Plunder Pirates World Race to the Top! All Guilds Welcome, April 7-12!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arr, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    Congrats @J0ck0

    :) We'll be back soon enough. :)
    J0ck0 likes this.
  2. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Sounds like a plan is developing! Let's go, @Kelani! It doesn't have to be to the top - make your own personal goals and try to achieve them! Let's all move the needle and have fun. This goes for all guilds - contact those around your current rank and have a bit of local fun! We'd love to see everyone in the PP world universe participating. =)

    Good idea, @Tim Thomas. Looking at the Calendar, April 12th is a Sunday and a very good day to reach the finish line. I have 3 time zones in mind - the UK, US East Coast, and US West Coast. What do you say we end at Midnight GMT (technically April 13th there)? That would be 12 April, 5 PM eastern and 2PM western time in the States. That's should be sufficient to give everyone a chance to race on Sunday. We'll keep on racing until we get the official refresh on or after that time.

    Start gearing up when we all reach you guys! Pirates United is invited to this race, as are all the guilds!
    Skull King and J0ck0 like this.
  3. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    I am in. Name the date, should be fun
    Skull King likes this.
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Talk to my guild! :p That lack of loot is just a killer for us :)
  5. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Thinking it needs to be a bit later end time... I have a few really good players that live in Hawaii (lucky bums).
    3pm in Hawaii would give west coast US and Hawaii a chuck of time for a final push
    Plus I have folks in New Zealand so the IDL makes a good start point

    April 8 12:01am NZST
    April 12 15:00pm HAST

    That would end at 9pm US east coast, Midnight in London
  6. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

    Looks like it's going to take shape! Thanks for the replies....Hey! Other guilds! anyone else want to wager in on some all out plunder fun? Don't be afraid to speak up, now is the time!
    # Johnny Doe # and Skull King like this.
  7. TBird

    TBird Captain

    So far it looks like:

    Meyham Mutineers
    Pirates United
    Tortuga Nest
    Red Flag Fleet

    Any other guilds to add to out list?
    Skull King likes this.
  8. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

    Looks to be a heck of a fight there lads! Oooooooooo.....Can't wait!
    How much to upgrade my defenses?
    Skull King, Daddy P and Dale Thrip like this.
  9. My kids have spring break STARTING on Good Friday, lasting through the week beyond Easter. I for one won't be able to participate if we do it then, but if im the only holdout, so be it.
    Skull King likes this.
  10. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

    Thats what this thread is for...we'll all work something out!
  11. Krayzkat

    Krayzkat Crew

    This a great idea.

    It's the only way to actually properly give individual guilds their best achievable rank. There must be 30+ guilds that all claim to be 'top 10' simply because each individual guild pushes at different times and hence other top guilds aren't pushing, therefore artificially inflating their max rankings.
    Arr and Skull King like this.
  12. TBird

    TBird Captain

    How about the rest of Bad Piggies??
    Sure hearding 5000 cats we will always have date conflicts with a few people.
    Skull King and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  13. Rest of our guild seems enthusiastic. Just hoping most of us will be able to participate. Still discussing.
    JimmyM32 and Skull King like this.
  14. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    Family first @filthysnotrag !
    JimmyM32 likes this.
  15. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    Awesome idea!! The Piggies are having a pow-wow, would love to be part of it. Closest thing to guild wars we can get :)
    Skull King likes this.
  16. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Sounds fun to see these forum players in game as well. :)
    Arr and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  17. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Keep chatting, everyone! Let's sync up and get as many guilds involved as possible. Again, all in the name of fun!
    Skull King and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  18. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    I've been discussing this idea with my crew and officers in our daughter guilds. We'd like to participate, but the proposed timeframe is not good for several of our key officers, including myself (I will be on vacation in Italy). Furthermore, we'd like a bit more time so as to establish a more even playing field; the new Academy and Voodoo Hut upgrades will make a significant difference. I therefore propose that the event run from April 26 - April 30, the last 5 days in April.
  19. TBird

    TBird Captain

    How about April 22-26 or April 29-May 3, end it on a weekend?
  20. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    April 29 to May 3 would be perfect. Thank you.
    Darke Shadow likes this.

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