Calling out sinister souls and any other guilds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Booty isle, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. locomoco

    locomoco Powder Monkey

    I'd like to see a copy of this so-called "pirate code." I bet there won't be much to it unfortunately. I don't think they ever had a Geneva Convention to agree rules of engagement. All in jest by the way. :)
    One-Eyed Willy and Raptelan like this.
  2. Look at all the popcorn here!
    Fil likes this.
  3. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    I'm confident that the people who gemmed their PH9 and who knows what the max level walls are now will continue to do so in the future. :)
  4. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." And I'd wager you don't look wield a sword NEARLY as well as Keira Knightley! [OTOH, I probably make Geoffrey Rush look like Clark Gable...]
    One-Eyed Willy likes this.
  5. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks...
  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Excellent, well-written post! I don't like minis and we don't allow them in our guild, but I don't particularly mind that some guilds use them for an advantage. I am not opposed to adjustments being made, but I really enjoy Rumbles as they are now. We have lost a few of them, but to have any expectation otherwise is pure foolishness!
  7. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    (Guitar string snaps) :eek:
  8. Okay sit rep. We now got 5 pages here with some guilds with different opinions on the matter of gemming and the usage of lower level PH during rumbles.
    I think we can all agree that every guild can have their opinion and while we may not always agree with it. We probably can't change the opinion of that guild. And they have every right to have their opinion.
    Sinister Souls have said for themselves that it is not illegal/against the rules. And they are correct, that's a fact.
    And of course losing to a guild that uses huge amounts of gems to win while you and your guildmates try your best to keep up, isn't always fun. But it's legal and it's how Midoki makes their money.

    But forum-people, this is a place to discuss and not call people names, and yes I did that too i'm my first post on this thread. And yes I regret that, it was a stupid mistake.

    I want to propose the following to each and everyone here. We can continue the discussion about using so called "mini's" here:
    But let's shut this thread down because it is (partially) filled with some pretty nasty comments, I don't think much good will come from this thread.
    Feel free to give your personal opinion on the thread I just gave you the link too, but let's get too personal. We are better as community then that.

    If you disagree with me feel free to send me a direct message about that, If you still want to discuss the subject then please use the other thread.
    Enjoy your day pirates!
    peg-brain bob and Ian like this.
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