage output (not both), as for Romeo's ability, it barely scratches buildings. And who can forget about Jeanne De Berry with her miniscule toughness? Give Jeanne slighter higher toughness and I'll be satisfied (2,000-2,100 seems reasonable for starting toughness). As for the "not rock bottom legends" I'll make an entirely new post listing the problems each legend has.
  5. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    @Cpt.Chinchilla They are not ment to be easy to max out, nor did i ever tell its easy to max them out. And yes some legendaries can be maxed out, just with a little effort and no gems at all within a reasonable time. And yes, some legendaries are even very useful on lower levels already. I can tell, cause i have 3 other accounts i use no gems on it at all.

    And whom, do you call "bucko"? Coming here and insult ppl just cause of jealousy or cause they have another opinion than ur own is so lame and poor and tells a lot about yourself.

    Better go back to "Kindergarden", and once you learnded some manners, you re welcome to talk to me again. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  6. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Is bucko an insult? Did not know that. Thought it was a term between mates, as in "my bucko". Well, live and learn on the PP forum.
  7. Cpt.Chinchilla

    Cpt.Chinchilla Powder Monkey

    First off, "bucko" isn't an insult by definition it is *ahem* "a young man (often as a form of address)." Second, I'm not trying to start a flame war or an argument but...maybe you're the one who needs to go back to kindergarten and learn to spell lol (don't take it personally, I just find these comments irresistible to reply to).
  8. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Caesar is good even at level one as a defensive LP. Even at lv 20, I'd never use him in battle, even if he was the best battle LP, because he's also probably the best LP on defense, and I wouldn't want to waste his stamina that could have helped me with a defense loss. It may be nice if he was more effective in battle (he's not terrible, even at level one - use him as a tank!) I battle without LP a lot of the time, and still manage 3*, and I don't use GS either. So having an extra 2k hp, regardless of how little his damage is, how spread out it is, or how fast he dies, is still better than nothing.
    Here's a situation he's great for: farming. Drop your caesar and he will wander into the base without waiting for every building to be destroyed. This lets you distract all the defenses and move mortar fire inward, while your gunners can safely snipe collectors, without having to worry about cannons or bunkers or mortars that may be able to hit them otherwise.

    Since 90% of my loot probably comes from hitting the collectors of bases, and a lot of them decide to sneak a defense or two into range of them, it saves a gem or two having to use a brute to distract them or extra gunners to take them down. Cutting from 2 gems to 1 for 385k loot is a huge savings in the long run, and greatly increases efficiency.

    Jeanne is also great for these collectors, since she can take a couple down on her own while also tanking a bit for your gunners, saving a gem in situations where I'd otherwise have to use a couple extra. My Jeanne is only lv 8 and I still get a bit of use out of her when farming.

    Cornelius is also good as a tank like that. At high levels he throws 8 monkeys that are each half as strong as a bucc, so its like 4 extra buccs - the lv 20 upgrade does make the monkeys a lot stronger. But they also have a different benefit you can capitalize on.
    Every time a bunker switches target, it has to spin down and spin back up, wasting a second. Even at lower levels, this saves you from a bunker for a couple extra seconds. Again, use him as a tank. Those monkeys can also be used to set off mines, including LP traps, from a safe distance, or to make a mortar fire a shot or two very far away from everyone. Again, use him like a tank, and you can save a gem when sniping loot.

    They may not be amazing for real attacks (but are better than nothing, which I frequently use), but between those 3, that's 60 gems every other day you can save when farming loot, and greatly helps with those long grinds of grog it takes to get all 12 troops going at the same time (50m grog!) and those higher level LP costs (lv 21-25 are brutal to grind out, even with gems. I'm sure quokka knows the frustrations of nexting for hours looking for enough grogg for those 9.5m final levels)

    Every LP has its use, you just have to figure it out. Some may be more useful in more situations, but none is ever completely useless. If you can't find a use, use them as a tank for farming.
    John56 likes this.
  9. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Remember that the Legendary Pirates are available from Pirate Hall level 4, so their initial starting stats are based around the stats of Pirate Hall 4 buildings and defences. If we bumped up the Legendary Pirates so that they were more powerful at lower levels, then players hitting Pirate Hall 4 would find that they'd pretty much be able to solo bases with just a Legendary Pirate. ;)

    That said, several of the LPs are useful even at lower levels if you're a high level PH (Sadie will always go through at least one layer of wall with her special ability), regardless of the level difference between her and the wall she's aiming at, Ching Shih will always command pirates to attack defences, etc.
    850arrr and Skye like this.
  10. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] is there any chance you can confirm whether or not the Legendary Pirates will be upgradable past the current "Fully Trained" mark in the future?
  11. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    *Gets crystal ball*

    Yep, they will be!
    cmooneey likes this.

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