New Rumble Matchmaking!

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Lynsey [Midoki], Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Deathblood

    Deathblood Powder Monkey

    The new rumble rewards are a joke. I usually get 3k to 8k points in a rumble. It’s not even worth the effort if I spend 380k grog on pirates each battle to win 1000. Change it to something worthwhile or I’m leaving this game. I would have to win almost 400 battles to win enough grog to fund one battle. Idiotic!
    SkimPappa and MorganFlint like this.
  2. Deathblood

    Deathblood Powder Monkey

    They’re trying to make this a high dollar pay to play game. They’re going to kill this game really fast if the don’t change the rewards immediately. When you have to fight and win 400+ battles to fund one battle, it’s no longer fun or worth it.
  3. Jake the Snake

    Jake the Snake Powder Monkey

    Oak Island, I respect your opinion, I truly do, I would not be happy if 4 hour match times continues for you, and I highly doubt it will, the guild im in we will finish Thunderstruck no problem, our longest wait to matchup has been 30 mins and we are matching top guilds, which there are plenty of i assure you lol plenty of options, shall i start naming them all? I can also assure you there will NEVER be a 24 hours wait to match lol you just experienced worse case scenario, but you all will be ok it's only been a few days since the new system has rolled out, let's be civilized and give them a chance to see what needs fine tuning before we assault them on the forum, shall we. Unless you are worried about not finishing Thunderstruck, it shouldn't matter when the rumble starts, it's 24 hours allowing everyone worldwide to get in on the fun whenever their time is.

    I hope larger guilds are dumb and do sandbag a bunch of rumbles in a row for lower competition lol while they are, you and I will be beating them for high rewards lol and it will take a bunch of sandbag rumbles in a row to effectively do this, easy money for us, and all they will have achieved is lowering there own rewards lmao

    Let's be honest the 4 hour match is rare, but I will GLADLY endure one from time to time to have a quality match, instead of 1 minute match and not even fun rumble...

    As I said the rewards system on the bottom end def needs adjusted, other than that you are asking for fair matchups, good rewards and an hour or under matchup time lol you are wanting your cake and eat it too friend, it's simply not possible lol don't you think they would have done that a long time ago lol it's either quick match with a higher probability of it being poor or occasional long match times with a higher chance of it being good and fun for both teams, it's pure logic,

    This is the price of having the ability to choose when you want to push the button and when you dont. For what your wanting mate could be possible if rumbles were scheduled by the game. To borrow your words, what would you rather have????

    Lastly, I have seen waaaaay more negative activity on forum...... when 1vs1 was introduced and everybody and there momma got on forum and complained about awful matches not even close, everybody is quitting the game no fun on either side. Go look it's about 12 pages of it compared to this tiny bit of complaining here. Again to borrow your words what does that tell you????

    Happy Pirating!

    Cheers mate!

    @Midoki.... Home Run you all!! Keep swinging for the fences!!! And ignoring the nonsense!!!
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  4. ElFrenetico

    ElFrenetico Captain

    My hope is that it’s just going to take a bit of time to figure out how to iron things out, so that all types of guilds are satisfied with the changes. It’s true that people complained in the past, and they’re still playing now, but a large part of the reason they’re still playing now is because Midoki listened when people spoke up, and they made lots of little “changes to changes” in the past when they realized that some fine-tuning was required to get it right.

    In this case, I can only imagine the misery of an up-and-coming guild who is perpetually being pitted against out-of-reach competitors, so if this update manages to fix that for the majority of guilds, that would be a big step in the right direction. It definitely seems like the top guilds are always dealing with their own unique problems after changes like this, and this is no exception.

    Heavy-hitting guilds are tough to please. In the short run, it makes sense to make things right for the top 10,000 guilds, not the top 100. Many of the old-timey players know that without a thriving base of new players discovering the game, there’d be no game. :) It doesn’t stop us from complaining about the game from the vet player perspective, and we all have our styles of griping - often loudly - but in the long run, it’s usually worth it. Sometimes the experience of seeing your feedback taken seriously and used to make the game better can be more rewarding than anything the game itself can do. Many of us have experienced that multiple times here, which is why we’re still here, and still griping. :)

    Things definitely aren’t happy in our guild right now. I wouldn’t call it mutiny - more like solidarity with people kind of agreeing that rumbles aren’t worth the effort at the moment. When it has happened like this in the past though, Midoki has eventually managed to find a way to balance things out. I’m hopeful and hunchful that this will happen here, too. :)
  5. Jake the Snake

    Jake the Snake Powder Monkey

    There should also be a certain amount of praise given to Midoki for their constant efforts to make the game better and rewarding for all people that play it no matter the pirate hall level and guild, they put up with a lot and are deserving of gratitude!! :D:D
  6. ScoopyWP

    ScoopyWP Crew

    Unfortunately for the wrong reasons
  7. ScoopyWP

    ScoopyWP Crew

    Change is good if it improves things. I cannot see how this change improves game enjoyment for anyone, big or small.
  8. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    My what short memories some pirates appear to have... for those of us who can remember Rumbles being introduced into the game - they have gone through several iterations since.

    Those complaining about having to wait a few hours for a match, obviously don’t remember (or weren’t around for) the update that made waits of a few days the norm for the leaderboard guilds!

    When that happened, the leaderboard guilds very quickly simply gamed the system, introduced a couple of PH1s & completely negated the update. Small wonder that this time around, Midoki would like the change to be given a more honest chance of improving the game for the majority of players.

    Bravo Midoki for implementing player averages - a change that has long been requested.
    Intimidator and Jake the Snake like this.
  9. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I remember waiting 24h or more for a match. The anticipation was brutal lol. I forget what the record time was but I know it was prob longer or until someone accepted a mini to get us a match already! Madness :)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2019
  10. Capnpoopoopants

    Capnpoopoopants Powder Monkey

    Yes I get it. Midoki changes the game for the better quite often. Kudos.
    Matchmaking for a lesser guild copping the impossibly big guys should be fixed sure.

    Nobody has told me why this change in matchmaking means 2 guilds because of their respective combined player rumble average are receiving 5,5000,5000,150 for winning or 0,1000,1000,whatever for losing?

    What is the point of the rewards in a 1v1 being that low?

    Does Midoki want me to kick my non rumblers to get my averages and therefore rewards up? I don’t give a rat’s ass who I am matched against coz soon I won’t have a team.
    SkimPappa likes this.
  11. Dear Diary... Midoki regardless of your Rock Status, remember we made you too. So this new systems you have implemented are really naughty. Why because they are going to potentially backfire...So remember your friends. D
  12. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    @Capnpoopoopants no need to kick anyone (unless you want to rumble constantly)... your active rumblers could simply create or join a separate guild for rumbles & then return home in between.

    Obviously if half your group want to rumble constantly & the other half never want to - then you are already trying to hold together two mutually-exclusive sets of players. Your guild would certainly not be the first & unfortunately not be the last to encounter this.

    Most guilds faced with this situation have simply divided into two separate rumble & farming guilds.

    @Dplank Beard Midoki know exactly who their customers are! This change has been requested (by many of them) for a long time.
  13. Deathblood

    Deathblood Powder Monkey

    This is to get rid of non-paying members and guilds. This change is really just a screw you if you aren’t a heavily paying member. I think they’re going to see s lot of people leave and a lot of bad press from reviews. My guild has already told everyone to stop rumbling and to leave the game if this isn’t corrected soon. Midoki is just becoming a greedy game company that is giving most of us the finger right now.
    laaafish likes this.
  14. @peg-brain bob, Thanks for the response, though can you release the stats on some charts..etc. number percentages,flow charts maybe some ole school bean counters...(by many of them) that wanted this change because?? I feel their isn't by many of them. D :)
  15. laaafish

    laaafish Crew

    Before this update I just wanted rumble rewards that were fair. We could be matched with an equal or better guild and the rewards were lower than 1. 2million. Then again with similar guilds it was 3 million.
    Since the update I don't think we have got above 75k. How is that fair or what everybody has been asking for? Midoki just looking after the gemmers and high scoring guilds.
    Guilds already disheartened by low rewards and hoping for improvements only to get what we have now. I don't see the point in rumbling anymore and not much point in continuing to play and I doubt I'm the only one thinking it. Yes I do remember what it was like before rumbles were introduced.
    SkimPappa and Tanglfoot like this.
  16. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Well, people have been asking for better matchmaking since time immemorial - both big scoring guilds that were bored of squishing low scoring guilds, and low scoring guilds that were sick of being the squishees. There's still room for improvement - we're looking at speeding up the matchmaking a little, but the question is how much we sacrifice with the accuracy of the matchups.

    What nobody asked for was distinctly underwhelming rewards. Remember this is a new system, and it's still being tweaked - the rewards will be boosted across the board to hopefully be a bit fairer to the small guilds, whilst not drowning the lower levels' economy with resources.

    But (and this is a big but) as I've mentioned before, smaller, lower scoring guilds aren't going to be getting the same rewards as the big hitters, who not only do a lot more battles per player, but also managed to hold together and co-ordinate 40+ high scoring players on a regular basis.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  17. This is all about big hitters in Guilds and gem purchasing now and the top Guilds win and never feel sorry and feel what are we are talking about. Hmmmmm.
  18. Deathblood

    Deathblood Powder Monkey

    But what a bunch of idiots to think 1000 gold and grog is worth anything even to newbies. No, this was to get rid of non pay per play people and make money.
    laaafish likes this.
  19. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Good morning @Lynsey [Midoki] - I have a question here. When you refer to “smaller” guilds, are we talking about actual size of guilds or ph level? The reason I ask is because hypothetically I could be in a guild of 5 members, all PH13, all who score 20k or more in rumbles. Technically we would be small in size but in ph level we would be maxed out, and technically we might not have a super high rumble average due to low membership but for a group of 5 our average would be good! that certainly doesn’t mean we should be fighting for minimal rewards. A group of ph13 no matter the actual size should at least be playing for what you can steal from 1 island, something like 2.5-3 million. I understand low rewards if a guild is full of ph3 or something especially since they cannot even hold all the winnings, but upper level ph’s should be fighting for upper level rewards, no matter how “small” the guild is. I think that’s why so many here are complaining about the rewards being so low. They are ph13 and a reward of 75k gold n grog is literally laughable. That rearms 1 voodoo flower. I mean come on, it makes more sense to base rewards off of ph level, not size. I also understand guilds simply starting rumbles to get decent second place rewards and actually doing nothing in a rumble which sucks, but I think that’s where the better matching comes in which hopefully encourages more fighting. Can you better explain the reward system/tiers so we all can understand how this works and where we sit in the system?


    850arrr, laaafish and Capnpoopoopants like this.
  20. Capnpoopoopants

    Capnpoopoopants Powder Monkey

    • Swearing
    @peg-brain bob I hear ya but personally dividing would be a hassle and we are laid back old blokes happy just hanging out and trying to win our weekend rumbles. Now we are being insulted and it is clear the devs are going for the $$$. I get treated like * in my work place, don’t need to feel like an inadequate under performer in my lounge room at home.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2019

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