Calling out sinister souls and any other guilds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Booty isle, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Super-who? Never heard about. Neither on the forum nor on a top )
    Yeah, just shed my salty tears watching your island ) You better don't impair base by your ideas when you copy it )
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  2. VinUnleaded

    VinUnleaded Powder Monkey

    why are you like this? who hurt you?
    Kelani likes this.
  3. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    All the noise here actually about win in a rumble - 40 gems (usually less). Its pathetic 1200 gems a month. Pff, I just spent 9000 for the last update )
    And what about 1 mln of grog and gold for win? I take 1 mln of net income (considering army cost) of EACH by 2 atacks maximum. Its just 38*2 minutes.
    I don't give a damn about 1 mln a day in particular and rumbles generally )
  4. Afro Circus

    Afro Circus Powder Monkey

    We are pirates, why cry about fair fights? We win because we are smarter, deal with it. pirates crying about a fair fight? we are playing within Midokis Rules and win. Do you think any war was ever won because of smarter generals, or better weapons??? Or did we not use guns vs the Indians to keep it fair and honorable?
    Ohh, no one has heard of theo? Who cares, most members are not forum junkies, so I guess his opinion don't matter then. , laughable.

    Is Sinister relevant???? We are on front page because we blow away guilds in rumbles, ranked in top ten overall???? I offer no excuses or apologies. No Quarter for you in Rumbles. Go hide.
  5. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Thank you for your kind words AM. I wish you well with RFF!
  6. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Sissy Fish? Oh come on, you can do better. ;-) Besides, I know you think more highly of a number of your former guildmates.

    And yes, it was an experiment. And as far as experiments go, it seems to have been a success, having validated the thesis it was designed to test. And like any good experiment, the Souls have used the findings to improve it's performance.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    Raptelan likes this.
  7. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    So I'm going to add my two bits in here.
    1. First and foremost, I want to say that I am distressed about the way some people in this forum are expressing themselves. You can agree or disagree with the tactic of mixing high and low PH players in a guild, but name calling is beneath us.
    2. It's not cheating. Period. When the idea of adding low PH players to Souls was first suggested, I went high and low through the Terms and Conditions / License Agreement from both Rovio Stars (lest we forget, the publisher of Plunder Pirates) and Midoki, there is absolutely nothing in there prohibiting this strategy. It is a feature of the game, not a bug (such as the issue with stacking buildings or Thieves from some months back.) I have said this before and I will assert it here publicly -- a successful guild should engage in multiple strategies in order to meet it's goals. Some guilds gem and do so heavily. Do I like that they do that? No. Do I begrudge them for doing that? HELL NO!
    3. I will let you all in on a secret -- we don't always win. [And for those of you that brag here that you've never lost, I don't believe you.] I want to publicly and honestly congratulate France 1789 for a hard fought match up earlier this week. You wanted it just that much more then we did, and you beat us. Two of the Pirates United guilds as beaten us before. Soundly I might add, but with a lot of gemming. Am I upset we lost? Of course I am, but did they cheat? Again, no.
    4. Finally to @Chris [Midoki] and the folks at Midoki. I would urge you NOT to alter the way Rumbles are run. The issue of mixing high and low PH guilds WILL solve itself. Either Guilds that use them will abandon them on their own when a limitation is discovered, or Guilds that DON'T use them will embrace them when it becomes apparent that no such limit exists.
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Well it's a good thing they have already said they are going to fix it so minis are less effective in rumbles.
  9. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    I don't know you hola, but I'd like to add some thoughts here about RFF. Many of your members (notably your Captains) are all (mostly?) former members of Sinister Souls -- (@The Fish Eyed Pirate was responsible for elevating me to the Soul's First Mate [at the time, we only had two, and Fish was the other], and thank for that Fish -- to quote that great sage, Moe Howard (or perhaps his writers), "remind me to moidah you later") You have some great guild-mates there and I hope you enjoy yourself.
  10. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    There is a saying among Software Developers and Engineers Bear -- "We don't fix bug, insomuch as we replace them with ones that fail in a more subtle manner." I'm sure whatever Midoki does, it will not resolve this debate.
  11. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Lynsey, I neglected to tag you in my post, but I want to add that I do NOT believe Midoki should intervene here. This is a facet of the game that some people like and some people dislike. It is (however) a legitmate (if perhaps unintended) consequence of the way the game is set up. It's not fool-proof (to wit, the Souls excellent but not perfect record in rumbles) and I would suggest that it will solve itself -- either some guild will find an effective counter-strategy to mixed High and Low PH guilds, or guilds will adapt it on their own (neutralizing it's effectiveness). In either case, I'd recommend not altering the game. (It's just an opportunity for something else to break!)
  12. yeti

    yeti Captain

    No, it's not a cheat, but it is exploiting the game. It's clear that the use of minis for the express purpose of gaining an unfair and underhand advantage in rumbles is not playing the game in the way that it was intended. Pure and simple no matter how you try and polish it. Rank boosting isn't cheating either, but it detracts from the game as does this. It should absolutely be changed. I've played a game with 'rumble' mechanics just like this, and it went down this exact road. It didn't end well...
    Ian likes this.
  13. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    How is not fair? How is this an advantage accorded to one guild and not another? Some guilds don't want to use it. Okay, fine, you don't have to use it. It's like saying it's not fair that someone can't eat a hamburger because they choose not to eat hamburger. Is it they way Midoki intended? No. Does that make it fair or unfair? Same answer. It's an unintended consequence. Nothing more, nothing less. You want to use it, use it. You don't want to, don't. But don't berate those that do because of your choice. That is not helpful.
  14. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Umm...Where exactly did I berate you? I provided an opinion that you disagree with. The fact that you combed through the rules as you stated above to make sure you were not breaking any specified ones would seem to suggest that you initially saw the same concern though ;)
    Lofon8 likes this.
  15. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I wholeheartedly agree that name calling is never useful. Equally I think we should all show understanding that when people are both passionate and competitive their diplomatic filters may slip! :oops:

    I agree that it isn't cheating - it is a tactic (I also believe that minis & heavy gemming are equally irritating to players who use neither tactic).

    However whilst gemming is a well publicised & intended (profitable) tactic - minis are (by Midoki's own admission) unintentional and also unprofitable.

    • Like any game/sport that uses technology (e.g. Motor racing) when a 'loophole' is found (I mean tactic NOT bug) it is allowed to be exploited until the rules are rewritten to prevent its use.
    • Since both 'gemming' & 'minis' tactics are fairly quickly identifiable guilds can choose whether to participate in these rumbles
    • To hold players to a set of 'ideals' rather than rules seems doomed to failure since PP is a competitive game.
    • Each guild decides for themselves what tactics they will adopt/condone - but to criticise others for adopting different tactics seems less than tolerant (which is at the heart of 'fair' play).
    I will now step down off my soapbox and hand the mic to the next player...
    Raptelan likes this.
  16. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    i apologize if my words offended -- I assure you none was meant. And yes, I was concerned, just as people here have expressed their concerned. When I found no basis for those concerns in the Licensing Agreement, I was satisfied the strategy met the rules set forth by Midoki.
  17. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Not as profitable.

    I would actually contend mixed guilds are to Midoki's profit benefit. I encourages gemming among non mixed guilds. ;-)
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  18. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Not as profitable.

    I would actually contend mixed guilds are to Midoki's profit benefit. I encourages gemming among non mixed guilds. ;-)
  19. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Only provided the other guilds don't give up! (it would be more profitable if the only way to increase battles was to gem)
  20. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I used to play a game where admins turned a blind eye to hackers. Initially, there were only a few and most people did not know much about them. Drove up the scores and the people who bought gems were buying more to be competitive. Due to the competitive nature of the game, it reached the point that you either had to spend a small fortune or be a hacker to be competitive. The admins still ignored the hacker issue, as revenue was still increasing. Well, gem buyers eventually got fed up with the Admins lack of action and left the game. Surprisingly, it happened more in masse than as a gradual event. Well, the game has died. Only hackers hold top positions in the game. Whales that paid to play are few and far between, and are no longer spending as much as they once did. I am not saying people using minis are hacking, I am saying that if you take away the gem buyers motivation to be competitive by whatever method, they will cease to purchase gems. Games cannot survive and thrive without gem purchases. Basic economics.
    Lofon8, Tifosa and peg-brain bob like this.
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