Friday's Trade Ship Will Be Here Soon. Is Midoki Listening to Its Disgruntled Pirates?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pirate Christian, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I'd be willing to purchase Ching Shih for 2500 gems!! I'd pay it in a heart beat. But, I have no ability to do that.
  2. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    So what are those of us who have full Silos supposed to do? Mine is Full (no spaces left) at 70%, with most of it full of items for Ching, it's a complete joke to keep offering the same LP every single week, a totally brainless thing to do. Yet another week of waiting. I have 2 choices now, sell items that I've worked my ass off to get, or simply stop sailing. Is this you're great idea of how to treat us players?
    cmooneey and SaK like this.
  3. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    And to answer the original OP, the answer is NO, they're most definitely not listening to their players, they don't seem to give a damn. I don't really care about not getting Ching, what I care about is having a full Silo with noting to spend it on. I'm loath to selling them, but what other choice do I have? I can't open anymore chests to speed up my current LP because I just don't have the space.

    I really had hope they'd release Ching this week, I said to myself there's no way they'd give us the same LP again for another week, no way. By God was I wrong. Haha
    cmooneey and SaK like this.
  4. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Literally nothing to do except walls grinding...pretty boring game at this point! Rumbles cannot make this one an interesting one.
    Midoki u just ruined urself with ur bad idea of business, how can u expect people to play this game if u just trying their patience again and again and again...where thr is nothing else left keep themselves busy with!

    Pretty bad move guys, Midoki pls stop playing with the emotions of players.
  5. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    For a tad bit of perspective, I almost never deploy my lps. I have Ching going to level 7 and haven't deployed her once. They are such a pain in the arse to upgrade and all of mine but Ching and Anabelle are practically worthless at their lower levels, I don't even bother with them. And getting the materials to upgrade even those two is discouraging (much less getting Ching to lvl 25!). To me they are just novelties that don't improve my satisfaction with the game. And they aren't even needed to win. It's not like they are game changers. My frustration is more with the lack of anything to do. All I have left are walls. Each new level can be maxed so quickly, and I don't even gem my upgrades. What is needed is not more novelties but something substantial to actually do. Rumbles are full of disappointments and most are tiring of those--too heavily gem focused with the crazy unlimited battles structure. I understand war, what everyone has long craved, is way out in the future, if at all. As a result, top players are quitting at an alarming rate. This is where my frustration lies.
    Becker Redbeard, 850arrr and SaK like this.
  6. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Wow, Annabelle is the best offensive LP, IMO. (haven't used Ching). Get her upgraded to atleast increase her stun/ability range, you get it fairly soon. She's awesome. I'm definitely better with her as my active offensive LP. Her and Mack are all I use on offense. I'd add Ching when I get her.

    Annabelle + WD = Easy mode. :p
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  7. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    Just wanted to come add my weekly dissatisfaction... again the same pirates as the second week, I'm even getting them in the same waves they originally came out in. Silo is full at 93% and I have 32 Merchants chest that I bought from Midoki thinking that I would be able to use them within 4 weeks... I can't even open my battered chests. Now our guild is pushing rank and I could really use those chests to take a gamble at getting some grog but no I actually had to buy a shield because I can't make enough grog back to even buy my army more than once. And all my hard work will just get smashed away at by anyone looking for some +1 or -20PR.

    So far in the past two days we have seen at least 2 people leave the game... these people for better or for worse are the people that have been the ones buying gems.

    Just so frustrating to see the game going quiet... to see most people looking for a new game to replace this with daily. Can we just stop with the legendary pirates please? Can we just have the new map and a new Pirate Hall level?

    You want to know why people are frustrated about not having Ching? Because she should have been the pirate that went along with Academy 8. But we got nothing for that. I wondered why they made Academy 8 cost 30000 BP and not 50000+ like most were anticipating... because you now need your battle points to upgrade the 1 or 2 legendary pirates you decide are of value to you... even though its going to take a year. Everything contradicts everything else. Is there going to be a new Academy level anytime this year... I certainly hope so! Will it cost 40000+? How can anyone afford to upgrade the Legends and upgrade your potential Academy 9?

    Maybe this isn't the way to get the point across... threatening to quit or not buy gems, that won't change things. I think most of us that are frustrated are the same couple of people every week. If there really was a ton of game users that were frustrated we could go on the App Store and leave feedback that we feel is truth. I know there isn't enough upset people to make a difference but if there was we could make an impact on the growth of this game. Looks like they so far have a 4.5 star rating with 316 reviews. Maybe the people that really control the game decisions would change their tune if the easiest way to measure the success of the game started to change direction. Not a bunch of us (including myself) whining like babies on the forum every week. That isn't measurable.

    "Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."

    Well I guess thats all, see you guys again next week... same stupid thread same stupid topic. Maybe next week we can all rejoice when our ship has Ching as the fixed pirate and Blackbeard as the secondary one.... Plunder on!
  8. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    God, I hope there's not another Academy level. I don't want $100k gunners. Lol.

    Love the quote btw. :p
    850arrr and cmooneey like this.
  9. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    "less likely to see them on a regular basis???? I just need to see Ching Shih ONCE, that's all it would take.

    Veteran players have no allegiance to Midoki's idea of "rare" LPs. At the end of the day we're tired of being left in the cold while other players are happily upgrading their "rare" LPs.

    Y'all need to either abandon the "rare" thing or you need to come up with a way for us veterans to have a chance to acquire the other LPs.

    Not having any option but to hope that I'm "lucky enough" to spot a rare LP next week isn't cutting it, it's only causing more and more players, like myself, to get angry with Midoki!

    Frustrated players don't spend money supporting the game developers who repeatedly frustrate them.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
  10. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes, calling them "Rare" is the biggest cop out I've ever heard, such nonsense, having to rely on luck in a war based game is the biggest load of nonsense I've EVER heard! A complete & utter joke. Laughable really.
    You really have to ask, why? Why the hell should these LP be "Rare"? Why should only a lucky few get to use them? Have you ever heard such crap?

    "Oh these LP are Rare, so we're only going to give them out to a few people for the first month, while we leave the rest of you packed up to the neck in items for them" "Because we're either complete idiots, or we're just messed up in the head & have no idea how to run a proper game" Sounds legit. :rolleyes:
    SaK likes this.
  11. ChocolateGiddyUp

    ChocolateGiddyUp Powder Monkey

    This is pretty irritating, but I can tell you a horrid story about a land where people are willing to spend $400 just to get one character on their team. Whoo! Sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.
    SaK likes this.
  12. AquaZero

    AquaZero Powder Monkey

    I wonder how much money they are willing to lose till they want gain money longer they wait more they lose honestly they should just change the lps in the ship this weekend or more will be lost never gaining it back
  13. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    The pirates here on these forums are a small (if vocal) minority in the PP-verse. If you take the time and look at the rumbling rivals you will see that there are many who are still gemming to a large degree. If all the heavy grumblers in this and similar threads left the game today, I doubt that Midoki would see an appreciable drop gem spending.
  14. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Agreed! - Midoki would make changes if gem spending ever dropped appreciably - the fact that they aren't proves that the majority of paying players are still enjoying the game! :)
  15. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    So you are basically ignoring the situation
    SaK and cmooneey like this.
  16. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    for veteran players I'm sure its frustrating to not get ching (I did get her last week and am a veteran player) but you have to remember that the legendary pirates are supposed to be gotten in progression with your pirate hall. if you notice the upgrades for the LP they are scaled with your PH level. since the 'veteran' players are all maxed it can be frustrating as they want all the upgrades and pirates now but its not designed to be for all the high players at once. if we were all starting from scratch WITH the LPs then it would be fine; the LP addition isn't designed to be a solve all for the small % of end game players out there. This is obvious as they haven't given Ching out to everyone as requested by all the end game players.
  17. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    That being said, the end game content stinks with PP. once your maxed, then what? Coming from World of Warcraft, which is tailored for end game players, there needs to be much more to satisfy them witch will keep them in the game and inviting new players. keep them happy and you will keep the game alive. LPs are a start...
    Becker Redbeard and cmooneey like this.
  18. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    The weekly aggravation that the Trade Ship has become for me is about to strike again.

    Once again I'm getting my hopes up that maybe this will be the week the I finally will be lucky enough to acquire Ching Shih.

    Will I be lucky enough? Chances are not good.

    Midoki has made it clear that they've made certain LPs "rare". But, how rare is rare? Do I have a 1 in 10 chance of seeing Ching Shih show up or is more like a 1 in 30 or a 1 in 50 chance?

    Here's what I know. Midoki needs to make a profit and I'm willing to spend money to complete my LP collection and I'm currently on strike and refusing to purchase anymore gems from Midoki until they make it possible for me to acquire the Ching Shih.

    So, why doesn't Midoki just make Ching Shih (a rare LP) available for purchase via gems? I'd be willing to pay 2,500 gems for her if it meant that I wouldn't have to be slapped in the face week after week hoping that dumb luck will finally smile down on me.

    There are a number of players who would jump at the chance to acquire Ching Shih at that price while a number of players would choose to take their chances.

    The worst part of about the current LP recruiting system is that the ONLY way to acquire rare LPs is via dumb luck.

    @Lynsey [Midoki] @Chris [Midoki] @Beck [Midoki]

    The time has come for y'all to give us a second option when it comes to recruiting rare LPs.

    Until I have the ability to recruit the LPs I want, Midoki will not get another penny from me.
    Ultimate Sea Dog likes this.
  19. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I would think if they did offer an option to buy LP with Gems then they'd cost a lot more than 2,500, if Ching's outfit costs 10k then the LP herself would be more.
  20. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I would never pay more that 2500 gems for an LP

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