Plunder Pirates World Race to the Top! All Guilds Welcome, April 7-12!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arr, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Arr

    Arr Captain

    We'll see you at the races! =)
    JimmyM32 likes this.
  2. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

  3. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Depending where your located because it's the 7th of April for USA. Should be fun.
    Floki and JimmyM32 like this.
  4. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    My guild might have a handful of available spots for anyone who wishes to come join us for a few days and help push. Just wait until you see us moving up the leader board before joining. I'll send another message out once the push starts. Any Guild Hall 4 players are welcome to join us now, just message me for guild details. This should be fun, can't wait!
  5. Arr

    Arr Captain

    More importantly, the end dates and times are posted in OP. That's the finish line! We'll being recording on said start times on the 7th/8th.
    Christy likes this.
  6. Arr

    Arr Captain

    That's the spirit! :) Join Spongee in his fight! Also, other guilds should feel free to come out and represent yourselves proudly! The more the merrier. :)
  7. TBird

    TBird Captain

    So can we add you to the list of guilds pushing?

    So far it looks like:

    Meyham Mutineers
    Pirates United
    Tortuga Nest
    Red Flag Fleet
    Black Flag
    Pegleg Munity

    Any other guilds to add to the list?
  8. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Thanks, Tim. I'll update the OP with the list of participating guilds. Teams, submit your guild to the roster and let's get going!
  9. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    We have zero inactive members in our guilds so everyone in on the push will be working their butts off. Do high ranked, inactive players even show up to attack???
  10. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Also I think maybe a few rules should be set about swapping players in and out of the guild during the push. Maybe have all the members that are there at the start have to stay to the finish. And if someone leaves the guild during the push they cannot be replaced by another until the race is over.
  11. Arr

    Arr Captain

    I thought about that as well after glancing over the CoC clan war rules. We should just play it by the honor system since there will be too many guilds to track and we can't recalculate Guild Rank based on whatever roster rules we come up with here. Let's just say that each individual participant should represent their own guild as much as possible, i.e., not shuffle temporarily to a random guild just to inflate their Guild Rank. However, we should also be mindful of other guilds who many be looking to recruit new members (this race would be an excellent opportunity for them to do so.)

    Speaking of which, I've updated the OP with the list of participating guilds along with a link to their respective recruitment thread. This is an excellent opportunity for your guild to gain visibility, so join up and get your name out there!

    As a bonus, I will be tracking and regularly reporting participating guild progress throughout the race. Really looking forward to seeing everyone do as well as they can!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
    Christy likes this.
  12. Arr

    Arr Captain

    A note to participating guilds - since I've linked your recruitment threads on the OP, feel free to update the first and last posts on your recruitment page if necessary to reel in new membership!

    I've also added the following to the OP:

    We can do with a little positivity around here, and I can't wait for this race to start! Maybe I should start a countdown timer... :)
  13. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I can understand it would be a great time to be able to recruit new players. We are also recruiting. My biggest concern (my guild included) would be teams with multiple guilds. If a guild member is pushing and grog is low, moving to the other guild to farm for a day to replenish and then coming back may not be fair to guilds without multiple guilds. Everyone should have to tough it out together :D it would definitely have to be an honor system.
  14. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    We Piggies are closely observing the festivities, and intend to take this competition with a storm of oinks in May. Our April push will be a practice run for May.

    I would be reluctant to agree to the *all* the terms Christy suggested or suggested by implication. We created daughter guilds specifically to give us an advantage when pushing for rank, and it was a major investment in time and energy to do so. Any other guild could create such a structure, and so we wouldn't agree to rules that prohibit us from moving players ONCE at any time before or during the competition. We WOULD agree to rules that prohibit us from moving the same player MORE THAN ONCE between or amongst guilds during the term of the competition.

    The above would address the problem mentioned by Christy (moving back and forth to farm for grog), whilst preserving our ability to use our family of guilds to push for the highest rank possible. We would further agree jointly with the other competitors to use our best efforts to avoid any "friendly fire" incidents between members of our family of guilds during the term of the competition (as it would otherwise be possible for members in our daughter guilds theoretically to seek out and surrender to members of Bad Piggies, thereby artificially inflating rank).
    Christy likes this.
  15. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    It would work to our advantage as well to move players in and out. I don't want to make any rules for this push/race. I just don't want to be accused of cheating or anything so I am just trying to see if there are things we can or cannot do. I am all for a no rules or guidelines race. I just want to know either way so I can let our members know.
    Ian and Tex like this.
  16. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Great points, @Christy and @Ashraman. I'm glad that we are working to achieve a middle ground in consideration of other guilds, both current participants and potential racers alike.

    Monitoring and regulating participating guild rosters during this event would be tricky. Let's keep the rules loose and relaxed for the time being, with the exception of any funny business like the pig-feeder system. No funny business allowed - just clean ranking!

    One thing we can do is note participants with single guilds and give them a big nod. =)

    Let's see our guild push, take in new members that gel with the guild culture, and have some fun while doing it!
    Christy and Spongee like this.
  17. Grande Richard

    Grande Richard Powder Monkey

    Hey guys and gals! I'm fairly new to the game and boards, but I just wanted to post and say what a great idea this is! I'm in the building (and learning) stage, and unfortunately don't have the troops to participate at this time, but I'll definately be watching from the sidelines. Have a great time! It's ideas like this that take the game to another level.

    Captain-The Belgariad
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
    *Cap'n Sparkle* and Christy like this.
  18. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Hi @Grande Richard and welcome to the Plunder Pirates forums. :) This is a great time to join a guild if you haven't done so already. And if you're in a guild, convince your team to add their name to the hat!
  19. Grande Richard

    Grande Richard Powder Monkey

    Thanks Arr! Would love ta join in on the fun! Been pushin (myself), but trying to find actives like myself is proving difficult. I'm determined to get this guild off the ground (and into the water). Hopefully I'll start seeing more activity from the troops soon.

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