Plunder Pirates World Race to the Top! All Guilds Welcome, April 7-12!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arr, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    How do you think we have been climbing up so fast if not by pulling them down? :p

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    Arr likes this.
  2. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Has anyone told the REGNOs that competition has started?
    Arr likes this.
  3. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    We love you Christy. :D
    Christy and Arr like this.
  4. Arr

    Arr Captain

    4/8/15 18:45 Aussie 5558 49
    4/8/15 18:45 La Québécoise 4008 45
    4/8/15 18:45 Laughing Skulls 6904 48
    4/8/15 18:45 Meyham Mutineers 7481 49
    4/8/15 18:45 Meyham PLUNDER 3907 32
    4/8/15 18:45 名门天下 (MMTX) 7453 36
    4/8/15 18:45 Outlanders 4321 49
    4/8/15 18:45 Pegleg Mutiny 5447 48
    4/8/15 18:45 Rapt Renegades 2574 25
    4/8/15 18:45 Red Flag Fleet 7341 49
    4/8/15 18:45 Red Flag Fleet 2 4086 37
    4/8/15 18:45 REGNO ITALIA 1975 37
    4/8/15 18:45 REGNO PIRATA 2705 43
    4/8/15 18:45 Sinister Souls 7183 48

    Splitting it up a bit...


    (I'm going to ninja edit these charts since the colors might have changed when I filtered. Also, I left out Aussies in the split! Fixing now, then this part of the message will self distruct)

    Props to Laughing Skulls and Rapt Renegades for their movement so far! MMTX has added a couple to their roster to keep things interesting at the top! C'mon Pegleg Mutiny, let's start climbing and turn your line into a smile! :)

    Check out how close La Quebecoise, Outlanders, PLUNDER and RFF2 are. That's going to be an interesting one to watch! Keep pushing everyone - Let's keep them Midoki servers busy! :p
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
    Skull King and Christy like this.
  5. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Let's Go, REGNO! *clap clap* *clapclapclap* @Tuckyno
    Skull King likes this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    小绿(Green) if you desire the respect of the forum why don't you drop your shield and fight?
    You admitted to rank boosting to reach 1,111 and that was before the contest started, like a week ago. Presenting a base like this and hiding behind a shield is cowardly.
    Here's your chance to back up all your talk and show us what you got! o_O

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
    Liquix, Ian, TBird and 1 other person like this.
  7. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    I think some guilds are just considered invisible by most who know what is happening. Unfortunately, when you see something that indicates unfair sportsmanship by a few, you tend to discount the guild(s) as a whole.
    Salty Snack, Christy and Floki like this.
  8. TBird

    TBird Captain

    I'm sure Tex doesn't discount the guild.... Just the base hiding behind a shield all the time.
    And then sticks it in the face of everyone with that layout.

    Think it calls for a ruling from the the judge....
    If it doesn't come out from behind shield and play fair, remove 1111 points from the guild score.
  9. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Oh I know you SS guys do :eek: not :p
  10. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Hiding behind a shield all the time in MY opinion should disqualify the team. @Raptelan has hit AT LEAST 8 of us now lol (lost track) But it's all good. No one is hiding. Just seems wrong.
  11. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    The difference between Pegleg Mutiny and RFF, by the way, is that RFF gains a lot of rank back from me with their tricky base layouts, while Pegleg Mutiny doesn't. Yarr harr just having a bit of friendly guild teasing. ;) Pegleg Mutiny is probably going to come back with a vengeance at us all now!
    Red Hand of Doom and Christy like this.
  12. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Whats wrong with tricky base layout....:p
  13. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Your base cleansed me with fire, so it did!
  14. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Me to I cleanse and am regularly cleansed..:rolleyes:
  15. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Now, now, with so many former SS in RFF, you should know better.
    Christy likes this.
  16. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Just gave you some extra PR @Red Privateer :eek: because you know I love you too :)
  17. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Great -- that just means TBird is gonna rake me over the coals now. Again. ☺ (Love ya Tim!)
    Floki likes this.
  18. Floki

    Floki Captain

    We all love catching up..:)
  19. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Next, next, next, next.... There you are :rolleyes:
  20. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Howdy! We're into day 3 of this epic race! Once again, we see shuffling within the ranks of some of our participating guilds! Also, we're seeing the ranking ability of these outstanding teams.

    Here are the last few data points

    (time/date, guild, guildpoints, guildmembership, hourselapsed)

    4/8/15 22:30 Aussie 5567 49 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 La Québécoise 4088 45 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Laughing Skulls 6977 48 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Meyham Mutineers 7502 49 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Meyham PLUNDER 3947 32 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 名门天下 (MMTX) 7454 37 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Outlanders 4316 49 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Pegleg Mutiny 5464 48 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Rapt Renegades 2560 25 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Red Flag Fleet 7378 49 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Red Flag Fleet 2 3971 36 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 REGNO ITALIA 1980 37 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 REGNO PIRATA 2694 43 39.0
    4/8/15 22:30 Sinister Souls 7175 48 39.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Aussie 5593 49 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 La Québécoise 4188 45 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Laughing Skulls 7094 48 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Meyham Mutineers 7607 49 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Meyham PLUNDER 3963 32 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 名门天下 (MMTX) 7653 37 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Outlanders 4367 49 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Pegleg Mutiny 5433 47 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Rapt Renegades 2669 28 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Red Flag Fleet 7483 50 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Red Flag Fleet 2 3839 35 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 REGNO ITALIA 1989 37 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 REGNO PIRATA 2657 43 50.0
    4/9/15 10:15 Sinister Souls 7141 48 50.0
    At a glace:




    There's a race at the top between MM, RFF and MMTX! Laughing Skulls is well on its way to joining that group! Sinister Souls is playing the long game, and Aussie is pulling further away from Pegleg Mutiny!

    The race between Outlanders, La Quebecoise, PLUNDER gets interesting as 400 points separates the three guilds. RFF2 takes a temporary dive! xP And look at Rapt Renegades go as @Raptelan ranks and adds more crew to his banner!

    C'mon @Tuckyno, rally your troops and let's go! Make them watch the video again! :)

    To everyone else watching - support your teams by cheering them on or joining their crew to help them in the climb!

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