Rumble Rival Matchmaking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Fish Eyed Pirate, May 21, 2015.

  1. Boring I know but the matchmaking doesn't seem fair. I'm a PH8 of some description at PR 550+. Why on earth is the system matching me with PR 5's? Where's the sense in that, a few gunners and the occassional Brute and I'm done. I need more matches with my peers, especially those in the rumble. Other than that, it's just a slaughter plus we're not progressing as a game.

    I can imagine the responses to this but:
    a.) It's counteractive to the maturity of the game as a whole
    b.) It's not fun for a PH8 to batter a PH 6-, regardless of the BP on offer (unless your lurking in the 100's like a leach).
    c.) If this had hapened to me at PH5-, I would have have given up and gone Candy Crushing or something [shudder].

    So, my thoughts are, never let a PH attack a PH level more than +-1, ever (rumble or no rumble). Sorry grog hoovers, but there's a lot of young bases out there.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  2. Perhaps the top ranked guilds should just reserve a day and time once a week to all start a rumble, so at least one weekly rumble is interesting. It's going to get boring quick continuing to slaughter the competition without even trying. This current rumble we are in we are matched with an 11 member guild as #2, the rest have fewer. The loot is nice for free. But, a lot of our guild are maxed and want a fight for entertainment's sake.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  3. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    but where is the problem?
    Rumble is annouced as "battles between top guilds get personal"
    So if small guilds or guilds with low level PH are so stupid to start a rumble it is their problem.
    It's like starting on 1/4 mile race with a regular Toyota Yaris. Funny idea but senseless.
  4. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    I'm just enjoying the free loot and gems....until it gets boring...again

    Christy likes this.
  5. KayJay

    KayJay Powder Monkey

    Eek, we got paired with Bad Piggies who had more than double our guild score - and we were the next level guild down. Total trouncing and our guys did not stand a chance. Not sure the matchmaking is entirely sorted just yet.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  6. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    We also felt a bit guilty about that one @KayJay ;)
    KayJay likes this.
  7. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Some tweaks to the Rumble matchmaking are going to be rolled out either today or tomorrow, so hopefully that will lead to slightly more even matches.
    KayJay likes this.
  8. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    The guild rules state that matching is based on member count. 50-guild guilds AND 1-member guilds have been a part of most rumbles I have seen. So it seems off more than "slightly"!
  9. We just got in a new rumble after the maintenance. I would say this match up is fair. All guilds have about an equal amount of players and guildrank. Think that's because of this new changes.
    KayJay and Raptelan like this.
  10. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Awesome to hear! Looking forward to our next match!
  11. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Our last two rumble matchups have been much better. Looks a lot more promising. Drew guild #6 Russia this one.
  12. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    I may have a gift for understatement.

    Anyhoo, the maintenance today introduced two things:

    * A change in the way Rumble matching is queued, which will hopefully lead to increased stability
    * Improved matchmaking, which should lead to more even Rumbles - however, we'll continue to monitor, and make changes if needed
    # Johnny Doe #, Christy, Bear and 2 others like this.
  13. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    ...Just started another rumble. We are a 40 member guild, all PH8 except for a couple members who have it building, with rank of 5178. Our matches are as follows:
    * 5 member guild, rank 662
    * 49 member guild, rank 3488
    * 18 member guild, rank 539
    * 50 member guild, rank 2264.

    Well, another easy win and easy grog refills! Feel really sorry for the 5 and 18 member guilds that don't stand a chance though. On the bright side, no 1-member guilds this time!

    The "Rumble Rules" state:

    "Your Guild is assessed and placed into a pool of other Guilds based on similar number of players and the average Pirate Hall level."

    This seems to be clearly untrue as we have yet to be matched to any guild with a member count within 5 of our own. And based on the PH5 and PH6 Rumble rivals that I've been seeing in matches, it is not based on PH level either. what *is* it based on? I would request that the Rules state whatever the truth actually is, or adjust truth to match them. ;)
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  14. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    It's based on guild size and PH level - however, the 'tolerance' expands over time, relaxing the requirements to ensure speedy matching. It's a balance of quality/accuracy of matchup and the time it takes - we've been erring on the side of caution in terms of time, and allowing the search to expand quite quickly so people can start their Rumble quickly (the reverse would be having very firm matchmaking that we don't expand at all, but at the risk of matchmaking taking much longer - the guilds you face would be far more appropriate, but at the risk having no idea when your Rumble will actually start).

    We're gradually tweaking the balance so that the matchmaking waits longer before considering guilds outside of the appropriate PH/size preferences, but it is a gradual, carefully monitored process, because we don't want to twist the dial too far the other way and suddenly find that players are complaining because their Rumbles are taking too long to start (for example as a worst case scenario, a Captain might say, "We're starting a Rumble at 2pm", but the Rumble doesn't start for an hour or two and then they're miffed because loads of the members have gone offline).
  15. This is our matchup which I consider rather fair.
  16. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    @ Fish-eyed. Fair? Hardly!! You are matched up against a guild of 34 Titans. Everyone knows Titans are twice as big as most men. That means that guild is really equal to a 68 member mere mortal guild. Hardly fair at all lol.
    TBird, Ian, Christy and 2 others like this.
  17. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Okay, this sounds reasonable (and actually a clever solution since there will always be a fair bit of variability to how many are currently seeking a rumble). However I think you can allow a lot more time! Rumbles last 24 hours allowing all members regardless of timezone to get in a full day of gameplay. Currently these bad matches are starting very quickly - I would say within one minute or maybe two. I would be happy to wait a half hour if need be! I am not sure how other guilds operate but we just wait a few minutes after our rumble finishes (to avoid re-matching the exact same opponents which happened to us once) and then start another one right away. Since it takes 24 hours and then some delay before starting another one even if we tried not to wait, it would be impossible to say "we start at 2PM every day" anyways.
    Fang likes this.
  18. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Agreed. 15-30 minute wait is extremely reasonable for a 24 hour war if it means a more competetive rumble. People will whine of course, but why should this be any different. :rolleyes:
  19. KayJay

    KayJay Powder Monkey

    Oooh, there's us! Wave to the Dread Pirates everyone.
  20. Fang

    Fang First Mate

    i think a 30 minute wait on a rumble to start is very reasonable.

    You may want to put up a notice for Captains that says "it may take up to 30 minutes to find matching opponents" or some kind of notice so they aren't wondering what is going on...

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