So no more 6 min training per gem?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Burnz, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Unfortunately an 'undocumented feature' & a 'bug' amount to the same thing if the Dev's didn't intend it and don't want it. I think having a consistent cost is much fairer & better - I just hope that the time per gem will be increased again soon.
  2. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    When a lot of players depend on a certain feature to actually play then yes it's a big deal, especially since we've been doing it for a year. A year, not a few weeks or even a few months, are you all saying Midoki are so incompetent that they leave known bugs for a whole year? The 4min gem trick was never a bug, the 6 min was a bug, not the 4min. When I first started I always used the trick & used the forum, there was never a mention of the 4min trick being a "bug", never.
    850arrr likes this.
  3. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    Who has ever seen a business model where you pay less per unit to buy in smaller amounts. If time vs gems wasnt going to be constant, rationally it should be the other way, minutes are more expensive for first few minutes and gradually get cheaper, ie bulk discount. That is how things usually work and how buying gems themselves works.

    If people are upset with the gem vs time rate, fine. Im sure they look at the effect and will change if it makes sense. I doubt all those saying i will never gem again though will stick to it but time will tell. Whining you dont get half price for just using 5 seconds of your time pressing the screen a few more times is just senseless. It was very clearly broken before. Again, i am not defending the current rate just saying old one was a crazy pricing mechanism.
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    It's actually funny that you say that about the business model, since it's cheaper to buy two 1,200 Gem packs than buy one 2,400, 1 cent cheaper but still cheaper.
  5. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    Well yes but it gives you bonus bp/ep for the 2400 one.
  6. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    This buisiness model is cost vs convienance. Thus anything to make things easier and less time consuming costs more.
    Skye likes this.
  7. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    Which would be the bulk time discount i talked about. Maybe couple,gems cheaper to do the whole lot. You cant expect half price to press the screen an extra few times and take maybe 20 seconds.

    Really, this is stupid, you cant honestly believe that midoki wanted to give you a discount to do that. Argue about cost if you want, 3 vs 4 vs 6 or discount for effectively bulk time purchases but the above is just ridiculous.

    Fact is everyone knows it was a loophole/bug. Just stick to the cost being too high, not try and justify why a loophole like that should exist.
  8. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    In the cost to convienance model you must expect that things that take longer will cost more per time. You are paying to not have to deal with the grind. The more time and effort that you spend the cheaper things become. This is just the opposite of the supermarket sale (which you are alluding to) where quantity is cheaper because for the sellers they make more money on higher turnover.

    So if you buy bulk expect to pay more per unit. If you pay to reduce time expect each minute to get more expensive as the time increases.
    Kelani and Bl00dBaTh like this.
  9. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    I reall dont know why you bother debating this, it was clearly broken. Just stick for the cost being too high.

    As for the convenince, that is where you introduce some kind of premium product above the norm to make life easier, eg get taxi door to door instead of bus, pay for privilege. You dont take a base service and deliberately make it more difficult to charge less, it is costing the service provider time and effort to make it harder. Strip out frills maybe (eg budget airline) but that bulk argument doesnt work.

    In any case, i just dont see the point going that direction. Midoki dont save anything by making you work haredr so why do that. Again you know it was broken, stick to cost. I mean what do you really want. More minutes per gem or more minutes to gem if and only if they make you work for it.
    Skye likes this.
  10. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    They should have normalized it to 6 minutes per gem regardless of if you did it in 1 gem batches to make it even with the previous cost. It was never intended to make us work for it.
    peg-brain bob, Juggernaut and 850arrr like this.
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    It was the only 1 thing that showed appreciation for the costumers (us), for being supporting and spending our money is this game, we could had easily turn our attention to other games out there, but thanks Midoki we will show you how much we appreciate you too. I had certainly slowed down on gemming and actually started playing another game while my troops are training.
  12. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    You really don't know why we bother debating this? Really? It was a huge game feature for many of us, it might not be a big deal to YOU but many people used the 4min trick since the very beginning of the game, so yea, when they take it away after a whole year of using it do you really not see why people are annoyed? Really? You keep saying it was a known "bug", it was never a "bug" it's only been referred to as a bug lately.
  13. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    • I understand debating the cost. Not trying to justify a "trick" (Your words, trick kind of implies it was unintended....) which is obviously unintended. I though that was pretty clear, i even repeated the point in the same post.
    • I never said the COST wasn't a big deal.
    • The "4" minute bug hasn't been around, its recently been 6 minutes but you didn't notice.
    • Yes i see why people are annoyed, see point 1 (again).
    • It has been referred to as a bug for ages. I say it because if it wasn''t it would be an utterly idiotic way of pricing things. More importantly Midoki said it was a bug (ages ago) as did a couple of people who appear to be "in the know" with Midoki, both of whom have posted on this thread confirming it was a bug. You would know this if you had read the forum for last few months.
    I am not defending the price. Does it annoy people - yes. Will it make or lose money for Midoki - don't know, i don't do their accounts. Will it lose players - probably yes, how many, don't know. Is debating cost ok - sure, go ahead, may work, may not, hope it does. Is claiming an irrational unintended "trick" should be built into the pricing a good idea just because it used to be - no.
    peg-brain bob and Bear like this.

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