So no more 6 min training per gem?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Burnz, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    The only problem with that line of thought is the the devs were working on fixing the 4 minute gem bug. Then accidentally made it 6 minutes. It's always been a bug, they always intended on fixing it.
    Fang likes this.
  2. Fang

    Fang First Mate

    Thanks Bear, I didn't know that.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
  3. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    When something that is so important to making money and getting a paycheck how on earth could they have made a mistake on this? I would say it's impossible. Midoki is clearly playing game with us here. A 6 and a 3 are clearly different and I am sure they had a quality control rollout that could have seen it was six min not the 3 min they intended. How on earth can they keep calling this a bug when they rolled out 5-6 updates leaving it at 4 min then one update to 6 min now another update to 3:10. No way this was ever a bug. Just them doing what they intended to do. And next time when they change it again. They will say the 3:10 was a bug. I call utter bs to their "bug"
    850arrr likes this.
  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Bug or no bug I was never prepared to gem regularly at the rates they jacked it up to.
    850arrr, Christy, Fang and 1 other person like this.
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    This game is a lot of fun, but the current price per gem ins't worth it.
  6. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    Well, for what it's worth, I gemmed a ton of troops with the six minute 'bug,' and am not gemming at all with the current three minute setup. I figure I can just wait the 2m 59sec, whereas I felt like it was worth it to save myself 5m 59sec. So perhaps this isn't Midoki's intended outcome of the 'fix.'
    850arrr and Kelani like this.
  7. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    I doubt people not gemming was the intended result. Nevertheless it was stated to be a bug from pretty much the moment it came out. This is fairly obvious if you take a step back and think about it, why would anyone ever gem full tavern the way it was. It makes more sense that 1 gem = x mins, whatever x happens to be.

    If their revenue drops maybe they will adjust it. Despite all the complaints i expect people will gem again after a cooldown. There was anger after (intended) tavern speedup went away before, things went back to normal.

    In any case, it was more of an unintended discount than the intended rate and people may be less angry if they think that way.
  8. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Im gonna bump this one up.

    I don't think the new prices are fair and we need make our voices heard! Midoki, we love you, but please lower to 3min once again.
    After playing with these new gem prices for a couple days I can clearly tell i've automatically been attacking less :confused:
    850arrr likes this.
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    While I think some are going to attack less because of the new gem prices. I think that most people who gem are going to gem anyways. It's all of us penny pinchers who are really hurt by this.
  10. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Yeah you are probably right. Well.. lets see how this goes. If they earn less money they will change it back, if they earn more they are gonna keep it. A 100% increase is a pretty strange move though.
    850arrr and Bear like this.
  11. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I understood them fixing the inconsistency bug (unfair advantage to those 'in the know') however I would like them to increase the time back to 6 min per gem - I think that's what you meant to say too Ed! ;)
    Edward Kenway and 850arrr like this.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I don't know if we will ever get 6 minute per gem, but I do wish they would at least give us a full 4 minutes. We were all pretty happy with that.
    peg-brain bob and 850arrr like this.
  13. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    If you don't like the price then do not gem.

    If Midoki makes less money they will likely change the rate.

    If they make more money then it was Midoki who was correct about the market price and we were wrong.

    There are of course other factors to increase their income besides us old time gemmers continuing to buy gems. We will probably never be made aware of this business information to rationalize a price that hurts us personally.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  14. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Anything will be better than the current 3min BS. Well I guess that is, if they don't lower it even further :eek:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    Bear likes this.
  15. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    knock on wood.
  16. started geming some raids after having taken a long break from the game. I then realized what a rip off it is now compared to what it used to be (4 min)--so I stopped.
  17. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    That's rubbish, it's been 4min since I started playing, it was always meant to be 4min, they just realised that people were saving Gems by using the 4min trick & they just came out & called it a "bug" Yea right.
    850arrr and Tex like this.
  18. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    It was 4 mins for the first gem, with 2 mins for subsequent gems; then it became 6 minutes for the first gem with 3 minutes for subsequent gems; and now its 3:10 per gem flat.

    The "bug" was that the first gem was counting double the time and they had intended for every gem to save an equal amount of time.
  19. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    So you think just coz Midoki didnt fix something for ages means it wasnt a bug. Hmmmmm.
  20. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Well yes I'd call something there since the games inception a feature of the game, not the Devs calling it a "bug" because people starting exploiting it. There was no mention of it being a "bug" when I started playing. A year long bug? Sound legit.

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