Latest Update bugs and issues (1.5.0)

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Lynsey [Midoki], Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Not necessarily a bug, but when visiting an island the range of the ship doesn't show like it does on one's personal map, whereas bunkers etc do when visiting. Would be helpful when visiting to plot revenge, review guild members' layouts, etc.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Game started crashing on me again. Three times in a row! Arrgh!
  3. JennyBootsBrau

    JennyBootsBrau Powder Monkey

    This update crashes. I've never had crash problems before. I lose all the booty I had won in an attack but don't get my pirates bac
    Twice after start once when selecting an opponent, and once when attacking. I attacked once since with no problem.
  4. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Nope, I had it on my maxed gun towers and mortars.
  5. Using an iPad 3, sometime the graphic will shimmer, vibrate underneath the pirate hall, did not do that before.
    By the way, great update! Keep it coming!
  6. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Crash crash crash. All the time crashing. IPhone 4s, OS 7.
    Captain MetaTauta likes this.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Crashed on me twice while loading, again while selecting an opponent, and again midfight. Lost my army and a lot of loot :c I wanted to start gemming armies to farm wall 11s, but going to hold off until this gets addressed because losing gemmed armies is no fun. Hopefully it gets fixed soon so I can get my raiding in before non-gemmers start finishing their ph8 and competing for resources.

    edit: latest ios, iphone 6 plus.
  8. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Sorry to hear about all the game crashes :(
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    In Guild Chat, the message times are now extremely buggy. In one instance, everything posted in the chat buffer (over 45 mins) shows Just Now. In another, The last 10 minutes' messages showed Just Now, but the most recent message showed 5m ago.
  10. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Just lost a tavern full of pirates! Was recruiting 65 and almost had them when they vanished. This is beyond shanghaing my crew. They are no where to be found.
  11. Bryno

    Bryno Crew

    A row of 5 flames on the right side of attack screens. initially behind the max. plunder banner.
    Also present when visiting other players. Same place

    Update they seemed to have disappeared :)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  12. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    We were told Santa would be able to stay if we kept him safe on our ship. I kept mine safe and gave up weeks of farming bp so he wouldn't die, and he got replaced with the new event pirate anyways :/ I want my Santa back. I understand that this is probably not possible but it does make me really sad :c I was so careful to keep him alive.

    Also can we have the skull and crossbones flag back? I don't want a country flag, I'm a pirate, I don't want to represent a nation. Give me my Jolly Roger :c

    Other than that, and the crashing, loving the update :)
  13. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    Crashing while battling. I am sad to see pirate flag gone too.
  14. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    We've tracked down the source of the majority of crashes, and will hopefully have that fix out soon.
    Super-Nor and Rachael like this.
  15. JennyBootsBrau

    JennyBootsBrau Powder Monkey

    That's great news on the fix! I have crashed a few times on start up since my first post, also once again while battling, and once while clicking market. I love the game so much I dcided to look at any battle losses as if I had actually lost a battle, but am really pleased to hear a fix is on the way. So many developers abandon a popular game or sell out to one who does. Thanks for a great game! I'll be buying some gems, not really needed but just as a thank you for being awesome. :)
  16. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Crashing when I scroll though chat, as well as when I log on...
  17. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Issue: Flames from Flame Gate 1 (FG1) persist in other base and exploration views after viewing a replay with a flame gate that was used.

    Details: Guild mate posted a replay where his FG1 was spent by an attacking juggernaut. After viewing said replay, the flames showed up on my base in the same position as the replay FG1. The flames also show up in the exploration map in the same position (if map rotated to NSEW orientation). The flames go away if the app is closed and reopened. Confirmed by other guild members. Doesn't appear to be a function of if the viewer has a FG1 on their own respective base (2 viewers did have a Flame Gate, 1 did not. All saw the bug.)

    Platform: multiple iDevices. I'll update with device info.

    I'll post screenshots and a video soon.
  18. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    We're aware of the flame gate bug and it's been fixed, should be packaged along with the crash fix!
    Super-Nor and Arr like this.
  19. Walker D. Plank

    Walker D. Plank Powder Monkey

    I want the Jolly Roger pirate flag back too. I be a pirate, not a citizen of a country. Arrrr!
    JennyBootsBrau likes this.
  20. TBird

    TBird Captain

    When resetting the Floki Gate, are the flames suppose to go away once its reset? My one gate that was tripped is still flame on, even after being reset. The other gate that has not been tripped is flame off.

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