Witch Doctor runs off...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BOomSt!cK, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. arrrrville

    arrrrville Powder Monkey

    Same issue with my battles -- the WD just follows the juggs around. Please fix this soon -- it makes battles pretty frustrating!
    Stranded Pirate, 850arrr and Hektor like this.
  2. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    When the WD chased some lone gunner to the outskirts, it was easy to avoid- knock down the out buildings first. Now, well the pictures above speak volumes. Time to design some Jugg traps ;)
  3. Compton

    Compton Crew

    Midoki, we are happy with your improvements on the WD.. But PLEASE fix the WD :) i like to see my juggs die.. What i dont like to see is a mortar killing 25 gunners in one second

  4. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Another "What the heck?!?" Or "Where the hell is he going?!?" Juggs were clear across the map and the 3 hgs didn't even interest him.



    Maverick and Becker Redbeard like this.
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Sooooo glad to hear you are looking into this! I posted on a different thread re: my irritation in this AI overhaul. Most of your changes sound well thought out and better. All except the rule causing them to leave the gunners!
    Stranded Pirate and 850arrr like this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    It seems to me that fewer skeletons are available to be raised than pre-update. My WD was standing on a huge pile of skeletons, most within range of the spell. But only 2 skeletons were activated. This was the first resurrect too. Anyone else having this problem?
  7. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    Awfulness. Please change it back.
    850arrr likes this.
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I've found a way to make the WD useful again.. But it's not a fix, it's just making due. Simply quit using juggs and brutes. I have made a new army that is moderately successful without either. I've 3* circle and angle bases with it. Lost to circle and angle bases too. So I'd say the error is in the one deploying the troops, not my army composition.
  9. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Is the best solution seriously to just stop using brutes and Juggs in the game? Come on Midoki fix it so we can get on with upgrading. This change is hurting more players than it helps.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Agreed. My solution is simply Making due with what's given me. The developers should never develop the game in such a way that major components of it are going unused.
    Tex likes this.
  11. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Believe me, as shown by my posts, it's a big frustration to me. But midoki said they are looking at it and will likely be tweaking it. My hope is it's a quick fix or they just reverse the wd ai tweak in a quick maintenance like the thieves. The intent can work it just overly favors the juggs and brutes. They just need to tweak the priority or let the user choose where the wd goes-such as clicking on troops that wd needs to cover. If no selection by user, then default ai kicks in. Or as some mentioned, have the wd stick with the larger number of troops as opposed to the greatest health.
    *Cap'n Sparkle* likes this.
  12. ardi

    ardi Powder Monkey

    yea not only for a jugs my brute also. its baad
  13. Maverick

    Maverick Crew

    Could you please fix him soon?, most of my guild mates are not happy with this wd change. I understand that good tactician player can adapt but not by most players.
    Jana likes this.
  14. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Just signed up to voice my hatred for the latest witch doctor AI tweak/glitch. I agree with everyone here in that the witch doctor has become a serious loose cannon in battles. If I use any number of juggernauts or brutes the witch doctor always goes after them no matter where they are to protect them. I can send in a ton of gunners and one juggernaut and as soon as the juggernaut veers off to attack an outhouse there goes the witch doctor leaving my gunners for dead.

    The only stupid solution I've found is to not use juggernauts or brutes....uh this is a horrible workaround btw.

    Please fix this issue ASAP, thank you.
    Jana and Maverick like this.
  15. Tutankoopa

    Tutankoopa Powder Monkey

    Ever since the update my Witch Doctors won't recognize any unit except for Juggernauts. No matter where I place the WD it'll always run straight to the nearest Juggernaut and stand almost directly on top of it. One match I placed 25 gunners on one side of the map, and a lone Juggernaut on the other end of the map, I placed the WD directly on the 25 gunners, and the WD ran across the map and stood on the Juggernaut.
    850arrr and Jana like this.
  16. Monkey D Luffy

    Monkey D Luffy Powder Monkey

    I can confirm that WD prioritises Juggernauts 1st, Brutes second. Although if there were 2 WD, 1 of them will run across the whole base to protect that single unit which i dropped to destroy 1 outhouse...
  17. прокат

    прокат Powder Monkey

    Change it back its just they kill we near strong ones and gunners die faster and I can't renovate them
    Jana likes this.
  18. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    "Where do you think you're going?
    Don't you know it's dark outside?
    Where do you think you're going?
    Don't you care about my pride?"


    No any "large pool of health" there, WD left massive group of units with juggers for one gunner behind the rock
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
    Darke Shadow likes this.
  19. прокат

    прокат Powder Monkey

    They became useless
  20. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    You mean like the Priestess? Who the heck still bothers with the Priestess. Raiders not far off either.

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