Please lower the price for recruiting troops for high rank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Redtsai, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    It suits them this way, longer training times the more likely we'll use Gems to finish them. If your training time is at 3hrs then thats a joke, you'll only get 3 attacks in over a 9 hour period. Some of my troops I won't upgrade fully because of the time increase, my Bombers are at lvl12 & I'll leave them there, they do enough damage @110 per sec, my WD will also be left where it is, after its ability its not worth the huge price & time increase.
    My current Tavern time is 1 hour, I really don't want it to get any longer, something does need to be done.
  2. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Well he's in the top 10 and can only attack once a day so all his rank is coming from defense. I can only speculate but...yeah
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  3. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Yeah no kidding. Cant use brutes and gunns up there like you can farming the 300's. Definitely by design imo. You need wd's up there and they take forever and cost a fortune. That being said, 3 hrs if that's accurate is way too long.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. Cost and training time needs reduction bad.
  5. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    im at PH 5 , upgrading to 6(4 days left);
    after reading all these bad news, i am disappointed and afraid to train my troops further, right now i need 30 to40 min. of training time; and i can get a decen amount of loot. I think after leveling up my PH, i wont be concentrating on my academy and moreover it needs a huge amount of BP.

    @MIDOKI pls reply, and do something to shorten the training time!!!!! otherwise the game will soon become boring for many
  6. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    Hey donkeyvilla what happened to you ? Where did you go ?
  7. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I think the problem with them shortening the time is we'll all be maxed out PH7's in no time with cut times, my troop time is an hour, the more time is cut, the more attacks we get, the quicker we're all maxed, the more angry people in the forum shouting WHERES OUR PH8!!
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I don't think troop training should ever take longer than 2 hours. And troops costing more than I can get in a raid is why I quit clash of clans. You should be able to create an army that you can profit from.
    Bl00dBaTh and ElGordo like this.
  9. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Sounds like work rather than entertainment. Glad I deleted the game with the first 10 minutes.

    CoC just didn't click.

    My first impression of it was the graphics looked really bad, boring to watch. I didn't even get through the tuditorial.
  10. The fact that this game only has 1 troop camp AND that the troops take longer than other TD games I've played to recruit is more than a little frustrating some times. In CC as you level up your camps recruitment time is reduced by a small % so even high level army's can be recruited in under an hour. I don't know if it's me not being very observant or do the Pirates hire times go up too as you upgrade them as well? Perhaps you could add a way to reduce hire time by upgrading outhouses?
  11. Strike

    Strike Crew

    I totally agree with you Mr Redtsai, WAY to expensive or/and timeconsuming to train troops. Shiit i'm eating peasoup the rest of the month because of all the gems i'm spending LOL
  12. How would that work? You would need more then a few to " help" ;) Like the other top 25 .
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  13. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    come join us, I will tell how haha:rolleyes:
  14. Do you have teamspeak3. ?
  15. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes every troops hire time & price goes up with every upgrade, you can see by how much by clicking on each upgrade level, it'll say +20 seconds & +500 Grog beside the time & price in the top corner of the Academy. That's the problem everyone is complaining about, I think 1hr should be the max, if your troops go to 3hrs its a joke.
    SaK and .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. like this.
  16. kiki_mabau

    kiki_mabau Crew

    I recruit 2 wd, 8 brute and 29 gunner = 1 hour 30 minutes
  17. Maxed schooling on troops?
  18. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    gunner and brutes for cheap yet so effective. No problem in resources.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  19. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I trained witch doctors in place of bombers by mistake a few times. Ouch!! Didn't realize until I deployed them :eek:
  20. kiki_mabau

    kiki_mabau Crew

    65 troops

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