Overreliance on grog

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John Williams, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. m4thw1z

    m4thw1z Crew

    The example that Chris gave just gave the numbers of items. The problem is that the gold upgrades are tiny compared to the cost of the grog upgrades. I go after grog because I am always empty on grog and I have full gold. If I empty them both to 100k and then do raiding to get them up to 300k then I spend grog on an academy upgrade for 225k and a cannon for 50k gold. After I get my builders busy and I have raided for a bit I have 500k gold and 10k grog.
    John Williams likes this.
  2. True to that m4thw1z
  3. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Y is the rum gone!
  4. Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum?
    Lol, grog is enough headache to earn, let alone another new resource, rum.
    But its a great idea, get rum to unlock special heroes pr something, just saying
  5. m4thw1z

    m4thw1z Crew

    Rum is close to Grog. Can we raid for Wenches? Free them from captivity then give them up as offering to heroes to make them stronger.

  6. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Offerings?...that is the kind of thing I like! :D
  7. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I'd agree there is a greater demand for rum, mostly due to pirate training. Switching the voodoo hut and witch doctor training to gold would even it out better.
  8. just lending my voice to the amount of grog needed far outweighs gold argument. at least at PH4 i've noticed the initial bit was gold intensive and then grog grog grog. just the academy upgrades alone stacks up a lot of grog and those are probably the single most important upgrades after the tavern.

    perhaps because you can run several tavern troop upgrades in tandem grog becomes even more critical. right now i have two builders so at most i have two sources of spending gold at a given time, but i can upgrade 5 different troops concurrently as well as recruit priates very frequently. the amount of grog i can spend at any given moment is far larger than the amount of gold because of the tavern + academy.
  9. Mister Owl

    Mister Owl Powder Monkey

    I am just about to hit PH5, looking forward to the fun.

    In hindsight and reflection, the GROG requirements at PH4 far outweighed the gold requirements. The Academy troop upgrades (which are essential to complete) alone, make the gold requirements look miniscule. Throw in the GROG required for other key buildings, it's no comparison.

    Will be curious to see how it works in PH5.

    ARRRG :)
  10. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Higher PH levels means:

    More expensive structure upgrade cost + new troop types to train + higher training levels + higher recruiting costs due to increased troop level = y is the rum gone?!

    I suppose my clan is aptly named, A.A., because of all the grog consumed XD lol.
  11. zag

    zag Crew

    I'm tapped out on gold upgrades at PH4.

    My ship is still a 2 so is my lighthouse.
    My only maxed troop is the Bucs with the gunner and brute not far behind. I've done a few ups for the bomber and the thief.

    I have a builder just waiting around to reset mines. My gold mines are not maxed.

    So at Ph4. grog is way more usefull.

    Edit: I've also noticed that only about 1:6 islands have more grog than gold. Most have more gold and some significantly more gold than grog.
  12. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate


    You obviously need to play the game more. At Pirate Hall Levels 3 and especially 4, the imbalance is massive. There is nothing more I can do with my gold, but so many things still require grog. Such as training!!
  13. I have absolutely no experience with this issue, my gold and grog expenses are well matched. I don't have a huge stash of gold nor grog (maybe I'm just poor, I don't know)
  14. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Crew

    Once you get to PH5, you can dump your gold into walls. Level 5 walls cost 40k apiece. :confused:
  15. Those walls are making me only eat bread and water. I have no more money to spend on food..
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.
  16. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    You are really into this lol.
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.
  17. Into what? This is my life my friend!
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.
  18. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    I am friends with a fish? Cool.
    And what life? I got none..
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.
  19. Let us think about this sophisticated question for a moment.. What is Life?
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.
  20. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    The meaning of life is a life of meaning.
    kEnNeth0510 likes this.

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