Please lower the price for recruiting troops for high rank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Redtsai, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    no, I use groupme, i'm in two group, one for general talking one for ranking up.
  2. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    hahaha, I can't understand why witch doctor so expensive.
  3. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    lol, I eat dumplings for the rest of the month because of the gems. hey man do u use groupme?
  4. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    yeah, sounds like a joke:( but the truth is if I recruit 4 wd and use heavy gunner replacing gunner, it can be 4 hours...
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  5. kiki_mabau

    kiki_mabau Crew

    Wow you use 4 wd red ? 400k grog :(
  6. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    4Wd??? Cough... Sputter... Who are you fighting?? I'm taking down maxed bases with 2 in my crew. And they're not even fully trained.
  7. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I use 2. Kingandew and that Korean guy use 4 wd when attack me:eek:
  8. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    That's a suppose. I usually use two.:D
  9. The next update acording to the news letter says there's going to be a new building to speed up pirate recrutment, but by how much? Will it be a building that if you level it up it takes less time still or will you need more than 1 like outhouses to (trap) enough pirates quickly?
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Since it's a perk building I'd say it's only 1 building.
  11. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I think so :D
  12. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I think bear is right, but no idea when will we have the update.:confused:
  13. If it is a perk then it's obviously going to be a grog funded one to lure the pirates in, great another way to use up all my hard plundered grog quicker!
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    The game already over-relies on Grog, so I'd hope they'd use something else.
  15. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I'm burning grog right now. Start training, cancel it.
  16. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Sorry if this insults your intelligence, but is that grog burning because you're maxed? I found 11 people in my guild who never realized that they could train multiple pirate types at once in the academy/hut. :( A lot of people still don't know that, so I figured I'd mention it, just in case.
  17. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    No, no insult, I don't want to overtrain my troops. Their capabilities are sufficient and they're getting expensive. Well, wait time is a bigger issue. My lone available builder has an insatiable need for gold to turn into walls. The grog is piling up though.
  18. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    That is ridiculous. I hope it gets fixed soon. I've stopped gemming in this game, because i'm slowing down until war comes and training troops slowly in this game. But if this doesn't change, i won't be able to battle much even when war becomes available. Even expensive troop lineups shouldn't take more than 1.5 hours max, and gemming shouldn't cost more than 50 gems per lineup when speed battling
  19. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    That is good, at least.
  20. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I totally agree with u. Midoki really need change it, otherwise I don't know how to continue playing this game:( without gems.

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