Rumble Rival Matchmaking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Fish Eyed Pirate, May 21, 2015.

  1. SvenGhoolie

    SvenGhoolie Powder Monkey

    Good to see this being monitored. Hope it's changes soon. We got screwed in the match. Wasted my gems.
  2. C.Calamity

    C.Calamity Crew

    I just wiped out 90% of a 'super' base (PH8 with solid gold walls all round) but because he had dropped down to PR163 while I was 342, the victory gave me just 1 PR.

    I thought BP reward during rumbles was based on the comparative level of PHs, not PR. guess I was wrong.

    mmm... But where we can see how many BPs were awarded? In the logs, I can see PR values but not BPs.

    errors encountered: (a) his PH collapsed as the countdown ended, complete with applause but it wasn't included in the result, (b) the replay is sooooooo wrong (deviated after a splash event hit my bombers)

    Oh well.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  3. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    No way to see BP in the log, sadly. :( I think this should be added.
    Blueberry and Bear like this.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Agreed. BP should be added.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 here for this.....
  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Another rumble, 39 members in our guild this time, rank 5360. Our matches:
    * 9 member guild, rank 777
    * 50 member guild, rank 4120
    * 45 member guild, rank 3371
    * 4 member guild, rank 332

    Once again, a couple decent matches (in particular, the GR 4120 one is not too much different from us), but really unfair to the others.

    In another guild, 48 members, well-varied PH levels, rank 2638. Matches:
    * 8 member guild, rank 676
    * 1 member guild, rank 117
    * 1 member guild, rank 34
    * 2 member guild, rank 37

    This is just awful! Oh well, we can happily sit back and be lazy farmers and collect the 1st place rewards for doing nothing. Which is apparently what some people want Rumbles to be. :)

    (Disclaimer: This post not meant to complain, just provide feedback, looking forward to ongoing tweaking!)
  7. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    No question about it that smaller guilds get screwed on this. I'm super tired of winning rumbles without even trying, as I'm sure smaller guilds are getting tired of not having a chance. I actually dont see this getting much better anyway. There really doesnt seem to be many high level active guild who wanna compete. I'd say a dozen at most.
  8. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    In lieu of improved matching, how's about we pick a time to all start a rumble at the same time in hopes of matching one another? Say, Monday at noon EST?
  9. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Note to self: Do not start rumble Monday at noon :confused:
  10. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Thank you for sparing us! I know how you guys roll... ;)
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  11. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    All you need for lightning-like rumble start with precise matchup regardless of guild ranks is to create a floating reward bp calculation depending on current players in a rumble (first 5 guilds taken with zero time to matchup).
    Just calculate em all and derive personal reward bp for every player. Thus small and weak guilds will be able to compete with tough ones and the main mark will be activity and efficiency of attacks (stars) as it must be.
    You can even include considering days of player's inactivity to this calculation to catch an eluding perfection...
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Just a report on how things are as of today. AG is currently 46 on the leader boards. Mostly ph 8.
    Here us our matches for the rumble we started a couple hours ago.
    Even the 50/50 Guild only has a few ph 8.

    I know this is being worked on, so this is not meant as a complaint, but as a report on the current status of things.
  13. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    We had two good rumbles matched with the #6 guild (Russia). Beat them both times. (it reminded me of the two rumbles we had against POCCNR, and the one with Russian Wolfs...if I didn't know better I'd think Midoki likes pitting us against Russians for some reason!) Now we are matched against much more basic guilds again.

    BarbaryRenegade is currently #768, and today matched Black Flag (high on the leaderboard).

    I don't think guild rank is a factor at all in the matching...
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  14. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    We were placed against Sinister Souls last go round. It was a better rumble than usual, but still finished with a considerable lead.
  15. Guess Sinister Souls isn't what it used to be..
  16. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Dear Raptelan, it must be good for you to know that my guild Russia don't _fight_ in any rumble. I directly forbid my crew using gems and we don't rush attacks in tens. Rumble is nothing more than a grog supply for us. We laughed at your (personally) hundreds attacks with far from best efficiency and low bp each one ) "Does this geek has a job?" my mate asked )
    So your and many other guilds will "beat" us any time )
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    Fil likes this.
  17. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Haha, sore loser much?

    We don't "fight" in the rumbles either - not the way RFF & MM did - we just play the game as usual for loot and/or rank and learning and the rumble earnings come on their own. To us it is just background income, but if another active guild such as yours comes along, people tend to play more than otherwise, so it makes it a more enjoyable time for the guild than when we get poor-quality matchups like today. I only meant to mention your guild in a complimentary way, because it was a lot more fun to be in rumbles with your guild (and POCCNR) than most of the other guilds we have been matched with.

    So it's pretty rude to make insults. But since you did, I will address it - I was not playing for BP, at all. I was playing for rank, and am studying different attack styles on bases in the 700's. Occasionally it is nice to attack a few lower rank Rumble Rival bases to reload on grog. I "personally" did not have "hundreds" of attacks - I had maybe 50. One other guild member had over 100, but he also was not playing to win the rumble. And yes - I have a job, a wife, and a son; not that it matters, thanks for asking.

    Today's matches:
    * 45 member guild, half our rank.
    * 14 member guild
    * 7 member guild
    * 2 member guild

    Again just not fair at all. Yesterday's which I didn't record was not a challenge either. The rank is not so important perhaps, but why should a guild of 47 be matched with guilds of 2-15? This just seems unreasonably fair to the smaller guilds. It is more fun for everyone to be matched against guilds of a similar competitive level.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    PTO Plunderer likes this.
  18. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Looking at the discussion above it makes it glaringly obvious that setting a limit to the number of attacks that can be accredited to the total BP score of a rumble needs to be implemented.

    This way, a rumble victory would be determined on skill moreover frivolous spending of gems. @Lynsey [Midoki]
    Daddy P likes this.
  19. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    This is what is wrong with this game. All the rank hugging guilds just wanna sit at their rank and get easy loot from rumbles to upgrade their bases and continue to hug rank. Nobody wants to compete, they instead flame the guilds that do crying about gemming. We Rumbled with you guys as well and you didnt try against us either. How boring it must be.
    I hoped rumbles would make the game fun again but it is quickly becoming clear that it will not. With only a handfull of guilds who wanna compete it looks like rumbles are a huge bust. :(
  20. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    I think the only thing that is "Bust" about the rumbles is that in order to compete with Gemming Guilds one must spend more resource(particularly gems) to win than what can be gained.

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